GLO Dutch Bidco / Mallinckrodt Netherlands and Mallinckrodt Nuclear Medicine merger inquiry

The CMA investigated and cleared the completed acquisition by GLO Dutch Bidco of Mallinckrodt Netherlands Holdings BV and Mallinckrodt Nuclear Medicine LLC.

Statutory timetable

Phase 1 Date Action
7 July 2017 Decision published
26 June 2017 Decision announced
5 June 2017 Revocation of the initial enforcement order
8 May 2017 Launch of merger inquiry
24 March 2017 Initial enforcement order

Phase 1

CMA clearance decision

26 June 2017: The CMA has cleared the acquisition by GLO Dutch Bidco of Mallinckrodt Netherlands Holdings BV and Mallinckrodt Nuclear Medicine LLC, using the ‘de minimis’ exception. The full text of the decision is available below.

Revocation of initial enforcement order

7 June 2017: In view of the evidence available to the CMA at this stage, the CMA revoked the initial enforcement order on 5 June 2017.

Launch of merger inquiry

8 May 2017: The CMA announced the launch of its merger inquiry by notice to the parties.

Initial enforcement order

31 March 2017: On 24 March 2017, the CMA served an initial enforcement order under section 72(2) of the Enterprise Act 2002 on GLO BidCo S.ả r.l., IBA Pharma SA, GLO Dutch Bidco, B.V. and Mallinckrodt Netherlands Holdings BV, in relation to the completed acquisition GLO Dutch Bidco B.V. of Mallinckrodt Netherlands Holdings B.V. and Mallinckrodt Nuclear Medicine LLC.

Amendments/consents granted


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Updates to this page

Published 30 March 2017
Last updated 7 July 2017 + show all updates
  1. Full text of the decision published.

  2. Clearance decision announced.

  3. Revocation order published.

  4. Derogation published.

  5. Launch of CMA merger inquiry

  6. Variation order published.

  7. Initial enforcement order and derogations published.

  8. First published.