NATS En-route Limited (NERL) Price Determination

The CAA referred an appeal from NATS to the CMA for a determination on the price controls.

Administrative timetable

14 May 2020: the CAA has granted an extension of the deadline to 17 November 2020. The revised administrative timetable is below.

Published on 20 November 2019, as required by Rule 7 of the Competition &Markets Authority Rules of Procedure for Merger, Market and Special ReferenceGroups (CMA17). Any revisions made to the timetable will be published on this website.

Date Action
17 November 2020 Revised statutory deadline for determination to be sent to the CAA
24 April 2020 Responses to Provisional Findings published
24 March 2020 Provisional findings published
Early-mid February 2020 Main party hearings
December 2019/mid January 2020 Third party submissions and hearings
Late December Deadline for NATS response to CAA reply
Mid December 2020 Deadline for CAA reply to NATS submission
29 November Deadline for initial submission from NATS
19 November Reference made, and initial submission received from CAA

Final report

The CMA submitted its final report to the CAA on 23 July 2020. The summary and full report are below:

Main party responses to the consultation on approach to COVID-19

Third party responses to consultation on approach to COVID-19

Consultation on approach to COVID-19

24 June 2020: The CMA is consulting on provisional conclusions on the appropriate approach to take in this reference concerning the impact of COVID-19. Responses are requested by Wednesday 1 July.

Main Party responses to Provisional Findings

Responses to Provisional Findings

Provisional findings

24 March 2020: The CMA has published its provisional findings and invites comments to be received by 5pm on Wednesday 15 April 2020. Please send representations to [email protected].

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, the CMA’s offices across the UK are closed until further notice. We are no longer able to accept delivery of any documents or correspondence by post or courier to any of our offices.

Representations from third parties

Main party submissions

Notice of reference

Special reference group appointed

19 November 2019: The CMA has appointed the special reference group.

Kirstin Baker – Chair of the special reference group

Susan Hankey

Paul Muysert

Reference from the CAA

In August 2019, the CAA published its Final Decision on the price control called ‘RP3’, which will apply for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2024. NATS has rejected this Decision, and the CAA has asked the CMA for a determination on the price controls.

The CMA must conclude the determination within 6 months of the reference, unless the CAA agrees to an extension of up to a further 6 months.

Representations from third parties invited: now closed

6 December 2019: We welcome representations from third parties on areas which will help inform the Group’s decision. Representations should be received by the CMA by 31 December 2019. Some third parties have contacted us in respect of submissions on issues where there might be a potential read-across to other cases. We will take such submissions into account where they are directly relevant to the NATS determination and therefore would help the CMA in this case.

Representations should be sent to [email protected]

Updates to this page

Published 20 November 2019
Last updated 5 January 2023 + show all updates
  1. Errata slip relating to Appendix E of the final report published.

  2. Final report and appendices and glossary published.

  3. Summary of final report published.

  4. Party responses to consultation on approach to COVID-19 and additional response to the provisional findings by NATS published.

  5. Consultation on approach to COVID-19 published.

  6. Extension of deadline granted and updated administrative timetable published.

  7. Main Party responses to Provisional Findings published.

  8. Responses to Provisional Findings published.

  9. Provisional findings report published.

  10. Provisional findings report, appendices and glossary published.

  11. Summary of provisional findings published.

  12. CAA Notice of Variation to the Reference published.

  13. Additional third party representation published.

  14. Additional third party representations added.

  15. 3 further representations from third parties published.

  16. NATS response to CAA and representations from third parties published.

  17. CAA response to Statement of Case published.

  18. Representations from third parties invited by 31 December 2019.

  19. NATS Statement of Case published.

  20. Main party submission published.

  21. First published.