Omnicell / SurgiChem

The CMA investigated the anticipated acquisition by Omnicell, Inc./ MTS Medication Technologies, Inc of SurgiChem Limited.

Administrative timetable

Phase 2 Action
8 August 2014 Final report published
End of July 2014 Final deadline for all parties’ responses/submissions
Late July – August 2014 Remedies hearing(s) (if required)
July 2014 Notifying provisional findings and considering possible remedies
Mid June 2014 Deadline for all parties’ responses/submissions required before provisional findings
June 2014 Main party hearings
May – June 2014 Verify information, consider provisional findings
Mid April 2014 Publish a statement of issues
April 2014 Third party hearings.
March – May 2014 Gathering information, issuing questionnaires.
14 March 2014 Phase 2 merger reference made
Phase 1 Action
20 May 2014 Decision published
14 March 2014 Reference decision
16-27 January 2014 Invitation to comment
15 January 2014 Launch of merger enquiry

Phase 2

Final report published

On 8 August 2014, the CMA published its final report into the anticipated acquisition by Omnicell, Inc./MTS Medication Technologies, Inc. of SurgiChem Limited. The CMA cleared the proposed acquisition for the reasons set out in the report below:

Provisional findings

On 11 July 2014, the CMA published its provisional findings into the anticipated acquisition by Omnicell, Inc./MTS Medication Technologies, Inc. of SurgiChem Limited. The CMA provisionally cleared the proposed acquisition for the reasons set out in the summary and full report below. Any interested party is now invited to respond to the provisional findings as set out in the notice of provisional findings.


CMA commissioned research and survey

Third party hearing summaries

Between April to May 2014

Gathering information

Between March to May 2014

Issues statement

In this statement we set out the key issues that we are likely to consider in reaching our decision. This does not preclude the consideration of any other issues that may be identified in the course of our inquiry.

Inquiry group members appointed

Appointed on 25 March 2014

Roger Witcomb (chairman), Marisa Cassoni, Michael Hutchings, Jill May

Merger reference made to the CC

Phase 1

OFT reference decision

The decision in this case was announced on 14 March 2014. The full text of the decision is available below:

Invitation to comment: Now closed

The OFT is considering whether arrangements are in progress or in contemplation which, if carried into effect, will result in the creation of a relevant merger situation under the merger provisions of the Enterprise Act 2002 and, if so, whether the creation of that situation may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition within any market or markets in the United Kingdom for goods or services.

Launch of OFT merger inquiry

The OFT launched its merger inquiry following receipt of a satisfactory submission on 15 January 2014.


To respond to the notice of provisional findings, please email [email protected] or write to:

Inquiry Manager

Omnicell/Surgichem merger inquiry
Competition and Markets Authority
Victoria House
Southampton Row

Updates to this page

Published 8 August 2014