Verizon / Vodafone Appeal
The Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) has published the Competition Commission’s (CC’s) final determination in an appeal brought by Verizon and Vodafone, following their appeal against a price control decision by Ofcom on how much British Telecom can charge communications providers for access to some of its business connectivity services using Traditional Interface technologies.
Administrative timetable
- Originally published on the 20 August 2013, as required by Rule 6 of the Competition Commission Rules of Procedure. Revision published on the 16 October 2013.
Phase 2 | Action |
22 July 2013 | Vodafone and Verizon reference made by the Competition Appeal Tribunal |
27 August 2013 | Closing date for Core Submissions |
September 2013 | Bilateral hearings with main parties and interveners |
October/early November 2013 | Provisional determination published |
November 2013 | Submissions on provisional determination |
November 2013 | Hearings on provisional determination |
November 2013 | Submissions on provisional determination |
23 December 2013 | Statutory deadline for determination |
Phase 2
Date of referral: 22/07/2013 Statutory deadline: 23/12/2013
Email: [email protected]
Background information
- Ofcom Business Connectivity Market Review 2012
- Verizon UK Limited and Vodafone Limited v Office of Communications Appeal 2013
Inquiry Group
- Roger Witcomb (Chairman of the Group), Jayne Scott, Jon Stern, John Wotton
Core documents
- CAT refers leased lines appeal to CC (01.08.13)
- Administrative timetable (PDF, 28 Kb) (20.08.13 Revised: 17.10.13)
- CC telecoms determination published (20.12.13)
- Final determination (PDF, 607 Kb) (20.12.13)