CLOSED Low Carbon: Call in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (OC05R16P 0285)

Call to run a project supporting the shift twoards a low carbon economy in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

This call is now closed. Please do not submit an application for this call. The information provided on this page is for reference purposes only.


This call is looking to support the shift to low carbon economy in all sectors and specifically promote the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable resources and research and innovation in, and adoption of, low-carbon technologies.

For more information, download the call specification.


The project must cover the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership area.


Up to £10.6 million of funding is available through this call. A minimum value of £500,000 of funding can be applied for.


Outline application deadline: 10 June 2016.

Completion date

It is anticipated that funding from this call will be awarded for up to 3 years.

How to apply

To apply for funding under this call you will need to complete and send the Outline Application form to the email address provided in the call document. The guidance provides information to help you complete the form. The form and guidance can be found here.

You are also advised to read the details in the call documents in order to produce an application that complies with the requirements and meets the needs set out in the Operational Programme. All this information, the related guidance and the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme can be found from our home page.

What happens next

If your outline application is successful, we’ll contact you and ask you to make a full application.

Contact details

If you have a question, contact [email protected].

Call reference number: OC05R16P 0285

Updates to this page

Published 10 February 2016
Last updated 13 June 2016 + show all updates
  1. This call has closed.

  2. First published.