Local service budgets for 2015 to 2016
Details of public service allocations from central government departments to local authorities.
In the Autumn Statement 2014, the government committed to publishing local service budgets for 2015 to 2016 on a single webpage in December.
HM Treasury and the Department for Communities and Local Government have worked with other government departments to bring together and publish funding allocations to local authorities, local policing bodies and fire and rescue authorities on or around the local government finance settlement on 18 December.
This will provide local authorities with greater certainty; enabling them to make better strategic decisions in how they deliver key public services such as health, education, transport, police and welfare. It will also improve transparency, making it easier to reach an overview of all public spending in a place.
This is a first step towards delivering the government’s Autumn Statement 2014 commitment to embed joint planning in health and social care further, and to build on the Better Care Fund, by giving local authorities and clinical commissioning groups (in collaboration with NHS England) indicative multi-year budgets as soon as possible after the next Spending Review.
The government is also working towards enabling greater multi-year certainty in funding for schools and certainty for adult education providers where appropriate, in the context of area based strategies.
2015 to 2016 funding allocations to local authorities, local policing bodies and fire and rescue authorities
Allocations for local reform and community voices grant and discretionary housing payments, will also be published on this page shortly.
London settlement
Funding devolved to the Greater London Authority and includes affordable homes and decent homes programmes.
New Homes Bonus
The New Homes Bonus acts as an incentive for local authorities and communities to increase their aspirations for housing growth.
Private Finance Initiative (PFI) special grants – housing
PFI special grant supports the refurbishment of existing council housing, the construction and provision of both council and housing association new-build housing and associated demolition works. Projects include estate regeneration, neighbourhood renewal and new developments including provision for both general and special needs housing.
Private Finance Initiative (PFI) special grant – fire
PFI special grant supports the construction and provision of new fire stations and in some projects new fire headquarters and training facilities.
Private Finance Initiative (PFI) joint service centre
PFI special grant support the construction and provision of accommodation which meets the needs of local authorities and their partners, commonly health authorities but also a range of other locally-based organisations. New premises commonly involve joint one-stop customer service shops, joint office accommodation, libraries and health and leisure services and facilities.
Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
The Private Finance Initiative (PFI) enables local authorities to enter into a contract with the private sector for the provision of services involving new or improved capital assets. The purpose of the PFI grant is to provide local authorities with ongoing revenue support for their PFI projects.
Legacy fire control grant
The Department for Communities and Local Government has formal agreements in place with the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, the NW Fire Control Ltd and the County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority for the control centres in Merton, Warrington and Durham to support the departments on-going commitment to subsidise the rent and some running costs at the 3 centres.
Site delivery fund
This funding supports planning authorities resolve issues that are preventing housing schemes starting on site.
Transformation Challenge Award
Funding for projects which will improve the public services people receive and reduce the cost to taxpayers.
Extended rights to free home to school transport for children from low income families for financial year 2015 to 2016
The Department for Education provides additional transport funding to local authorities to support children from low-income families to be able to attend schools further from home than the statutory walking distances. The funding is paid as a non-ring-fenced grant paid via the Department for Communities and Local Government under the Local Services Support Grant (section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003).
In allocating the funding for 2015 to 2016, the Department for Education have calculated the actual number of pupils entitled to extended rights from data on the National Pupil Database collected in the Spring 2014 Census.
Enquires: for queries about home to school transport or allocations please contact the school travel team [email protected]
2015 to 2016 public health ring fenced grant allocations to local authorities
Improving and protecting the health of the local population (statutory duties under the National Health Service Act 2006).
Early assessments towards the cap
Following the introduction of the cap on care costs, anyone with an eligible care need – irrespective of how the cost is being met – will be able to register for a care account with their local authority to record their progress towards the cap. As a result, local authorities will need to carry out additional assessments to enable those meeting the cost of their own eligible care to record progress towards the cap. The allocations predict the relative need for each local authority to provide those additional assessments for the cap. Of the £146 million total, £116 million relates to early assessments and £30 million relates to Care Act implementation.
Deferred payment agreements
The establishment of the universal deferred payment scheme will mean that people should not be forced to sell their home in their lifetime to pay for their care. From April 2015, the scheme will become universally available throughout England, and local authorities will be required to offer deferred payment agreements to people who meet certain criteria governing eligibility for the scheme. The allocations predict the relative need for each local authority to provide these deferred payments.
Carers and Care Act implementation grant
This grant is intended to meet £35.2 million of cost pressures around the new rights for carers in the Care Act, identified in a nationwide cost modelling exercise coordinated by the Department of Health in partnership with Local Government Association, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services and council networks. The remainder of the grant has been provided to meet general pressures across Care Act implementation.
Allocations for prisons funding
Funding for new burdens arising for the Care Act in relation to the provision of social care in prisons.
Provisional police grant report (England and Wales) 2015 to 2016
This report sets out the proposed amounts of core government funding for the police in 2015 to 2016.
Enquiries: [email protected]