
Single Library Digital Presence

This collection brings together information on the Single Library Digital Presence.

The Taskforce was active between 2015 to 2020.

This collection brings together information on the Single Library Digital Presence (SLDP), including publications from the SLDP Steering Group.

The SLDP Steering Group was convened by the Libraries Taskforce and held two formal meetings, in addition to an informal workshop. Building on these sessions, a roundtable discussion was held in December 2016 hosted by Arts Council England and Carnegie UK Trust. This brought together representatives from the libraries sector across England and the devolved administrations to discuss options for next steps.

Carnegie UK Trust and Arts Council England jointly authored a report, based on this roundtable discussion.

Subsequent to the roundtable, it has now been agreed that the British Library will lead an 18-month scoping project to establish the demand for and possible shape of a single digital presence for UK public libraries.

Funded by Arts Council England and the Carnegie UK Trust, the project will investigate user expectations and demand for what a national online platform for public libraries might deliver, and will explore the network of stakeholder groups and organisations best placed to make it a reality.

Further details will be shared on the Libraries Taskforce blog.


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Published 27 May 2016