Consultation outcome

Water resources management plans: technical guidelines consultation

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Draft water resources planning guidelines: summary of consultation responses

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Detail of outcome

A summary of consultation responses and possible changes we will make.

Detail of feedback received

The summary of consultation responses document sets out the engagement and consultation process and how stakeholders and the general public responded to the questions in the consultation.

Original consultation


The Environment Agency wants your views on the new water resources management plan guidelines.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Environment Agency is consulting on the new technical guidelines for water companies to follow when writing their water resources management plans. The guidelines have been jointly produced by the Environment Agency, Defra, Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales and Ofwat.

We want to hear your thoughts, comments and opinions on this guidance.

The guidance is for water companies in England and Wales. It sets out a technical framework for water companies to follow when developing and presenting their water resources management plans.

This consultation is relevant to anyone working on, or who has an interest in water company water resources planning. This includes water companies, national and local government, non-government organisations, other regulators, consultants, academic institutions, individuals and community groups, and potential third party suppliers of water.

Updates to this page

Published 16 November 2015
Last updated 18 July 2016 + show all updates
  1. The Environment Agency online consultation tool has changed so the response document for this consultation has been republished directly onto GOV.UK.

  2. Added document: Water resources planning guidelines: summary of consultation responses.

  3. First published.

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