Press release

Brokenshire unveils new plan for building stronger communities

Government’s vision for building a stronger sense of belonging and shared prosperity within local communities.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Communities Secretary Rt Hon. James Brokenshire today (20 July 2019) laid out the government’s vision for building a stronger sense of belonging and shared prosperity within local communities.

The new Community Framework: ‘By deeds and their results: how we will strengthen our communities and nation’, published today, sets out how the government will work with local and national partners such as businesses, faith institutions, local authorities and volunteer groups to help build stronger, more empowered and integrated communities across England.

‘By deeds and their results’ commits to:

  • Holding a national conversation with communities across England after Brexit, about their view of who we are as a nation, their vision for the future of their community and our country, and what local and national government can do to support their communities to thrive.

  • Establishing a series of Civic Deal pilots to test the principles of this Framework in local areas, by putting communities more in control of decisions and by strengthening local partnerships and civic infrastructure.

  • Publishing a Communities White Paper to renew the government’s focus on building stronger communities across England.

Communities Secretary, Rt Hon. James Brokenshire said:

We’re committed to creating stronger, more confident and integrated communities, where people have a real say over the decisions that matter most to them locally.

Our new framework will help ensure that community voices are heard, valued and produce change so that no community is left behind.

Going forward, we will promote and strengthen the common themes that bind places and people together, promote opportunity and celebrate the great neighbourhoods we live and work in.

Read the Community Framework on

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Published 20 July 2019