News story

Sampling and analysis changes for marine licence applications

Sampling and sediment analysis to support a marine licence application will need to be carried out before an application is submitted.

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A news story from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)

From 13 April 2014, if your activity requires sampling and sediment analysis to support your marine licence application, this should be carried out before you submit your application. The sediment analysis data should be included as part of your application.

Where the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) receives applications that do not provide this data, MMO may refuse to progress the application until it is provided. MMO will provide a sampling and sediment analysis plan suitable for the proposed activity and location when a request is received.

Every marine licence application to dredge and/or dispose of dredged material to sea will require sampling and sediment analysis of the dredged material. Read more about characterising dredged material for disposal to sea.

As long as certain criteria are met, the taking of samples for testing and analysis is exempt from the requirement for a marine licence – see The Marine Licensing (Exempted Activities) Order 2011 (as amended) – but you must notify us of any sediment samples being obtained for analysis.

To discuss sampling and sediment analysis or any other marine licensing matter with the MMO please email [email protected] or call 0300 123 1032.

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Published 18 March 2014