Statutory guidance

Chapter 6: The Provider Referral and Payments System (PRaP)

Updated 5 August 2024

General information

6.01. The Provider Referrals and Payments (PRaP) system enables secure, automated exchanges of information about customers referred to DWP provision and payments from DWP for these customers.

6.02. You will access PRaP via DWP Authenticate and download information to manage on your IT system, where you will be able to manage and update information about customer progress into PRaP.

6.03. Payment claims and calculations are generated automatically.

6.04. The PRaP system also provides transparent data about the cost and performance of DWP provision and payments, supporting contract and performance management.

6.05. Read further information about PRaP and to view questions and answers.

PRaP Operational, Digital and Database Support (PODDS) team

6.06. The PRaP Operational, Digital and Database Support (PODDS) team will carry out administration and approval functions to support your referrals on PRaP. Further information and full details of the PODDS team’s role can be found in the PRaP UPK guidance, which is available within the PRaP on-line help function.

6.07. If you have a further query about the system, you can request live help from the PODDS team at [email protected].


6.08. To access and use the system, you have to meet your responsibilities under the Data Protection Act to keep all data securely and confidentially. You should be aware that system security monitoring is carried out.

6.09. You must ensure you meet relevant security requirements when contracts go live and thereafter. Read details on Provider security information.

Using the PRaP system

6.10. There are points within AtW Mental Health Support where you must ensure you update the AtW referral on the PRaP system.

6.11. The Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK) is available to access via the ‘Help’ function within PRaP. UPK should be used in conjunction within this guidance to ensure accurate and timeous input.

6.12. You will use the PRaP system to receive your referrals and to record customer activity.

6.13. Direct access to PRaP is limited to prime service providers/ contract holders (you).

6.14. You must ensure that you update the PRaP system promptly and accurately.

6.15. The Job Details screen must be completed prior to recording certain activities, including input against all job outcome lines. Instructions on how to complete the Job Details screen can be found within the Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK) under topic ‘Provider Manage Outcomes’, with the relevant recordings being ‘Enter Job Details’, ‘Update Job Details’, View Job Details’ and ‘Delete Job Details’.

6.16. The following lines are available to be claimed:

  • ATWMHSS001 – ATW MHSS Support Plan Start;
  • ATWMHSS002 – AtW 6 Month Report Outcome;
  • ATWMHSS003 – AtW Exit Report Outcome; and

6.17. You must ensure that you only submit claims for payment to which you are entitled and have received the approval for the claim from the AtW Case Manager.

Provider acknowledges a referral

6.18. Upon receipt of the PRaP referral, and the Support Plan meeting has been scheduled, you should access the PRaP system and acknowledge the referral.

6.19. Chapter 6 of this guidance should be used in conjunction with The PRaP Operational Support Team Guidance for AtW Mental Health Support. (Further information regarding the use of the PRaP system can be found within the on-line UPK guidance).

6.20. If you have not received the associated PRaP referral the following working day from receiving the MHSS Referral Form, you must e-mail the AtW Case Manager immediately, sending a copy of this e-mail to the AtW Contract Liaison Point at ATWPROVIDER.CONTRACTCORRESPONDENCE@DWP.GOV.UK. You must undertake any further activities that will require you to input information to PRaP, e.g. completing and gaining the approval of the AtW MHSS Support Plan. (Please see Chapter 4, Paragraph 4.02).

6.21. Failure to ensure the PRaP referral has been received could adversely affect payments and provider performance.

AtW MHSS Support Plan Start

6.22. Once the AtW Case Manager has reviewed the Support Plan, all rework has been undertaken and the AtW Case Manager notifies you they have approved the Support Plan, the Support Plan Start Line that initiates the payment can be claimed.

6.23. The AtW MHSS Support Plan Start Line has four options. These are:

  • did not attend (DNA) when the customer did not attend the initial assessment meeting;
  • did not start (DNS) when the customer does not want to join AtW MHSS;
  • no contact (NC) when you are unable to contact the customer. Note this must be approved by the AtW Case Manager; and
  • start when a suitable appointment with the customer has been undertaken, the AtW MHSS Initial Assessment has been delivered to AtW Case Manager, all Rework has been undertaken and the AtW Case Manager has issued approval for the claim to be made.

6.24. You are required to input dates into PRaP to confirm the AtW MHSS Support Plan Start. These are:

  • a unique reference - this is something to easily identify this Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) to you. It could be a reference which relates directly to your own system, or something to help you identify this customer. This must not contain a NINO;
  • date 1: the date the Support Plan was submitted to the AtW Case Manager (as notified by the AtW Case Manager in the Support Plan approval email); and
  • date 2: the same date as date 1.

AtW 6 Month Report Outcome

6.25. Once the customer has remained in work for six months, the MHSS 6 Month Report has been completed, all rework has been undertaken and the AtW Case Manager notifies you they have approved the MHSS 6 Month Report, the 6 Month Report Outcome Payment can be claimed in PRaP.

6.26. AtW 6 Month Report has been delivered:

  • a unique reference - this is something to easily identify this Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) to you. It could be a reference which relates directly to your own system, or something to help you identify this customer. This must not contain a NINO;
  • date 1: the date the Support Plan was submitted to the AtW Case Manager (as notified by the AtW Case Manager in the Support Plan approval email); and
  • date 2: the date you submitted the 6 Month Report to AtW Case Manager, (as notified by the AtW Case Managers in the 6 Month Report approval email).

AtW Exit Report Outcome

6.27. If the customer remains in employment and the Exit Report has been completed, rework undertaken and the AtW Case Manager notifies you they have approved the Exit Report, the Exit Report Outcome can be claimed in PRaP.

6.28. Exit Report has been delivered:

  • a unique reference - this is something to easily identify this Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) to you. It could be a reference which relates directly to your own system, or something to help you identify this customer. This must not contain a NINO;
  • date 1: the date the Support Plan was submitted to the AtW Case Manager (as notified by the AtW Case Manager in the Support Plan approval email); and
  • date 2: the date you submitted the Exit Report to the AtW Case Manager (as notified by the AtW Case Manager in the Exit Report approval email).

Referral end date

6.29. The end date should be recorded in PRaP following claiming the Sustained Outcome. If an Assessment has not been delivered, for example, where a customer arranges an appointment and subsequently cancels it, the end date must always be recorded in PRaP.

6.30. PRaP will automatically record an end date 365 days after the AtW MHSS Support Plan Start which will prevent any outcomes being claimed. All outcomes must be claimed within 365 days of the AtW MHSS Support Plan Start.

6.31. The following End Date information needs to be entered:

  • a unique reference: this is something to easily identify this Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) to you. It could be a reference which relates directly to your own system, or something to help you identify this customer. This must not contain an NINO;
  • date 1: the date the end has been entered into the system;
  • date 2: the date the end has been entered into the system; and
  • end reason: the reason the provision has ended.
PRaP Leaver Code number Standard End Reason Descriptor AtW END REASON DESCRIPTOR
36 No longer engaging with JCP Cancelled by customer
37 No longer eligible Cancelled by Provider
39 Completed Provision Assessment completed