Allied Joint Doctrine for the Conduct of Operations (AJP-3)
This version of Allied Joint Publication-3 is published with UK national elements. It provides a common framework to command, coordinate and synchronize Alliance operations.
Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-3, Allied Joint Doctrine for the Conduct of Operations (Edition C Version 1, UK Change 1) is the keystone North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) doctrine for the conduct of joint operations from preparation to termination.
AJP-3 builds on the principles described in AJP-01, Allied Joint Doctrine, is adjacent and closely related to AJP-5, Allied Joint Doctrine for the Planning of Operations, and it is the foundational doctrine for the AJP-3 series.
This edition is published with UK national elements.
Who should read this publication
AJP-3 is intended primarily as guidance for joint NATO commanders and staffs.
However, the doctrine is instructive too, and provides a useful framework for operations conducted by a coalition of NATO members, partners and non-NATO nations.
It also provides a reference for NATO civilian and non-NATO civilian actors.
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Published 28 June 2017Last updated 25 September 2023 + show all updates
Updated September 2023 with UK Change 1.
Update AJP-3 with new edition.
Updated PDF document Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-3(C): allied joint doctrine for the conduct of operations.
Updated AJP 3 to Version C.
First published.