Bowel cancer screening: research advisory committee
Updated 23 August 2021
Applies to England
This document provides information on the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP) research advisory committee (RAC) and guidance on how to submit projects to the committee for review.
BCSP RAC support is required for:
- research projects involving BCSP participants
- research, evaluation or audit activities that require national screening programme data
Requests to access data from the NHS screening programmes also require approval from the Public Health England (PHE) Office for Data Release.
The first step in seeking approvals is to email your project documentation to [email protected]
Deadlines for research advisory committee proposals
The next application deadline is 8 September 2021. These applications will be discussed by the committee on 20 October 2021, with outcome letters issued on 17 November 2021.
There’s also another application deadline on 7 December 2021. These applications will be discussed by the committee on 26 January 2022, with outcome letters issued on 25 February 2022.
There’s also another application deadline on 8 March 2022. These applications will be discussed by the committee on 27 April 2022, with outcome letters issued on 27 May 2022.
RAC approval process
The RAC offer a 2-stage review process as described below.
We recommend you submit project plans in the early stages for advice on the feasibility of the request before seeking funding or ethics approvals. You should then submit the application for full review once it has been completed.
If you are interested in carrying out a project involving interventions to improve uptake of bowel cancer screening, please look at Cancer Research UK’s bowel screening evidence and resources to find evidence from other projects completed in this area. This can help you formulate your proposal and avoid duplication with completed projects.
Full review
In order for the BCSP RAC to fully review your project, you need to submit:
- a BCSP RAC application form (email [email protected] to obtain a copy)
- a detailed protocol
- a data specification
- a data flow diagram
- a completed ODR submission form
- any regulatory approvals
- any patient information sheets or informed consent forms (if applicable)
We recommend that all research projects undergo formal peer review and that a copy of the peer review report is included in your application.
PHE Office for Data Release (ODR) approval
Proposals requesting access to data from the NHS screening programmes will be subject to the PHE ODR approvals process. The costs for the work carried out to release the data will be recovered from the applicant in line with the cost recovery framework and any other costs incurred by PHE Screening.
ODR approval is an ongoing process with no submission deadlines. There is no need to submit a second application to the ODR. Depending on the scope of your request, you may be asked to submit additional evidence regarding ethics, legal gateway or security assurances.
List of previously approved projects
There is a full list of RAC approved projects available online.
The PHE ODR release register shows all personally identifiable or de-personalised data releases for projects approved by the BCSP RAC.
BCSP RAC membership
- Professor Matt Rutter (endoscopy, Chair)
- Dr Sally Benton (clinical biochemist representative)
- Mrs Karen Emery-Downing (PHE Screening)
- Dr Paul Hewitson (patient-related outcomes, PPI)
- Mr David Holt (PHE Screening, data, QA)
- Professor Mark Hull (molecular biology, translational research)
- Dr Jodie Moffat (lay member, voice of cancer charities)
- Dr Joanne Morling (bowel cancer screening hub, associate professor in public health)
- Professor Eva Morris (epidemiologist, clinical databases)
- Ms Claire Nickerson (PHE Screening, data)
- Professor Colin Rees (endoscopy)
- Dr Barry Sandywell (lay member)
- Professor Linda Sharp (epidemiologist)
- Mrs Anne Stevenson (PHE Screening)
- Dr Christian von Wagner (patient experience, primary care)
- Dr Suzanne Wright (PHE Screening, data)