Annual bus statistics, survey questionnaire: 2024
Updated 27 November 2024
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
For the 2024 survey, the online survey platform has been upgraded to a more modern system with:
- a new user interface
- better functionality
- better backend support
As a result, the descriptions here might vary slightly from what’s presented online.
This return is for operators of local bus services, registered with the Traffic Commissioner. This includes all services for which Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) is claimed other than community transport services.
A return is required by law under the Statistics of Trade Act 1947.
Please refer to the guidance you should have also received if you have questions on this return. If you have any further questions, or do not operate registered local bus services, please contact the Bus Statistics team.
Personal data
The personal data you provide is purely for the purpose of DfT being able to contact you in regards to this survey and also to send you details of next year’s survey. This information is gathered in connection with our public task as a government department. Further details on DfT’s privacy policy can be found online. We will share your information with Kenda (our contractor who host the survey) so that your contact details can be included in the online survey form when you log in. Your personal data will be stored in an Excel database so we can send you next year’s survey. For any further correspondence about any of our surveys or publications, please contact bus statistics.
Operator details
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
(a) | What is the name of your company? | Free text |
(b) | According to our records, you will be reporting for the operator licences below for the year ending March 2024. Please add or delete as necessary. | Verify from list |
(c) | Number of PSV licence discs held on the above licences as at 31 March 2024 | Number |
(d) | As at 31 March, does this licence belong to a company which is part of a larger transport group? | Yes, No |
(d) | If yes, what is the parent group? | Free text |
(e) | Local authority or PTE area in which you operated most of your local bus services as at 31 March 2024? | Drop-down box |
(f) | Other Local Authorities/PTE areas in which you operate local bus services / pick up passengers. | Verify from list |
(g) | Were you part of at least one statutory partnership scheme, as at 31 March 2024? | Yes, No |
(h) | Were you part of at least one voluntary partnership scheme, as at 31 March 2024? | Yes, No |
(i) | Name of main contact for correspondence related to this survey | Free text |
(j) | Email address for the above person | Free text |
(k) | Telephone number for the above person | Free text |
Section 1: Your operator’s vehicles and staff, as at 31 March 2024
Please enter ‘0’s where applicable but leave boxes blank where the answer is not available or not applicable.
Question 1
At 31 March 2024, how many of the following PSV vehicles did you operate?
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
1(a) | Buses licensed for over 22 passengers (including standing) | Number |
1(b) | Coaches of 17 or more seats (NO standing, usually fitted with seatbelts) | Number |
1(c) | Minibuses 9 to 22 passengers (including standing) | Number |
1(d) | Total number of PSVs (a+b+c) | Number |
Question 2
Of the “Q1(a)” buses you operated at 31 March 2024, how many:
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
2(a) | Had a PSVAR Accessibility Certificate, issued under the Disability Discrimination Act or PSV Accessibility Regulations 2000 (wheelchair accessible designs)? | Number |
2(a)(i) | Of the buses you operate without PSVAR certificates, how many are not used on local and or scheduled services | Number |
2(b) | Did not have the Certificate but which were low floor designs, suitable for wheelchair access? | Number |
2(c) | Were fitted with an Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) device (such as GPS, beacon) that can be used to monitor punctuality? | Number |
2(c)(i) | Of the buses fitted with an AVL device, how many: Use the AVL device to provide real time service information to customers? Examples of ways that real time service information can be provided to customers include on bus stop displays, mobile technology, on board the bus, mobile apps or the internet. | Number |
2(c)(ii) | Is this information made available, in real time, free of charge (either by your organisation or through a third party, such as the LA)? | Yes, No |
2(c)(iii) | Of the buses fitted with an AVL device, how many: Use the AVL device to monitor punctuality? | Number |
2(d) | Were equipped with live readers that accept ITSO-compliant smart cards (or mobile phones emulating these) only? | Number |
2(e) | Were equipped with live card readers that accept contactless EMV payment cards (or mobile phones emulating these) only? | Number |
2(f) | Were equipped with live readers that accept both ITSO smart cards and contactless EMV payment cards (or mobile phones emulating these)? | Number |
2(g) | Who supplies your live reader technology (such as Ticketer, Vix, Init etc)? | Free text |
2(h) | Were equipped with CCTV recording? | Number |
The next two questions ask about the number of buses equipped with facilities for providing audible and visible information to assist passengers. Part (i) covers buses which have facilities to provide audible and visible next stop information. Part (ii) covers buses which have facilities to provide audible and visible next stop information, route/direction, and diversion information.
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
2(i)(i) | Were equipped with facilities to provide audible and visible next stop information to passengers? | Number |
2(i)(ii) | Were equipped with facilities to provide audible and visible route/direction, next stop and diversion information to passengers? | Number |
2(j) | Were equipped with Wi-Fi technology enabling passengers to access free Wi-Fi? | Number |
2(k) | Were fitted with facilities for passengers to charge mobile phones, laptops and tablets? Examples of these facilities include 13 amp sockets, USB charging points and wireless charging. | Number |
Question 3
Of the buses you operated at 31 March 2024, how many were:
3(a). manufactured in:
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
3(a)(i) | 2024 | Number |
3(a)(ii) | 2023 | Number |
3(a)(iii) | 2022 | Number |
3(a)(iv) | 2021 | Number |
3(a)(v) | 2020 | Number |
3(a)(vi) | 2019 | Number |
3(a)(vii) | 2018 | Number |
3(a)(viii) | 2017 | Number |
3(a)(ix) | 2016 | Number |
3(a)(x) | 2015 | Number |
3(a)(xi) | 2014 | Number |
3(a)(xii) | 2013 | Number |
3(a)(xiii) | 2012 | Number |
3(a)(xiv) | 2011 | Number |
3(a)(xv) | 2010 | Number |
3(a)(xvi) | 2009 | Number |
3(a)(xvii) | 2008 | Number |
3(a)(xviii) | 2007 | Number |
3(a)(xix) | 2006 | Number |
3(a)(xx) | 2005 | Number |
3(a)(xxi) | 2004 | Number |
3(a)(xxii) | 2003 | Number |
3(a)(xxiii) | 2002 | Number |
3(a)(xxiv) | 2001 | Number |
3(a)(xxv) | Before 2000 | Number |
3(a)(xxvi) | Total number of buses (excluding minibuses and coaches) | Number |
3(b). categorised as the following bus types:
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
3(b)(i) | Euro III standards | Number |
3(b)(ii) | Euro IV standards | Number |
3(b)(iii) | Euro V standards | Number |
3(b)(iv) | Euro VI standards - as manufactured | Number |
3(b)(v) | Euro VI standards - CVRAS approved retrofit | Number |
3(b)(vi) | Diesel-Hybrid - Euro VI standards | Number |
3(b)(vii) | Diesel-Hybrid - other | Number |
3(b)(viii) | Compressed natural gas (CNG) or Biomethane | Number |
3(b)(ix) | Battery Electric | Number |
3(b)(x) | Hydrogen Fuel Cell | Number |
3(b)(xi) | Other | Number |
3(b)(xii) | Total number of buses (excluding minibuses and coaches) | Number |
3(c). operated using the following fuel types:
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
3(c)(i) | Hydrogen | Number |
3(c)(ii) | Electric (not hybrid) | Number |
3(c)(iii) | Diesel-Hybrid | Number |
3(c)(iv) | Methane or Biomethane | Number |
3(c)(v) | Diesel | Number |
3(c)(vi) | Other (including Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO)) | Number |
3(c)(vii) | Total number of buses (excluding minibuses and coaches) | Number |
Question 4
At 31 March 2024, how many Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff did you employ to do PSV work as:
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
4(a) | PSV Drivers or other on-vehicle PSV staff? | Number |
4(a)(i) | PSV Drivers | Number |
4(a)(ii) | On-Vehicle PSV staff (excluding drivers) | Number |
4(b) | PSV Maintenance Staff? | Number |
4(c) | PSV Cleaning Staff? | Number |
4(d) | PSV Administrative/Other (to all management levels)? | Number |
4(e) | Total PSV Staff employed? (a+b+c+d) | Number |
Question 5
From March 2018, Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 181/2011 requires that drivers are trained in disability awareness consistent with Part A of Annex II to that Regulation. Such training may be provided as part of Driver Certificate Professional Competence (DCPC) or separate to it.
As at 31 March 2024, did you require your drivers to meet this requirement:
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
5(a) | As part of Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC) | Yes, No |
5(b) | Separate from Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC) | Yes, No |
5(c) | As a combination of Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC) and partly outside it | Yes, No |
5(d) | Not at all | Yes, No |
Section 2: Your local bus services, for the year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024
Please enter ‘0’s where applicable but leave boxes blank where the answer is not available or not applicable.
In this section, please answer the questions in relation to your local bus services only. Please refer to guidance notes for further information if required.
Question 6
During the year ending March 2024, how many local passenger boardings did you carry?
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
6(a) | Older/disabled concessionary passengers (where reimbursement received from a local authority under the statutory scheme or a local enhancement) | Number |
6(b) | Youth concessionary passengers on local services where full or partial reimbursement received from a local authority (please do not include your own commercial concessions or school contract services) | Number |
6(c) | Other passengers, including commercial concessions and season tickets but NOT including children under 5 or passengers on services not available to the general public (such as closed school and works only services) | Number |
6(d) | Total passenger boardings (a+b+c) | Number |
6(e) | Of the total in question 6(d), if possible, please provide your best estimate of the number of passenger boardings on local authority subsidised or tendered services. These are usually services awarded following competitive tendering. Please do not include services run under contract to bodies other than local authorities or PTEs | Number |
Question 7
The following question only applies if you operated services in more than one area
Please fill in the grid below for each local authority or PTE (please see the list supplied in the guidance) you operated in for year ending March 2024. You will be able to add more using the online form if required.
We appreciate that dividing data by local authority can be difficult, however, even if the figures are approximate (for example, using estimated shares for each local authority) they are very useful to us.
Name of Local Authority or PTE | Older or disabled concessionary passengers | Young concessionary passengers | Other passengers | Total passenger boardings |
Example row | 200 | 100 | 300 | 600 |
Question 8
During the year ending March 2024, how many live vehicle kilometres did you operate on local bus services?
‘Live’ kilometres means excluding any ‘dead running’ between depot and start or end of routes or for driver training.
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
8(a) | In Greater London? | Number |
8(a)(i) | During the same period (year ending March 2024), what was the dead running for local bus services you operated? | Number |
8(b) | Outside London, on commercial services? | Number |
8(b)(i) | During the same period (year ending March 2024), what was the dead running for local bus services you operated? | Number |
8(c) | Outside London on local authority subsidised/tendered services? These are services awarded following competitive tendering, or run for local authorities under de-minimis arrangements. Please do not include services run under contract to bodies other than local authorities or PTEs. | Number |
8(d) | Total live vehicle kilometres (a+b+c) | Number |
Question 9
The following question only applies if you operated services in more than one area.
As for question 7, please fill in the grid below for each local authority or PTE you operated in for the year ending March 2024. The totals over all areas should match those in question 8.
Name of Local Authority or PTE | Live vehicle kilometres in Greater London | Commercial live vehicle kilometres | Subsidised live vehicle kilometres | Total live vehicle kilometres |
Example row | 2,000 | 1,000 | 3,000 | 6,000 |
Section 3: Financial information, for year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024
Please enter ‘0’s where applicable but leave boxes blank where the answer is not available or not applicable.
We require data for the year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. However, if your standard accounting period differs from this and it is easier to provide figures on this basis please use the year which most closely relates to the year ending March 2024 and indicate what this is.
Question 10
The following questions relate to receipts from fare-paying passengers on local bus services only.
Please include both on and off bus fares (for example, season tickets).
Please do NOT include any payments received from local authorities for concessionary fare reimbursement or contract payments. Please exclude any ‘free’ travel schemes with no associated commercial receipts.
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
10(a) | What were the total commercial receipts you received from journeys made by young people who are subject to concessionary fare reimbursement? (for example, the passengers given at Q6(b)) | Number |
10(b) | What was the total commercial receipts you received from other fare-paying passengers, including commercial concessions and season tickets? (for example, the passengers given at Q6(c)) | Number |
10(c) | What proportion of sales revenue is paid for with contactless EMV cards? | Number |
Question 11
The following question only applies if you operated services in more than one area.
As for question 7, please fill in the grid below for each local authority or PTE area you operated in the year ending March 2024.
Name of Local Authority or PTE | Receipts from youth concessionary passengers | Receipts from other fare-paying passengers |
Example row | 200,000 | 100,000 |
Question 12
In the questions below an estimate is acceptable if no data are available.
Please can you state how much cost you had in the following categories in the year ending March 2024:
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
12(a) | What were the total operating costs on local bus services? (Includes traffic operations, drivers wages, fuel costs before BSOG rebate, maintenance and running costs) | Number |
12(a)(i) | Drivers wages | Number |
12(a)(ii) | Fuel Costs (excluding BSOG) | Number |
12(a)(iii) | Other fixed costs (including other labour and staff costs, insurance, maintenance, and all other operating costs, excluding depreciation) | Number |
12(b) | What were the total operating costs on other (non-local) services? (Such as for coach and private hire work) | Number |
12(c) | What were the total administration costs? (Management, welfare and non-operational costs) | Number |
12(d) | What were the depreciation costs? (Historic depreciation of owned or leased assets. Exclude the cost of interest on loans.) | Number |
Section 4: Further information
Question 13
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
13(a) | Have there been any major changes that might have affected this year’s results, and/or caused difference from previous years? (this may relate to covid recovery, service cuts, new or lost contracts, acquisitions etc.) | Yes, No |
13(b) | If yes, please give details. Please ensure that you provide all of the contributing factors and also sufficient detail on the nature of the impact these will have had on the results. | Free text |
13(c) | Do you have any further comments? | Free text |
Question 14
Do you operate any scheduled (timetabled) coach services, which do not need to be registered with the Traffic Commissioner:
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
14(a) | As an operator in your own right? | Yes, No |
14(b) | Under contract to another operator (for example, National Express)? | Yes, No |
14(c) | If yes to either (a) or (b), please briefly describe the services run | Free text |
Section 5: Feedback
Question 15
Question number | Question description | Answer options |
15(a) | Do you have any feedback that you want to provide on this survey? | Yes, No |
15(b) | If yes, please give details. | Free text |
Sign off
Any information entered to this form is saved, so that you can enter figures in stages. When you have completed the return, please indicate this by ticking the box below and clicking the submit button.
Question description | Answer options |
Q1-9 (non-finance questions) complete - I confirm that the information supplied is accurate to the best of my knowledge | Yes, No |
Q10-Q12 (finance questions) complete - I confirm that the information supplied is accurate to the best of my knowledge | Yes, No |
Name of person completing form (in case of queries) | Free text |
Contact email address | Free text |
Contact telephone number | Free text |
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Contact details
Bus statistics
Email [email protected]
Media enquiries 0300 7777 878