
How to certify a building for religious worship and register for the solemnisation of marriages (bilingual form 78LW) (accessible)

Updated 30 May 2024

Applies to England and Wales

There are 3 different options available.

You can:

a. Certify the building as a place for religious worship only - Form 76W.

b. Apply for a building which is already recorded as a place of religious worship to be registered as a place for the solemnization of marriages between a man and a woman.

c. Form 78W. If you wish to apply for the building to be registered for the solemnization of marriages of same sex couples, you will also need to complete Form 78AW and provide a copy of the relevant governing authority’s consent.

d. Certify the building as a place of religious worship and apply for it to be registered for the solemnization of marriages between a man and a woman at the same time - you will need to complete two separate applications - Forms 76W & 78W. If you wish to apply for the building to be registered for the solemnization of marriages of same sex couples, you will also need to complete Form 78AW and provide a copy of the relevant governing authority’s consent.

Mae tri opsiwn gwahanol ar gael.


a. ardystio’r adeilad fel addoldy yn unig - Ffurflen 76W.

b. wneud cais i adeilad sydd eisoes wedi’i gofrestru fel addoldy gael ei gofrestru fel man gweinyddu priodasau rhwng dyn a dynes - Ffurflen 78W. Os ydych yn dymuno gwneud cais am yr adeilad i’w gael ei gofrestru ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau cyplau o’r un rhyw, bydd angen i chi hefyd gwblhau Ffurflen 78AW a darparu copi o gydsyniad yr awdurdod llywodraethol perthnasol.

c. ardystio’r adeilad fel addoldy a gwneud cais iddo gael ei gofrestru ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau rhwng dyn a dynes ar yr un pryd - bydd angen i chi gwblhau dau gais ar wahân - Ffurflenni 76W & 78W. Os ydych yn dymuno gwneud cais am yr adeilad i’w gael ei gofrestru ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau cyplau o’r un rhyw, bydd angen i chi hefyd gwblhau Ffurflen 78AW a darparu copi o gydsyniad yr awdurdod llywodraethol perthnasol.

Applying for a building to be recorded for religious worship

The Places of Worship Registration Act 1855 enables a place of meeting for religious worship to be recorded by the Registrar General. However, a congregation is still able to worship in a building which has not been recorded.

A church or chapel of the Church of England does not need to apply to be recorded for religious worship. If they share their building with one or more non-conformis denominations, the sharing agreement will need to be submitted with the application made by the non-conformists.

The application form “Certifying a Place of Meeting for Religious Worship” (Form 76W) must be completed in duplicate by any person who is able to represent the congregation, e.g. the occupier/proprietor/trustee/minister.

The applicant will be asked to supply the following information:

1. The name by which the place of worship is known.

2. The address of the building.

3. Whether the application refers to a whole building or to a room/rooms within a building.

4. A floor plan of the building/room(s).

5. An average weekly time table of all events taking place in the building/room(s).

6. Whether or not the building/room(s) has been previously certified for worship.

7. The faith and denomination of the congregation.

8. The applicant’s name, contact details and connection to the building/room(s).

There is a fee of £32, which should be submitted to your local superintendent registrar with the application form.

Gwneud cais i adeilad gael ei gofnodi ar gyfer addoli crefyddol

Mae Deddf Cofrestru Mannau Addoli 1855 yn galluogi man cyfarfod ar gyfer addoli crefyddol i gael ei gofnodi gan y Cofrestrydd Cyffredinol. Fodd bynnag, fe all cynulleidfa dal i addoli mewn adeilad sydd heb ei gofnodi.

Nid oes angen i eglwys (neu gapel) Eglwys Lloegr wneud cais i gael eu cofnodi ar gyfer addoli crefyddol. Os ydynt yn rhannu eu hadeilad gydag un neu fwy o enwada anghydffurfiol, bydd angen cyflwyno’r cytundeb rhannu gyda’r cais a wnaethid gan yr anghydffurfwyr.

Bydd rhaid i’r ffurflen gais “Ardystio Man Cyfarfod ar gyfer Addoli Crefyddol” (Ffurflen 76W) gael ei chwblhau yn ddyblyg gan unrhyw berson sydd yn gallu cynrychioli’r gynulleidfa, e.e. y deiliad/perchennog/ymddiriedolwr/gweinidog.

Gofynnir i’r ymgeisydd ddarparu’r wybodaeth ganlynol:

  1. Enw’r adeilad fel yr adwaenir ef

  2. Cyfeiriad yr adeilad

  3. A yw’r cais yn cyfeirio at adeilad cyfan neu at ystafell(oedd) o fewn adeilad

  4. Cynllun llawr o’r adeilad/ystafell(oedd)

  5. Amserlen wythnosol arferol o’r holl weithgareddau a gynhelir yn yr adeilad/ystafell(oedd)

  6. A gofrestrwyd yr adeilad/ystafell(oedd) ar gyfer addoli o’r blaen

  7. Ffydd ac enwad y gynulleidfa

  8. Enw’r ymgeisydd, ei fanylion cyswllt a’i gysylltiad â’r adeilad/ystafell(oedd)

Mae yna ffi o £32 y dylid ei hanfon i’ch cofrestrydd arolygol lleol gyda’r ffurflen gais.

Applying for a building to be registered for the solemnization of marriages

The Marriage Act 1949 allows a building that has been certified as a place of religious worship to also be registered for the solemnization of marriages between a man and a woman and/or marriages of same sex couples (if the building is not already certifi ed as a place of worship, then the two applications can be made at the same time). Same sex couples wishing to convert their civil partnership into a marriage in a religious building may only do so if the building has been registered for the solemnization of marriages of same sex couples.

An application form for the registration of a place of worship for the solemnization of marriages (Form 78W) must be signed in duplicate by a minimum of twenty householders who regard the building as their usual place of worship and then countersigned by the proprietor or trustee of the building. For marriages of same sex couples, the duplicate application forms must be accompanied by a declaration that the consent of the relevant governing body has been obtained (Form 78AW) together with a copy of that consent.

The applicant will be asked to supply the following information:

  1. The full name by which the place of worship is known.

  2. The precise address of the building. If the building has a number and a name, both should be stated.

  3. The building’s date of certification for worship and its worship number. This information will be on the certificate of registration returned to you by your local superintendent registrar (not required when registering for worship and marriages at the same time).

  4. The name of the religious organisation which uses the building. This should be different to the name of the building.

  5. The signature, name and address of at least twenty householders who use the place for religious public worship.

  6. The date that the householders sign the certificate.

  7. The person who countersigns the form must not have also signed as a householder. The counter signatory must be either the proprietor/owner or a trustee of the building.

  8. The date the certificate was countersigned. This date must not be prior to when the certificate was signed by the householders.

  9. The person who signs the application must be either the proprietor/owner or trustee of the building, who should enter the date the application was signed. This date must be within one month of the date of the householder’s certificate.

  10. Confirmation that public access is allowed to any marriage that takes place.

  11. A copy of the intended marriage service.

A fee of £136 should be submitted to your local superintendent registrar with your application. If the building has already been registered for the solemnization of marriages and you wish it to be registered for the solemnization of marriages of same sex couples, a fee of £71 is applicable instead.

There is no requirement for Jewish Synagogues and meeting houses of the Society of Friends to register their buildings.

Once the General Register Office has certified a building for marriages between a man and a woman and/or marriages of same sex couples, the local Register Office is required to advertise the new place for marriages in a local newspaper and in the London Gazette.

Gwneud cais i adeilad gael ei gofrestru ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau

Mae’r Ddeddf Priodasau 1949 yn caniatáu i adeilad sydd wedi’i ardystio fel addoldy gael ei gofrestru hefyd ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau rhwng dyn a dynes ac/neu briodasau cyplau o’r un rhyw (os nad yw’r adeilad wedi’i ardystio eisoes fel addoldy, fe all y ddau gais gael eu gwneud ar yr un pryd). Gall cyplau o’r un rhyw sydd yn dymuno trosi eu partneriaeth sifil yn briodas mewn adeilad crefyddol wneud hynny dim ond os yw’r adeilad wedi’i gofrestru ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau cyplau o’r un rhyw.

Rhaid i ffurflen gais i gofrestru addoldy ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau (Ffurflen 78W) gael ei llofnodi yn ddyblyg gan o leiaf ugain deiliad tŷ sydd yn ystyried yr adeilad fel eu haddoldy arferol ac yna ei chydlofnodi gan berchennog neu ymddiriedolwr yr adeilad. Ar gyfer priodasau cyplau o’r un rhyw, bydd rhaid i’r ffurflenni cais dyblyg gyrraedd gyda datganiad bod cydsyniad yr awdurdod llywodraethol perthnasol wedi’i roi (Ffurflen 78AW) yn ogystal â chopi o’r cydsyniad hwnnw.

Gofynnir i’r ymgeisydd ddarparu’r wybodaeth ganlynol:

  1. Enw llawn yr adeilad fel yr adwaenir ef.

  2. Cyfeiriad - byddwch gystal â rhoi union gyfeiriad yr adeilad. Os oes rhif gan yr adeilad yn ogystal ag enw, dylid nodi hwn hefyd.

  3. Dyddiad ardystio’r adeilad ar gyfer addoli a’i rif addoli. Bydd y wybodaeth hon ar y dystysgrif gofrestru a ddychwelwyd atoch gan eich cofrestrydd arolygol lleol (nid oes angen y wybodaeth hon os ydych yn gwneud cais i gofrestru’r adeilad ar gyfer addoli crefyddol a gweinyddu priodasau ar yr un pryd).

  4. Enw’r gyfundrefn grefyddol sydd yn defnyddio’r adeilad. Dylai hwn fod yn wahanol i enw’r adeilad.

  5. Y llofnodau, enwau a chyfeiriadau o ddim llai nag ugain deiliad tŷ sydd yn defnyddio’r adeilad ar gyfer addoli crefyddol cyhoeddus.

  6. Y dyddiad y llofnodir y dystysgrif gan y deiliaid tŷ.

  7. Ni ddylai’r person sy’n cyd-lofnodi’r ffurflen ei llofnodi fel deiliad tŷ hefyd. Rhaid i’r cyd-lofnodwr fod naill ai’n berchennog neu’n ymddiriedolwr yr adeilad.

  8. Y dyddiad y cyd-lofnodwyd y dystysgrif. Rhaid i hwn fod ar ôl i’r deiliaid tŷ lofnodi’r dystysgrif.

  9. Rhaid i’r person sydd yn llofnodi’r cais fod naill ai’n berchennog neu’n ymddiriedolwr yr adeilad, a dylai nodi’r dyddiad y llofnodwyd y cais. Rhaid i’r dyddiad hwn fod cyn pen mis o ddyddiad tystysgrif y deiliaid tŷ.

  10. Cadarnhad y gall y cyhoedd gael mynediad i unrhyw briodas sydd yn digwydd.

  11. Copi o’r gwasanaeth priodas bwriadedig.

Dylid anfon ffi o £136 i’ch cofrestrydd arolygol lleol gyda’ch cais. Os yw’r adeilad eisoes wedi’i gofrestru ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau a dymunwch iddo gael ei gofrestru ar gyfer gweinyddu priodasau cyplau o’r un rhyw, mae ffi o £71 yn berthnasol yn lle hynny

Nid oes unrhyw ofyniad i Synagogau Iddewig a thai cwrdd Cymdeithas y Cyfeillion gofrestru eu hadeiladau.

Unwaith y bydd y Swyddfa Gofrestru Cyffredinol wedi ardystio adeilad ar gyfer priodas aurhwng dyn a dynes ac/neu briodasau cyplau o’r un rhyw, bydd yn ofynnol i’r Swyddfa Gofrestru leol hysbysebu’r man newydd ar gyfer priodasau mewn papur newydd lleol ac yn y London Gazette.

Where can I get an application form?

  • download it from the website:

  • your local Register Office

  • telephone the General Register Office (GRO) on: 0300 123 1837

  • email GRO: [email protected]

O ble allaf i gael ffurfl en gais?

  • Llawr lwythwch hi oddi ar ein gwefan:

  • Eich Swyddfa Gofrestru leol

  • Trwy ffonio’r Swyddfa Gofrestru Gyffredinol (GRO) ar: 0300 123 1837

  • Trwy e-bostio GRO: [email protected]

Where do I send the application?

All forms and fees should be submitted to your local superintendent registrar. They will check that all the required information has been supplied and then send your application to the General Register Office to be processed. Once the building has been registered the applicant will receive confirmation of the registration from their superintendent registrar.

I ble dylwn i anfon y cais?

Dylai pob ffurflen a ffi gael eu cyflwyno i’ch cofrestrydd arolygol lleol. Byddant yn gwirio bod yr holl wybodaeth angenrheidiol wedi’u darparu ac yna anfon eich cais at y Swyddfa Gofrestru Gyffredinol i’w brosesu. Unwaith y bydd yr adeilad wedi’i gofrestru, bydd yr ymgeisydd yn derbyn cadarnhad o’r cofrestriad oddi wrth eu cofrestrydd arolygol.

How long will it take for the building to be registered?

If there are no problems with your application, the General Register Office will register your building and supply certificates of registration to your local superintendent registrar within 20 working days. If GRO ask you for more information or you need to send in more paperwork, each further reply may take up to 20 working days. However, you should be aware that in exceptional circumstances it may not always be possible to meet these targets.

Faint o amser fydd yn gymryd i’r adeilad gael ei gofrestru?

Os nad oes unrhyw broblemau gyda’ch cais, bydd y Swyddfa Gofrestru Gyffredinol yn cofrestru eich adeilad ac yn anfon tystysgrifau cofrestru at eich cofrestrydd arolygol lleol o fewn 20 diwrnod gwaith. Os bydd angen i GRO ofyn am ragor o wybodaeth neu waith papur, gall pob ateb pellach gymryd hyd at 20 diwrnod gwaith. Fodd bynnag, dylech fod yn ymwybodol na fydd yn bosibl mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol i gyrraedd y targedau hyn bob amser.

What happens next?

Once your building has been registered, there may be some changes that you want to make or questions you want to ask. A list of frequently asked questions (Form 78QW) is available to download from the website. If you have any additional queries, please contact the General Register Office by email: [email protected] or telephone 0300 123 1837.

Beth fydd yn digwydd nesaf?

Unwaith y bydd eich adeilad wedi’i gofrestru, efallai y byddwch eisiau gwneud newidiadau neu fod yna gwestiynau yr hoffech eu gofyn. Mae rhestr o gwestiynau a ofynnir yn aml (Ffurflen 78QW) ar gael i’w lawr lwytho oddi ar wefan Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau ychwanegol, cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Gofrestru Gyffredinol drwy e-bost: GROCasework@gro. neu ffoniwch 0300 123 1837.