
Guidance to help NHS colleagues access Clostridioides difficile ribotyping via the CDRN laboratory

Updated 11 April 2024

Step 1. Requesting

Request ribotyping using the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Clostridioides difficile ribotyping network (CDRN) electronic requesting system (ERS).

Check in case a colleague in your hospital already has access to the ERS. If not, contact [email protected] for support.

Step 2. Referral of samples

Send C. difficile toxin-positive faecal samples or C. difficile isolates to the CDRN laboratory.

Each faecal specimen or bacterial isolate submitted to the CDRN laboratory must be accompanied by the completed request form PDF generated by the ERS.

Original faecal specimens should be retained locally – only an aliquot should be referred for ribotyping – CDRN discard all processed samples according to policy.

Faecal sample aliquots should be sent in containers consistent with that used for local microbiological analysis of faeces. C. difficile isolates should be sent on Amies transport swabs with or without charcoal.

Material should be packaged and shipped appropriately according to International Air Transport Association (IATA) packaging instructions 650 for UN3373 (Category B biological substances).

For support, please refer to the Yorkshire and the Humber Public Health Laboratory: user handbook.

Samples should be sent to:       

UKHSA Microbiology Services CDRN Laboratory

Department of Microbiology, The Old Medical School

Leeds General Infirmary

Leeds LS1 3EX



Step 3. Results

View ribotyping results on the CDRN ERS when available.

CDRN ERS will autogenerate notification emails to registered account users at the following stages:

1. Request submission.
2. Specimen receipt at laboratory.
3. Result availability.