
Committees and user groups on transport statistics

Updated 8 December 2016

Transport Statistics Users Group

The Transport Statistics Users Group (TSUG) is a UK body which aims to:

  • identify problems in the provision and understanding of transport statistics and to discuss solutions with the responsible authorities
  • provide a forum for the exchange of views and information between users and providers
  • encourage the use of transport statistics through greater publicity
  • facilitate a network for sharing ideas, information and expertise

The group holds regular seminars on topical subjects connected with the provision and/or use of transport statistics.

A newsletter is sent to all members about 4 times a year. Corporate membership of the group is £50, personal membership £22.50, and student membership £10.

Peter Norgate
Mott MacDonald
St Anne House
20-26 Wellesley Road
Croydon CR9 2UL
Tel: 020 8774 2888
Fax: 020 8681 5706

[email protected]

Central and Local (Government) Information Partnership (CLIP)


CLIP Transport Statistics (CLIP-TS) is a sub-group of the Central and Local (Government) Information Partnership (CLIP), the main forum for discussion between central and local government on statistical matters.


The CLIP-TS group consists of representatives from a range of local authorities and from the Department for Transport (DfT). Local Authority representatives represent the Combined Authorities and Passenger Transport Executives, the Shire Counties, and the Unitary Authorities. The DfT representatives can includes statisticians, policy professionals and other analysts such as economists and social researchers.

The group fulfils the following aims:

  • to review on-going data collections on the Single Data List on a rolling basis. This is to identify data returns or elements of data returns that are no longer appropriate, recommend alterations to required returns, or suggest new returns or the reinstatement of previous returns

  • to act as a forum for consultation between DfT and local authorities on any transport statistics of interest to either side that are not dealt with by other groups

  • to act as a point of contact between local authorities and DfT on statistical matters of common concern, including the statistics needed for the monitoring of Local Transport Plans, Bus Service Improvement Plans, Regional and Local Statistics and other relevant matters

Dissemination of information from the meeting

Dissemination of agendas, minutes and papers presented to the group will be through 3 channels:

  • DfT circulate to all local authority attendees after the meeting has taken place
  • DfT circulate internally to interested officials in policy and other analytical professions in the department
  • local authority CLIP representatives circulate to their local contacts

While transparency of the information discussed and used at meetings is encouraged, publication of any material will be subject to the agreement of the relevant authors, and/or the group as a whole.

Other details

Meetings are held twice a year, with at least one meeting being held ‘in person’. The length of meetings varies depending on needs.

DfT and local authorities jointly chair the group. DfT typically provides the secretariat function for the meetings.

Members of the group are:

Department for Transport Local authority/other
Christopher McKee (Joint Chair, Buses and Local Transport Statistics) Clare Horton (Joint Chair, Staffordshire)
John Wilkins (Joint Chair, Head of Travel and Environment Data and Statistics (TRENDS) Division) William Bryans (Joint Chair, Surrey)
Paul Syron (Secretariat, Buses and Local Transport Statistics) Keith Dove (Luton)
  Helen Wilkinson (Local Government Association)
  Andrew Webster (Leicester)
  Tom Ellerton (Urban Transport Group)
  Gary Beaumont (Hertfordshire)
  Charmaine Grant (Transport for the West Midlands)
  Dawn Hughes (Transport for the West Midlands)
  Hannah Groot (Transport For London)
  Simon Jobe (Transport for the North East)
  Rupert Zierler (Buckinghamshire)
  Robert Smith (West of England – Combined Authority)
  Simon Dale (Nottingham City)
  Christopher Storey (Transport For the North)
  Charles Protheroe (Transport for the West Midlands)
  David Kinloch (Leeds)

Standing Committee on Road Injury Collision Statistics

The Standing Committee on Road Injury Collision Statistics (SCRICS), formerly known as the Standing Committee on Road Accident Statistics (SCRAS), was set up in 1977 to oversee the new STATS19 process for road collision data collection.

The terms of reference of the committee are to:

  • consider problems arising in the collection of data on road collisions and make recommendations
  • disseminate information on techniques and procedures developed in connection with the system of collision reporting
  • consider any amendments to the system that may be required and make recommendations at the time of the quinquennial review

SCRICS has continued to steer the process of accident data collection, dealing with the quinquennial reviews of the survey. The membership of the committee is drawn from a wide range of bodies and includes representatives of central, local government and the police.

A full list of members and the bodies they represent is available on request.

Anil Bhagat
Road Safety Statistics Branch
Department for Transport
33 Horseferry Road

[email protected]