SFI: soil sampling on scheduled monuments (accessible HTML version)
Updated 2 August 2023
Applies to England
Scheduled monument name and number: (print scheduled monument name and number)
- This agreement is made under Section 17 of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 between the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (referred to in this management agreement as Historic England) and (print name) as the occupier of the land containing the scheduled monument named above.
- On the land that contains this scheduled monument, the occupier agrees to:
- carry out soil sampling as part of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) scheme to a depth of:
- no more than 7.5cm on permanent grassland
- around 20cm, up to a maximum of 25cm, on arable land (including temporary grassland)
- only take enough soil samples to meet the requirements of the SFI agreement
- retain any artefacts (such as coins, worked flint, bone or pottery fragments) found in any of the soil samples (including any outside of the scheduled monument area), making sure to:
- record the soil sample location by marking it on a map or noting the location via GPS (global positioning system)
- inform the relevant local office of Historic England of the discovery and location of the artefacts found and their location as soon as possible
- permit any authorised representative of Historic England to have access to the scheduled monument at any reasonable time without prior notice
- send a copy of the written soil sample analysis received for all samples taken during the 3-year SFI agreement to the relevant local office of Historic England
- This management agreement only allows soil samples to be taken on the land that contains the scheduled monument by the occupier of the land, or their nominated representative, to meet the requirements of the SFI agreement.
- If the land containing the scheduled monument is removed from the SFI agreement at any time, this management agreement will no longer apply.
For and on behalf of (signature of occupier) on (date)
Occupier address
Occupier email address
Email a scanned copy of the signed and completed form, or post a paper copy, to the relevant local office.
Historic England local offices are based in:
- East of England [email protected]
- London [email protected]
- Midlands [email protected]
- North East [email protected]
- North West [email protected]
- South East [email protected]
- South West [email protected]
- Yorkshire [email protected]
Consent to take soil samples
Do not take any soil samples on the land containing the scheduled monument until Historic England returns this form to you with its signature. This represents its consent for you to take soil samples on the land containing the scheduled monument.
For and on behalf of Historic England (for office use only)
(Signature, Historic England) on (date)
Your information
Historic England is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). All information held by the organisation will be accessible in response to an information request, unless one of the exemptions in the FOIA or EIR applies.
Historic England will use the information provided by you to evaluate any application you make for statutory or quasi-statutory consent, or for grant or other funding. Information provided by you and any information obtained from other sources will be retained in all cases in hard copy form and/or on computer for administration purposes and future consideration, where applicable.