Research and analysis

DCMS Business Survey - Headline Measures

Updated 17 June 2020

1. Introduction

  • An invitation to submit a response to the DCMS Business Survey was circulated through DCMS comms channels to stakeholders in our sectors. This elicited 2,369 responses. Meanwhile, YouGov ran a survey with an identical set of questions on our behalf, obtaining 1,567 results.
  • The 3,936 responses contributing to these results were submitted between 23rd April and 22nd May 2020.
  • Results from the DCMS and YouGov surveys have been merged to create one final dataset.

  • DCMS will be publishing selected headline findings in the coming weeks.

  • Reviewing overall findings suggests that, as expected, respondents to the DCMS survey report slightly worse impacts on their organisation. This is likely to be due to a greater proportion of YouGov survey responses coming from the Digital cluster, which has been less affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

  • Within individual clusters results are broadly similar across the two surveys. Where there are slight discrepancies, it is likely that a self-selection bias has occurred as a result of the DCMS survey methodology (as outlined above)

  • Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to discuss the results in more detail.

2. Caveats

  • Please bear in mind the sample sizes from the opening pages of this report when referring to any survey results.
  • Results from the survey are currently unweighted, with each business assigned the same weight regardless of turnover, size or industry.
  • As stakeholders opt-in to complete the survey, self-selection bias may be present. Therefore, responses are illustrative and they should be treated with caution as results reflect the characteristics of those who responded and not necessarily the wider business population.

3. Results

3.1 At Risk

For the next question, please think about your business’ financial resilience in light of the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Thinking about the next three months (i.e. from now until mid-July 2020)…

Do you feel that your business’ ability to trade as a viable entity is under threat?

Yes, it is No, it is not Don’t know
Overall 2668 1070 195
Doughnut chart for 'Do you feel that your business' ability to trade as a viable entity is under threat?'

3.2 Resilience

For the next question, please include any actions that you can/ have taken to help your business, such as taking mitigating actions and drawing on any financial reserves and credit (including Government support packages). Approximately, how long, do you estimate that your business can continue to trade/ be a viable entity? (Please select the option that best applies. If you are unsure, please give your best estimate. If your business is no longer trading, please select the “Not applicable” option)

Less than 1 month More than 1 month, up to 3 months More than 3 months, up to 6 months More than 6 months Don’t know Not applicable – my business is no longer trading
Overall 155 902 1156 1102 408 202
Doughnut chart for 'Approximately, how long, do you estimate that your business can continue to trade/ be a viable entity? '

3.3 Revenue Impact

For the next question, please now think about the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on your business’ revenue sources. Please think about your business’ expected monthly revenue for this time of the year compared to its actual revenue over the last month (i.e. since mid-March 2020). Approximately, by how much has your business’ revenue decreased, increased or remained the same compared to what was expected over the last month? (Please select the option that best applies. If you are unsure, please give your best estimate)

Increased (by any amount) Remained the same Decreased by 1–24% Decreased by 25–49% Decreased by 50–74% Decreased by 75–99% Decreased by 100% Don’t know
Overall 97 296 263 279 433 814 1646 94
Doughnut chart for 'Approximately, by how much has your business' revenue decreased, increased or remained the same compared to what was expected over the last month?'

3.4 Mitigating Actions

The next question aims to explore the adjustments your organisation has made in response to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Which, if any, of the following types of mitigating actions are your business currently taking in order to maintain revenue or reduce costs in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak? (Please select all that apply. If your business is not currently taking any mitigating actions, please select the “Not applicable” option).

Did respondent select “Accessing Government Support”?

Yes No
Overall 2146 1790
Doughnut chart for 'Did respondent select "Accessing Government Support"'