DFID Results Framework
This tool monitors DFID's progress against key development outcomes and sets out the core results that we will seek to deliver by 2015.
The framework includes a range of key performance indicators that will monitor our operational and organisational effectiveness. Through our Annual Report for 2011/12, we have published the results achieved to date against these results commitments for the first time.
As part of our commitment to maintain full transparency of the aid programme we are publishing information which sets out the structure of the framework, as well as the headline results we will deliver through our bilateral and multilateral programmes and the full list of results indicators which will be used as the basis for central monitoring and management of these key results.
We have also published methodology notes for each of the indicators within Level 2 of the framework (see also Table 2a of the ), to ensure full transparency of the methodologies used to calculate these results. We welcome feedback on these methodologies - please direct any enquiries/comments to [email protected], including ‘DFID Results Framework - methodology notes’ in the subject bar.