DWP Test and Learn DPS: how to register and apply
Updated 5 November 2021
1. Register on the Test and Learn DPS
To apply for Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) accreditation on the Test and Learn Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) , you must first register an account on DWP e-Procurement solution.
Guidance on how to register on DWP e-Procurement solution can be found in the supplier registration guide.
There is also a video tutorial on how to register.
Once registered on DWP e-Procurement solution, you’ll then need to:
- log into the DWP e-Procurement solution
- access ‘PQQs Open to All Suppliers’
The reference you’ll need to find DWP Test and Learn DPS project is: project_20559.
2. The application process
To apply for DWP accreditation on the Test and Learn DPS, there are 2 ‘envelopes’ that must be completed.
To submit your DWP accreditation application, you’ll need to ensure all the sections are completed in order.
The 2 ‘envelopes’ are:
- the qualification envelope, which contains questions on organisation details, legal structure, financial information and questions relating to grounds for mandatory and discretionary exclusion
- the technical envelope, which contains the accreditation questions for the service lines that relate to what your organisation has experience and expertise in
The technical envelope questions are split into sections:
- support offered
- geographic area
- target groups
- areas of expertise, such as disabilities and health conditions
You must apply for at least one of the criteria from each of:
- the service lines
- target groups
- areas of expertise
If these criteria are not completed, you cannot be accredited.
More information on the detail required in your application, such as the specification and instructions to potential suppliers, are provided in the attachments hosted on DWP Test and Learn DPS.
Once you have submitted your application you’ll be told the outcome and which service lines you have been accredited for. You’ll then be able to receive future tender opportunities for the service lines you’re accredited for.
3. Help and support with your application
If you have any questions about using or accessing DWP e-Procurement solution, you can contact the e-Procurement helpdesk by phone or email:
Telephone: 0800 069 8630
Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Email: [email protected]
During and after the accreditation process, support can be requested through the ‘contact us’ section on DWP e-Procurement solution.
4. Additional Information
The accreditation process will take up to 10 working days once you have submitted your application. DWP cannot guarantee this timeframe should further information or clarification be required from your organisation.
A supplier must be accredited to the Test and Learn DPS to be able to receive and bid for opportunities. If there is a live competition running through the Test and Learn DPS at the point your organisation is accredited you may be invited to bid, but the length of the tender period will not be increased. DWP will try to process all applications to the Test and Learn DPS before the publication of a tender.
If there are no relevant tender opportunities currently available for your area of business, it may be possible for you to sub-contract your services to suppliers on existing agreements. If you’re interested in potential sub-contracting opportunities, you can contact the relevant supplier directly.
Being accredited on the DWP Test and Learn DPS does not guarantee work, but means you’ll be able to receive and bid for future tender opportunities.
Further information about DWP Test and Learn DPS contract.