
Prepare to offer apprenticeship end-point assessment

Updated 11 December 2024

Applies to England

Each end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) must be accredited for each specific apprenticeship standard they want to assess.

The full list of apprenticeships standards is maintained by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).

Start by exploring in detail which apprenticeship standards you consider your organisation would be suitable to assess, where you can deliver the EPA as set out in the EPA plan.

The majority of apprenticeship standards are assessed by an EPAO that is independent to the training provider delivering the apprenticeship. The EPAO will be chosen by the provider, unless the employer wishes to choose the EPAO.

Integrated degree apprenticeships

The process is slightly different for integrated degree apprenticeships as for these standards, the university or higher education institute providing the training will also be the EPAO.

To maintain separation between delivering training and delivering assessment, the assessor doing the assessment must be independent of the training provided to the apprentice.

External quality assurance

External quality assurance (EQA) monitors the end-point assessment that apprentices undertake at the end of their apprenticeship, to ensure that it is fair, consistent and robust across different apprenticeship standards and between different assessment organisations.

EQA ensures that EPAOs all work to a high standard and that an apprentice would get the same result from their end-point assessment regardless of the EPAO.

EPA delivery plans

Each apprenticeship standard has a specific assessment plan approved by IfATE. EPAOs are responsible for putting an EPA delivery plan in place for each standard they assess.

IfATE regularly reviews apprenticeship standards and issues revisions and updates known as standard versions. As new versions are approved, training and assessment requirements may change. EPAOs are responsible for keeping up to date with changes to the apprenticeships they assess and updating their EPA delivery plans. Read IfATE’s revisions and adjustments status report.

EPAOs should design and develop their own assessment materials and test these before use. They should also produce exemplars or ‘mock’ assessment materials to help apprentices and their training providers and employers to prepare for end-point assessment.

EPAOs should also be mindful of expected demand for their assessment services and consider resourcing needs such as independent assessors and internal and independent quality assurance (IQA) staff.