Preparing for gateway and completing end-point assessment as an end-point assessment organisation
Updated 11 December 2024
Applies to England
End-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) must only assess an apprentice who has:
- achieved all the gateway requirements
- met the rule for minimum duration for their assessment
Details of the gateway requirements for each apprenticeship standard can be found in the individual assessment plans on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) website.
Before each apprentice’s end-point assessment (EPA), check, verify and document for audit purposes that the apprentice has achieved the gateway requirements, including any mandatory qualifications.
You’ll also need to:
- confirm you have updated contact information for apprentices so certificates can be sent out
- have written permission from each apprentice to apply for their certificate
- plan assessments within the timescale requirements identified within the EPA assessment plan
- share any paperwork for the EPA in advance and give clear guidance on who needs to complete what, as appropriate
- ensure all the logistics and instructions are shared with the employer and apprentice for each assessment method
- manage secure storage requirements and ensure confidential assessment materials are not shared in advance of the assessment itself
- manage any potential logistical issues in advance for the EPA, to ensure the apprentice and employer have a good assessment experience
Where assessment plans stipulate that resits and retakes can only be taken within a specific assessment window, consider this in your planning.
Delivering an end-point assessment (EPA)
Once the gateway requirements have been met and you’ve made arrangements for assessment, you’ll need to:
- deliver EPA in line with the EPA assessment plan
- ensure any agreed reasonable adjustments are made
- carry out internal quality assurance checks to ensure the EPA decisions are robust, consistent, and comparable across assessors and locations