
Results, feedback and celebration after end-point assessment

Updated 11 December 2024

Applies to England

After an apprentice’s end-point assessment (EPA) you’ll need to share their results with the apprentice, their employer and their training provider.

Use the record a grade service.

Where applicable, share the appeals process with the employer and training provider and invoke the appeals policy if necessary.

You’ll also need to:

  • retain information about the EPAs undertaken in line with external quality assurance (EQA) requirements
  • manage outcomes for any retakes or resits in line with the EPA guidance

Resits and retakes

Apprentices who fail all or part of their EPA are able to do a resit or retake.

A resit involves the apprentice sitting one or more failed EPA components again, without the need to undertake further training.

A retake involves an apprentice doing further training before they do their EPA again.

A resit or a retake cannot be taken to improve the original grade if an apprentice has passed their EPA.

If an apprentice fails one or more assessment component, discuss this with the employer and training provider and recommend if this should be a resit or retake in line with the assessment guidance.

You should provide the apprentice and employer with a result statement showing the assessment components the apprentice has failed and whether further training is needed.

Some assessment plans set out specific criteria for resits which need to be followed.

Where required, confirm fees for resits or retakes with the employer, in line with your service level agreement.


When an apprentice has achieved all the components of their EPA, you should apply for a certificate using the online apprentice assessment service.

You should have written agreement from the apprentice to make this application.

EPAOs should not issue their own certificates.

Celebrating apprentice achievement

When your apprentices successfully complete their apprenticeship, consider sharing success stories, with agreement from all parties involved.

Feedback and review

Ask for feedback from employers, training providers and apprentices to review and refine your practices as an EPAO.

You should undertake analysis and review of all results and assessment materials.

This will include:

  • ensuring comparable decisions are made
  • checking that assessment materials are functioning as intended to meet EPA plan requirements
  • looking for consistency and inconsistencies in delivery of EPA

For example, analysis may show if a specific assessor was grading too harshly or too generously.

You could consider sharing your analysis insights with training providers and employers to help them inform the quality of their delivery in light of apprentice performance in EPA.

Help and support

You can get more information on the apprenticeship service support site.