Corporate report

Fees statement 2020-2021

Published 7 April 2020

Applies to England

1. Introduction

1.1 In our Decision Statement on the introduction of fees we committed to publishing information on our budget each financial year including the split between grant in aid (from our sponsor department – MHCLG) and fee revenue; the cost of key functions and the fee level for the year. Our budget and fee level for 2020/21 is set out below.

1.2 Fee income is generated from a mixture of annual fees, which cover routine regulation, and initial registration fees. Grant in aid covers the cost of non-routine regulation, including consumer regulation, and any registration costs not covered by initial registration fees.

1.3 We formed a Fees and Resources Advisory Panel alongside existing stakeholder engagement arrangements to enable engagement on fees with a range of stakeholders, and to provide increased transparency.

2. Regulator of Social Housing budget: 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021

Staff costs £000 Non-staff costs £000 Total £000
Direct regulation costs 14,261 2,387 16,648
Corporate support costs      
Finance and performance 1,168 93 1,261
Facilities - 1,073 1,073
HR 317 99 416
IT 313 926 1,239
Other - 124 124
Sub-total 1,798 2,315 4,113
TOTAL 16,059 4,702 20,761

3. How we regulate

Decorative wheel showing areas of regulation. These are described in the text of the document.


Register and de-register providers.

Monitor and analyse risk

Gather intelligence and analyse risk at a sector and sub-sector level to inform our assessment of a registered provider.

Assess and Grade

Analysis of risks and how well registered providers are managing their risks demonstrated through published regulatory judgements and pre-empting issues.

Investigate and Enforce

Where a provider is at risk of issues crystallising, securing solutions to resolve the problems.

Shape and Influence

Identify and communicate emerging trends and risks to the sector and maintain confidence of stakeholders.

3.1 Further detail on our regulatory approach can be found in our:

4. Cost allocation to function

Costs by function Revenue from fees £000 Revenue from Grant in aid £000 Total £000
Register 407 937 1,344
Monitor and analyse risk 3,223 888 4,111
Assess and grade 9,719 874 10,593
Investigation and enforce - 2,965 2,965
Shape and influence 1,394 354 1,748
TOTAL 14,743 6,018 20, 761

5. Fee levels 2020/2021

Fee levels 1 April 2020-31 March 2021
Registered providers < 1,000 units £300 flat fee per annum
Registered providers > 1,000 units £5.42 per social housing unit
Initial registration fee £2,500

5.1 The costs in this plan are based on an overall annual budget of £20.761 million. There is allowance in the above costs to allow for additional recruitment that is planned. Should there be any underspend on fee-funded costs there would be a proportionate refund of the annual fee to providers.

5.2 The corporate support costs are allocated proportionately through each of the functions.

© RSH copyright 2020

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Regulator of Social Housing 1st floor – Lateral
8 City Walk
Leeds LS11 9AT

RSH regulates private registered providers of social housing to promote a viable, efficient and well-governed social housing sector able to deliver homes that meet a range of needs.