Corporate report

Minutes of the first meeting of the Single Library Digital Presence Steering Group

Published 6 May 2016

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Meeting date: Thursday 31 March 2016: 12.00 to 14.00

Location: Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 100 Parliament Street, London


  • Kathy Settle – Chief Executive: Libraries Taskforce (Acting Chair for 1st meeting)
  • Laura Caton – Senior Adviser: Local Government Association
  • Paul Clements – Head of Architecture and Design: British Library
  • Ken Chad – Ken Chad Consultancy Ltd
  • Mick Fortune – Representative, Book Industry Communications
  • Andrew Hall – OCLC
  • Martin Gaw – Senior Manager: Arts Council England
  • Charlotte Lane - Programme and Project Manager: Libraries Taskforce (Acting Secretariat for 1st meeting)
  • Neil MacInnes - Representative, Society of Chief Librarians
  • Bill Thompson – Head of Partnership Development, Archive Development: BBC


Nick Poole – Chief Executive: Chartered Institute of Librarians and Information Professionals Darren Smart – Libraries Taskforce Secondee: West Sussex Ciara Eastell – President: Society of Chief Librarians

1. Introduction

The chair outlined the purpose of the meeting - to decide the best way of taking forward ideas and proposals in the Bibliocommons report for the benefit of libraries.

2. Background

The Society of Chief Librarians (SCL) gave an update on the background of the Single Library Digital Presence (SLDP).

SCL and Arts Council England with support from the Reading Agency commissioned Bibliocommons to produce a report reflecting on the current library digital offer, what a unified digital presence for libraries in England could look like and ideas for moving forward. The report showed that the digital offer in libraries hadn’t progressed to meet user expectations (or staff needs).

There has been positive feedback on the opportunities outlined in the report but concerns as to its deliverability. SCL ran a session on the report on 16 January 2016 with Library Management System suppliers in Birmingham

3. Terms of reference

Paper SLDP 1 - 31/03/16 Terms of reference was tabled. It was highlighted that members of the Steering Group were chosen because of their interest in either the delivery or technical aspects of the SLDP.

The chair asked for suggestions on any other attendees and a possible chair for future meetings. It was suggested that additional members could include James Speake (Tinder Foundation), Martin Ferguson (SOCITM) and Martyn Evans (Carnegie Trust - a possible chair if time allowed?). It was also suggested that additional representatives from the library sector be added as the work progressed as potential users of the SLDP.

With the above additions, the Steering Group agreed to the Terms of Reference.

ACTION: secretariat to contact suggested additional members of the Steering Group

4. Delivery options

The group considered the points raised in the paper (SLDP 2 - 31/03/16 Options paper) and discussed what else is going on in this space. Discussion points included:

  • the need to look at international best practice
  • adding NICE and SCONUL as other organisations working in this space

It was agreed that ongoing research is needed in this area to better inform the SLDP.

Different options to progress the report were discussed. These included:

  • the role of BIC’s Library Communications Framework (LCF) which is a set of library interoperability standards, a framework for the communication of data between Library Management System and self-service machines and other library terminal applications:
    • once it is widely adopted suppliers will be able to approach new markets and offer new functionality to different services
    • LCF is an enabler - helpful for the steering group to endorse and encourage take-up
  • the option of having a national catalogue (LCF would be an enabler):
    • cross-Greater Manchester catalogue has now led to good take-up/usage
    • requires the holdings of libraries including uncatalogued stock
    • however there are a number of applications being developed which already link to different online catalogues
    • OCLC have plenty of experience in this space – commenting that their the cataloguing / metadata infrastructure is in use already across much of England’s public libraries; in an inter-library capacity which could be leveraged further

It was agreed that developing a prototype would make it easier for possible users and investors to understand the potential a SLDP would offer and how it might ‘look and feel’. There was some discussion on what a prototype of the SLDP should focus on. Topics included:

  • literacy: traditionally seen as a core function of the public library network, tallies with priorities of the Taskforce in Libraries Deliver: an Ambition for Public Libraries in England, 2016-2021, and can have greatest benefit to individuals and communities
  • children and young people:
    • which is part of a shared agenda between libraries and councils
    • as it would be a good investment for future library users - how could a SLDP be used to help attract and maintain engagement of children and young people in libraries
    • would need to consider how to engage with those who wouldn’t traditionally use libraries, for example, focusing on the experience / discovery element not transactions
    • the work of which would need to tie up with schools
    • introducing them to something they may not experience or be able to access otherwise
    • the Culture White Paper references the importance of equality of access to cultural institutions and assets
    • Life chances agenda which is a national priority. This would focus on the broader aspiration to maximise everyone’s opportunities in life, regardless of background.

It was agreed to explore ideas for use cases - which would point us to services / functionality - that a SLDP could provide that would support the above agendas. It was suggested that a university (eg. University College London’s Innovation Lab) might be interested in supporting the group to work up ideas, including doing some research with potential users.

It was noted that, whilst the group may focus on the above topics for a prototype, the intention is not to create a ‘delivery silo’ on these topics. Instead the group will be using these topics specifically to drive thinking on the SLDP and to show what might be achieved.

In thinking about a prototype, the group would need to consider supporting technology, ensuring that any solution allowed for flexibility. However it was recognised that certain standards may need to be specified (eg. LCF) which any solution would need to meet.


  • Steering Group to draft a brief re developing use cases / doing user research for the prototype to share with potential delivery partners
  • Bill Thompson to approach possible partners with the concept and see if they’re interested in working up ideas

It was discussed how SLDP could make library access truly universal as:

  • good digital provision is a way to offer 24/7 access to library assets and services, complementing and enhancing the physical library offer (this could be an effective argument when discussing the prototype with chief executives)
  • there could also be added functionality available online when a user is in the library (eg. scan a book and get more information about it online, etc)
  • moving between the physical and digital space should be seamless - it should make this distinction obsolete
  • SLDP should deliver a range of content, driving footfall to libraries

It was agreed that the Steering Group needed to articulate a vision for the SLDP for the next 5/10 years. By setting out a vision for SLDP, it would provide a focus for other bodies who may wish to deliver elements of it. However, there may be elements which, if the Steering Group doesn’t deliver, it won’t happen.

Discussions showed that there needed to be a set of agreed principles which could be circulated and would show interested parties the nature / intentions of the project. These would be flexible and a guide to the Steering Group’s work. It would state:

  • the role of suppliers, ie. not intended to favour one supplier but SLDP would, over time, be likely to change the environment in which suppliers operate
  • the added value / positive outcomes of the project for local people (rather than focusing on cashable savings which are often unquantifiable)
  • how SLDP would not be transaction focused

ACTION: Steering Group to collate principles for the SLDP development. Once finalised, they will be published on GOV.UK and continue to be added to as necessary.

The BBC, as part of their research and education work, license materials for educational use. This includes an index of the BBC archive which schools who have an [Educational Recording Agency licence]( (all funded schools in England) can access. It was identified that this was the type of material that the group would be seeking to add to the SLDP if licensing arrangements could be sorted. Bill Thompson offered to speak to BBC colleagues to see whether they could develop a prototype which would build on and use this content for use with libraries / local authorities / potential funders. This would build on the partnership which already exists between libraries and the BBC.


  • Bill Thompson to seek agreement by 8 April 2016
  • if confirmed, the BBC (working with the British Library) will build a rough prototype for the next meeting (the format will depend on what can be repurposed) to see whether it is useful to continue

The Steering Group will look at the BBC offer but also consider other people / organisations who could build something for this space.

5. Funding options

Paper SLDP 3 - 31/03/16 Funding paper was tabled. It was agreed that there would be 2 stages to securing funding; firstly to build a prototype which would then, secondly, secure interest for funding further development. The prototype would need to convince potential investors of the benefits and positive outcomes for users (public, library staff, partners, etc).

The Steering Group will look to secure pro-bono support from others where possible. It was agreed that, while the market may deliver some elements, the Steering Group will need some money and different sources of funding. Before funding beyond the prototype stage can be pursued, the Steering Group need to work through specifically what is required, building on the learning from the prototype stage.

ACTION: All to find out details and share working on things happening in this sphere, including overseas projects, that may provide funding opportunities / it may be possible to link to.

6. Next steps

The focus in the next month is to:

  • draft a brief re developing use cases / doing user research on children and the life chances agenda to inform prototype development and for sharing with potential delivery partners
  • work with the BBC (if possible) to develop an initial prototype

7. AOB

The next meeting will be scheduled for the end of April.

ACTION: secretariat to organise the next SLDP meeting

It was suggested that there be a means for the Steering Group to communicate beyond an email list.

ACTION: secretariat to set up Slack for the Steering Group to trial

It was agreed that the minutes would be published on GOV.UK once approved by the Steering Group.

ACTION: secretariat to circulate the minutes for agreement and then publish on the Taskforce’s website on GOV.UK.