FOI release

Freedom of Information request on applications to import Co-proxamol (FOI 21/376 and FOI 21/465)

Published 28 June 2021

6th May 2021 FOI 21/376 and 21/465 Dear

Ref: FOI 21/376 , FOI 21/465

Thank you for your communication to the MHRA in relation to a Freedom of Information request for:

1.My request relates to the information you provided on 4th September 2018 “Co proxamol information 2007 2018.xls file” which disclosed every application to import Co-proxamol with the importer names redacted. As you’re aware the ICO Commissioner considered whether the MHRA had correctly applied section 41 and/or 43 of the FOI act to withhold the names of the licenced importers and decided you hadn’t, as you hold all the requested information you should disclose this information immediately. Please can you remove all the redactions on this xls file you previously supplied?

2.Please can you reveal the identity (names) of all the licenced importers of Co-proxamol from May 2008 to February 2018?

We have responded to the request previously and hold no further information. The FOIA places a general duty on public authorities to give access to official information. However, it also provides an exemption from that duty for requests that are repeated under section 14 of the Act.

If you have a query about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us at IE&[email protected]

If you are unhappy with our decision, you may ask for it to be reviewed. That review will be undertaken by a senior member of the Agency who has not previously been involved in your request. If you wish to pursue that option please email: [email protected]

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, we are not able to accept delivery of any documents or correspondence by post or courier to any of our offices.

After that, if you remain dissatisfied, you may write to the Information Commissioner at; The Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF. They will make a decision on whether or not we have interpreted the FOIA correctly in handling your request.

Yours sincerely

MHRA Customer Service Centre

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency 10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 4PU