End of Future Accommodation Model (FAM) pilot - overview
Updated 19 July 2023
Information for those Service personnel who received an Assignment Order to a FAM pilot site and benefited from the offer up to 31 March 2023.
1. FAM pilot
The FAM pilot which ran at HMNB Clyde, Aldershot Garrison and RAF Wittering has come to an end as of 31 March 2023.
If you are receiving FAM payments and are either staying at a pilot site or are due to be posted elsewhere, you may continue to receive FAM benefits.
You are strongly advised to email your relevant FAM pilot site to discuss your eligibility and the options open to you going forward:
HMNB Clyde: [email protected]
Aldershot Garrison: [email protected]
RAF Wittering: [email protected]
If you are posted onto a previous FAM pilot site after 31 March 2023 (or any other location), you will come under current accommodation entitlements as per JSP 464 Volumes 1 and 2.
For more information on the existing policy please see the Defence Accommodation Policy.
2. What now?
Under the FAM pilot, Defence has tested various options:
- allocation based on Need vs Rank
- allowances for home ownership
- entitlement for those in Long Term Established Relationships (LTR(e))
- entitlement for those Service personnel who have their child/ren for over 80 nights a year
- the option for Service personnel and families to choose the Private Rental Sector rather than Service Family Accommodation and receive an allowance towards the rental costs
Policy is now being reviewed to work out which options will be carried forward to the New Accommodation Offer.
As a result of the Defence Accommodation Strategy (DAS), the New Accommodation Offer will offer accommodation based on need not rank and those in an LTR(E) will become entitled to subsidised accommodation.
3. When?
Defence will release more details on what aspects of the accommodation offer will change throughout 2023.
4. Further information
Defence Accommodation Policy appreciates that Serving personnel will have questions on how the changes affect them, but until we have more information we are unable to give any definitive answers.
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JSP 752 -Tri-Service regulations for expenses and allowances