GLD: gender pay gap report 2017
Updated 22 September 2020
1. Background
In 2017, the government introduced world-leading legislation that made it statutory for organisations with 250 or more employees to report annually on their gender pay gap. Government departments are covered by the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 which came into force on 31 March 2017. These regulations underpin the Public Sector Equality Duty and require the relevant organisations to publish their gender pay gap data by 30 March 2018 and then annually, including mean and median gender pay gaps; the mean and median gender bonus gaps; the proportion of men and women who received bonuses; and the proportions of male and female employees in each pay quartile.
The gender pay gap is a high-level snap-shot of pay within an organisation and shows the difference in the average pay between all men and women in a workforce. If a workforce has a particularly high gender pay gap, this can indicate there may be a number of issues to deal with, and the individual calculations may help to identify what those issues are.
The gender pay gap is different to equal pay. Equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value. It is unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or a woman.
A gender pay gap does not equate to the existence of an equal pay problem, albeit a gender pay gap may be a trigger for further investigation about the reasons why the gap exists.
2. Organisational Context
The Government Legal Department (GLD) has a strong commitment to equality for all regardless of gender, gender reassignment, race, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity or disability.
GLD has a strong profile of women, black and minority ethnic and disabled staff at Senior Civil Service (SCS) level and in feeder grades to the SCS.
This report sets out where GLD fulfils the reporting requirements and analyses the figures in more detail.
This report sets out where GLD fulfils the reporting requirements and analyses the figures in more detail.
2.1 Organisational structure
GLD uses Civil Service grades Administrative Officer (AO) to SCS with 2 additional grades, Legal Trainee (LT) and Legal Officer (LO). We also have Non-Executive Directors (NEDS).
The grades are split into 2 groups: *SCS whose pay and grading structures are determined by the Cabinet Office. The grading structure is underpinned by the analytical Job Evaluation for Senior Posts (JESP) system *Delegated grades AO to Grade 6 where GLD has the ability, within the frameworks set by HM Treasury and Cabinet Office, to determine its pay and grading structures. GLD’s grading structure is underpinned by an analytical Job Evaluation and Grading System (JEGS).
As at 31 March 2017, GLD had 1951 relevant employees of which 63.2% were female. GLD had 1772 full pay relevant employees of which 61.12% were female. The difference is due to employees on nil or reduced pay during March. This compares to the Office of National Statistics, March 2017 Civil Service statistics where 54% of the Civil Service as a whole are female.
Breaking this down further reveals there is a higher proportion of relevant female employees in most grades.The exception is at senior level where there is a more even split.
Grade | Female | Male |
SCS including NEDS | 49.4% | 50.6% |
G7/G6 | 65.4% | 34.6% |
HEO/SEO | 57.5% | 42.5% |
LO/LT | 57% | 43% |
AO/EO | 64.8% | 35.2% |
The following gender pay gap analysis is based on the methodology set out in the Equality Act (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017.
3. Analysis
3.1 Ordinary pay
The mean gender pay gap is the difference between men’s and women’s average hourly pay. For GLD’s full pay relevant employees the mean gender pay gap is 0.44% in favour of men. The median gender pay gap is 0.70% also in favour of men.
0.44% Mean gender pay gap
0.70% Median gender pay gap
These figures can be contrasted favourably with the Civil Service mean gender pay gap of 11% and the median gender pay gap of 12.7% (Office of National Statistics, March 2017). It must be noted that the Office of National Statistics uses a different methodology to calculate the Civil Service gender pay gap.
3.2 Hourly pay quartiles
The hourly pay quartiles show the proportion of male and female full pay relevant employees in each quartile, when they are arranged in order of hourly pay rate.
Female | Male | |
Lower quartile | 60.18% | 39.82% |
Lower middle quartile | 63.21% | 36.79% |
Upper middle quartile | 60.14% | 39.86% |
Upper quartile | 61.04% | 38.96% |
The gender composition of all four quartiles is very similar to GLD’s overall full pay relevant employee gender composition. The approximate 60:40 ratio of women to men at all levels in the organisation is why GLD has minimal mean and median gender pay gaps.
3.3 Bonus pay
Delegated grades AO to Grade 6
GLD operates a special bonus scheme which recognises and rewards individuals or teams for exceptional achievements relating to specific tasks or activities, and/or for acting as an outstanding role model in the demonstration of GLD’s Values. Individuals may receive cash or vouchers of between £10 and £500.
As part of the 2016 pay award employees who received an ‘A’ performance rating received a one off Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay (NCPRP) award of £1100. All eligible employees received the £1100 payment in full; we do not pro-rate for part time employees.
The special bonus scheme and NCPRP are subject to a cost control of 0.59% of GLD’s delegated grades pay bill.
Senior Civil Servants (SCS)
GLD did not have a Special Bonus scheme for the SCS. A scheme has been introduced from 1 April 2017. Cabinet Office guidance sets out the policy for Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay (NCPRP) awards. Payments should be restricted to the top 25% of performers. This continues to be subject to a cost control of 3.3% of GLD’s SCS pay bill. Again we do not pro-rate NCPRP awards for part time employees.
Analysis revealed overall GLD has a mean bonus pay gap of 26.33% in favour of men, and a median bonus pay gap of 50.00% also in favour of men.
26.33% Mean bonus pay gap
50.00% Median bonus pay gap
The overall GLD mean bonus pay gap is impacted by the significant difference in the value of the SCS NCPRP awards compared to the delegated grade’s NCPRP awards and that more SCS men received an award.
When you separate out the 2 grade groups the delegated grades mean bonus pay gap is 8.24% in favour of men. The SCS mean bonus pay gap is 4.38% in favour of women.
8.24% Mean bonus pay gap AO to Grade 6
-4.38% Median bonus pay gap
Similarly the delegated grades median bonus pay gap is 60.00% in favour of men, which in real terms is the difference between £150 (women’s median bonus) and £300 (men’s median bonus). This is due to the special in year bonus scheme where payments can range from £10 to £500 and more men received higher amounts. Delegated grades all receive the same NCPRP award of £1100. The SCS did not have a Special Bonus Scheme and their median bonus pay gap is 0.00%.
60% Median bonus pay gap AO to Grade 6
0% Median bonus pay gap
The proportion of women relevant employees who received a bonus is 42% and the proportion of male relevant employees who received a bonus is 46%.
42% Proportion of women who received a bonus
46% Proportion of men who received a bonus
4. Actions
While GLD has a minimal gender pay gap in relation to ordinary pay we recognise the importance of existing initiatives and seek to continuously improve the diversity of our workforce. Some of our current initiatives are:
Reward: GLD’s reward strategy includes equality as a key priority. We monitor the in year bonus scheme and the impact of the annual pay review to ensure where possible gender pay differences are addressed. Work is already underway to do more analysis on the bonus gender pay gap.
With these initiatives already in place, there is still more to do to raise awareness, highlight barriers and influence action that can help further reduce these gaps, across all business areas.
Flexible working: GLD recognises the importance of flexible working at senior levels in reducing the gender pay gap by enabling women to work in senior roles whilst balancing family commitments. Our policy is to look favourably on flexible working arrangement requests at all levels of the organisation provided that the needs and objectives of both the organisation and the employee can be met. We offer a wide range of options including reduced hours, compressed hours, job share, flexi time, working from home and annualised hours.
Recruitment practices: GLD seeks to recruit a diverse workforce. We use non-discriminatory job descriptions, analytical job evaluation and name blind recruitment practices to eliminate potential bias in the recruitment process. All interview panel members undertake mandatory unconscious bias training.
Career Paths: GLD offers a number of talent programmes supporting the right people into the right roles providing access to the right opportunities, exposure, stretch and development to reach their potential. For instance, Future Leaders Scheme, Positive Action Pathway, Civil Service Fast Stream and Apprenticeships. Also, for SCS we have the Senior Leaders Scheme, Leading to Inspire and High Potential Development Scheme. The aim is to help tackle over time the under-representation of certain groups in senior management positions.
Diversity networks: We have active employee networks including Gender Equality, Flexible Working, Carers, Wellbeing and Disability, LGBT, Race and Social Mobility. The networks provide a forum to discuss, and provide mutual support, for those with a common interest. They provide a voice for and support to all employees within GLD.
5. Declaration
The data reported by Government Legal Department is accurate and has been calculated according to the requirements and methodology set out in the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017.