
Consultations - publications archive

Published 7 May 2013

Documents in the publications archive are at least 2 years old. They do not necessarily reflect current DWP policies or procedures.

Email the title and reference number of the publication you need to [email protected]

Title Year Reference number
A review of the requirement for Employers’ Liability Compulsory Insurance for limited companies that employ only their owner: summary of responses to consultation 2004 81822
Abolition of defined contribution (DC) contracting out: treatment of protected rights accrued in the past and proposed operational arrangements 2006 81064
Abolition of defined contribution (DC) contracting out: treatment of protected rights accrued in the past and proposed operational arrangements – government response to the consultation 2006 81066
Accepting and advertising employer vacancies from within the adult entertainment industry by Jobcentre Plus – consultation document 2008 79884
Alternative anti-franking rules 2001 80751
Amending the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979 2001 64677
Amendments to the Occupational Pension Schemes (Employer Debt) Regulations 2005: consultation on the Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Employer Debt) (Amendment) and Pension Protection Fund (Multi-employer and Entry Rules) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 2007 73270
Analysis of responses to the consultation paper, the future of the residential allowance component of income support and the Part 3 and 4 accommodation rate: executive summary 2002 64820
Appeals Service Agency race equality scheme 2002 65166
Approaches to the calculation of pensions transfer values: consultation on draft regulations 2007 73332
Approaches to the calculation of pensions transfer values: response to the consultation on draft regulations 2008 89880
Approaches to the calculations of pensions transfer values – a consultation document 2006 81098
Approaches to the calculations of pensions transfer values – response to the consultation 2007 81103
Title Year Reference number
Bulk transfer of accrued pension rights without member consent: Pensions Ombudsman procedure 2001 64671
Bulk transfer of accrued pension rights without member consent. Pensions Ombudsman procedure 2001 80816
Better Regulation Task Force (BRTF) report: “Housing Benefit: a case study of lone parents” – government response 2001 81807
Title Year Reference number
Changes to Invalid Care Allowance amending section 70 of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 2001 80803
Changes to invalid care allowance: amending section 70 of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 2001 64666
Changing welfare state – social security spending 2000 81787
Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill 2007: regulatory impact assessment 2007 75523
Child Support Agency race equality scheme 2002 64988
Children first: a new approach to child support 1998 69127
Civil Partnership (Contracted-out Occupational and Appropriate Personal Pension Schemes) (Surviving Civil Partners) Order 2005 – government response to the consultation 2005 81905
Comparisons over time for low income statistics 2000 81801
Consultation by employers requirement – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80984
Consultation by Employers Requirement – consultation on draft regulations – government response to the consultation 2005 80985
Consultation by Employers Requirement – consultation on draft regulations 2005 81863
Consultation by Employers Requirement – the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (consultation by employers) Regulations 2006 and the Pensions Act 2004 (Consultation by Employers) (Protections for Nominated Representatives) Regulations 2006 2005 81024
Consultation documents on recommendations in the Myners’ report institutional investment in the UK: a review 2002 64986
Consultation documents on recommendations in the Myners’ report: institutional investment in the UK: partial regulatory impact assessment 2002 64995
Consultation documents on recommendations in the Myners’ report “Institutional Investment in the UK: a review – Pension scheme trustees being “familiar with the issues concerned” – Independent custodians and pension schemes – Encouraging shareholder activism 2002 80828
Consultation documents on recommendations in the Myners’ report “Institutional Investment in the UK: a review – Pension scheme trustees being “familiar with the issues concerned” – Independent custodians and pension schemes – Encouraging shareholder activism – Partial Regulatory Impact Assessment 2002 80829
Consultation on a Draft European Directive – the draft portability of supplementary pensions directive 2005 2006 81130
Consultation on draft Scheme Funding and Disclosure Regulations 2005 81155
Consultation on the European Social Fund in England and Gibraltar 2007 to 2013 2006 79817
Consultation on the European Social Fund in England and Gibraltar 2007 to 2013 – government response to the consultation 2006 81956
Consultation on the European Social Fund in England and Gibraltar 2007 to 2013 – government response to the consultation 2007 81057
Consultation on the moral hazard clauses in the pensions bill: report for the Grand Committee 2004 67710
Consultation: the draft Financial Assistance Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2007 2007 89891
Contracted-out Benefits and Miscellaneous Amendments The Personal Pension Schemes (Appropriate Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 government response to the consultation 2005 80907
Contracted-out Benefits and Miscellaneous Amendments: consultation on draft regulations – Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005 and the Personal Pension Schemes (Appropriate Schemes)(Amendment) Regulations 2005 March 2005 2005 80903
Contracting-out (Protection of Guaranteed Minimum Pension) Order 2001 2000 80817
Contracting-out (Protection of Guaranteed Minimum Pension) Order 2001 2001 80747
Contracting-out (Protection of Guaranteed Minimum Pension) Regulations 2001 2001 80750
Contracting-out, protected rights and safeguarded rights (transfer payment) amendment regulations 2005 2004 67740
Title Year Reference number
Delivering equality for disabled people: a consultation on the extension of the Disability Discrimination Act to functions of public authorities, and the introduction of a duty to promote equality for disabled people 2004 67628
Department for Work and Pensions Child and Housing Directorate race equality scheme 2002 64880
Department for Work and Pensions Decision Making Standards Committee – consultation on the DMA Process: reconsiderations and appeals 2005 81902
Department for Work and Pensions Disability and Carers Directorate race equality scheme 2002 65105
Department for Work and Pensions Human Resources race equality scheme 2002 65111
Department for Work and Pensions Law and Special Policy Group race equality scheme 2002 65113
Deregulatory Review of Private Pensions – government response 2007 81111
Deregulatory Review of Private Pensions – response to consultation 2007 81683
Developing a Framework for Vocational Rehabilitation: a discussion paper 2004 81861
Disability Discrimination (Premises) Regulations 2006 2006 80901
Disability Discrimination (Private Clubs etc.) Regulations 2005 2005 80730
Disability Discrimination (Public Authorities) (Statutory Duties) Regulations 2005 – Statutory Instruments 2005 81923
Disability Discrimination (Public Authorities)(Statutory Duties) Regulations 2005 2005 81903
Disability Discrimination (Service Providers and Public Authorities Carrying Out Functions) Regulations 2005 – Statutory Instruments 2005 81922
Disability Discrimination (Service Providers and Public Authorities Carrying Out Functions) Regulations 2005 2005 80732
Disability Discrimination (Service Providers and Public Authorities Carrying Out Functions) Regulations 2005 – Statutory Instruments 2005 81926
Disability Discrimination Act 2005: government response 2004 67747
Disability Discrimination Act consultation document: guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability 2005 80933
Disability discrimination bill: consultation on private clubs; premises; the definition of disability and the questions procedure 2004 67745
Disability Discrimination Bill: consultation on private clubs; premises; the definition of disability and the questions procedure 2004 80727
Disability equality: how will we know we are making a difference?: summary of the results of consultation 2007 89879
Draft contracting out (Protection of Guaranteed Minimum Pension) Order and Regulations 2001 2000 80753
Draft occupational pension schemes (penalties) regulations 2000 and amendments to the occupational pension schemes (scheme administration) regulations 1996 and the occupational pension schemes (minimum funding requirement and actuarial valuations) regulations 1996 1999 72303
Draft occupational pension schemes (transfer values) (amendment) regulations 2003 2003 64863
Draft occupational pension schemes (winding up, deficiency on winding up and transfer values) (amendment) regulations: consultation on draft regulations response analysis 2005 67678
Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding Up, Deficiency on Winding Up and Transfer Values) (Amendment) Regulations: consultation on draft regulations Response Analysis 2004 81839
DWP Race Equality Scheme: consultation summary 2003 81819
The Disability Discrimination (Providers of Services) (Adjustment of Premises) Regulations 2001 2001 81813
Title Year Reference number
Encouraging shareholder activism a consultation document 2002 64982
Equality, opportunity and independence for all 2002 65115
Evaluation of Jobcentre Plus key management indicators: a final report to Jobcentre Plus Analytical Division 2003 72241
Title Year Reference number
A fresh start: child support redesign: the government’s response to Sir David Henshaw 2006 70056
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries Pensions DMA : Statutory Illustrations of Money Purchase Benefits, Version 1.0 2000 80792
Financial Assistance Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2006 – consultation on draft regulations 2006 81075
Financial Assistance Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2006 – government response to the consultation 2006 81076
Financial Assistance Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2006 – Statutory Instruments 2006 81077
Financial Assistance Scheme and Incapacity Benefit (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009 – consultation 2008 79574
Financial Assistance Scheme and Incapacity Benefit (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009 – government response to the consultation 2009 81680
Financial Assistance Scheme Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80998
Financial Assistance Scheme Regulations 2005 – government response to the consultation 2005 80916
Financial Assistance Scheme: the Financial Assistance Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2007: government response to the consultation 2007 89888
Flexible retirement and pension provision: government response to the consultation, and draft regulations 2007 89915
Flexible retirement and pension provision: October 2007: consultation document 2007 89913
Funding Defined Benefits: consultation on implementing the new requirements 2005 81026
Future of the residential allowance component of income support, minimum income guarantee, jobseeker’s allowance (income based) and the part 3 accommodation rate: a consultation paper 2002 64818
Future of the residential allowance component of Income Support, Minimum Income Guarantee, Jobseeker’s Allowance (Income Based) and the part 3 (part 4 in Scotland) accommodation rate: consultation paper response analysis 2002 64819
Future of UK pensions reply by the government to the third report of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, session 2002 to 2003 [HC 92-I] presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions by command of Her Majesty 2003 64876
The future of the residential allowance component of Income Support and the Part 3 and 4 accommodation rate – analysis of responses to the consultation paper 2002 80822
The future of the residential allowance component of Income Support, Minimum Income Guarantee, Jobseeker’s Allowance (Income Based) and the Part 3 (Part 4 in Scotland) Accommodation Rate – consultation paper response analysis 2002 80823
The Future of the Residential Allowance component of Income Support Minimum Income Guarantee Jobseeker’s Allowance (Income Based) and the Part 3 Accommodation Rate – a consultation paper 2002 80824
Title Year Reference number
Government response to the consultation on a draft European Directive – the daft Portability of Supplementary Pensions Directive 2005 2006 81131
Government response to the consultation on draft regulations: Occupational Pension Schemes (Levies) (Amendment) Regulations 2008: the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (General Levy) (Amendment) Regulations 2008: the Pension Protection Fund (payments to meet risk-based administration Costs) Regulations 2008 2008 89920
Government response to consultation on draft regulations: the Pension Protection Fund (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009 2009 89944
Title Year Reference number
Helping people achieve their full potential: improving specialist disability employment services: public consultation 2007 79267
Helping people achieve their full potential: improving specialist disability employment services: summary of responses 2008 85116
Housing and Council tax benefits verification framework: consultation document splitting the verification framework into modules 2001 64676
Housing and employment mobility services 2004 67684
Housing benefit sanctions and anti social behaviour: analysis of consultation 2004 64829
Housing and Council Tax Benefits verification framework – consultation document 2001 80815
Housing and Council Tax Benefits verification framework – modules and changes April 2002 2002 80814
Housing Benefit sanctions and anti-social behaviour – analysis of consultation 2004 80897
Housing Benefit sanctions and anti-social behaviour – covering letter 2004 80898
Title Year Reference number
Illustrations of money purchase pensions: a consultation document issued jointly by DSS and the Faculty and the Institute of Actuaries Faculty and Institute of Actuaries 2000 64636
Implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA 2005) 2004 67746
Implementing the European Directive on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision: government response to consultation 2004 67625
Independent custodians and pension schemes a consultation document 2002 64981
Introduction of the revised powers, for DSS and local authorities, to obtain information on benefit customers in remunerative work 2001 64673
Illustrations of money purchase pensions – a consultation document issued jointly by DSS and the Faculty and the Institute of Actuaries 2000 80760
Introduction of the revised powers, for DSS and local authorities, to obtain information on benefit customers in remunerative work 2001 80801
Independent Custodians and Pension Schemes: a consultation document 2002 80826
Implementing the European Directive on the activities and supervision of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision: government response to consultation 2004 81829
Implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA 2005) – outcomes of: “Disability Discrimination Bill: consultation on private clubs; premises; the definition of disability and the questions procedure” 2005 80726
Internal dispute resolution – section 50 of the Pensions Act 1995 – letter 2006 81022
Improving claims handling for mesothelioma cases – your views 2006 81060
Improving claims handling for mesothelioma cases – consultation report 2006 81061
Independent Living Funds review: call for evidence 2006 81087
Impact assessment of proposed changes to Regulations 4 and 5 of the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 2007 89886
In work, better off: next steps to full employment: Cm 7130 2007 73063
In work, better off: next steps to full employment: impact assessment 2007 89982
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit scheme: a consultation paper 2007 72027
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) scheme: consultation report 2007 89981
Title Year Reference number
Jobcentre Plus ensuring race equality 2002 65112
Title Year Reference number
Link-Age consultation summary 2004 67667
Link-Age: developing networks of services for older people: A – building partnerships 2004 67666 A
Link-Age: developing networks of services for older people: B – pull-out one: joint teams 2004 67666 B
Link-Age: developing networks of services for older people: C – pull-out 2: partner organisations taking claims 2004 67666 C
Link-Age consultation summary 2004 81834
Local Authority investigative powers regulatory reform order: a consultation document on proposed changes to the powers of local authorities to investigate and prosecute benefit fraud 2005 80917
Local Authority investigative powers: regulatory reform order – summary of responses 2005 80920
Title Year Reference number
Measuring child poverty 2003 64823
Measuring child poverty: a consultation document 2002 64789
Measuring child poverty consultation: preliminary conclusions 2003 64821
Measuring child poverty: response form 2002 64790
Member-nominated trustees and directors 2002 64716
Member-nominated trustees and directors: a consultation document 1999 72311
The merger of the Health and Safety Commission and the Health and Safety Executive: changes to legislation governing health and safety in Great Britain: a consultation document 2007 89922
Minimum funding requirement: the next stage of reform 2001 64667
Minimum funding requirement: the next stage of reform summary of responses to consultation on draft regulations 2002 64678
Minimum Funding Requirement – the next stage of reform 2001 80814
Minimum Funding Requirement – next stage of reform: summary of responses to consultation on draft regulations 2002 80825
Measuring child poverty consultation: preliminary conclusions 2003 80899
Title Year Reference number
Naval, Military and Air Forces etc (Disablement and Death) Service Pension Order 1983 (SI 1983/883) Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme (SI 1983/686) Proposals for amendments to War Pensions Legislation 2000 81803
A new system of child maintenance: summary of responses to the consultation 2007 81034
A new system of child maintenance: Cm 6979 2006 81029
A new system of child maintenance: regulatory impact assessment 2006 81032
A new system of child maintenance: summary 2006 81033
Title Year Reference number
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (contracting-out): draft miscellaneous amending regulations 2001 64646
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (disclosure of information): Amendment Regulations 2001 2001 64675
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (miscellaneous amendments) regulations 2007: analysis of the responses to consultation on the draft regulations: March 2007 2006 72681
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (miscellaneous amendments) regulations 2007: consultation on draft regulations: November 2006 2006 72679
Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority quinquennial review: a consultation document 2002 64679
Occupational Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2001 2001 64668
Occupational pension schemes (pensions compensation provisions): amendment regulations 2000 2000 64637
Occupational pension schemes (winding up) (amendment) draft regulations 2004: consultation on draft regulations response analysis 2004 67622
Occupational pension schemes (winding up) (amendment) regulations 2004: consultation on draft regulations 2003 64849
Occupational pension schemes: (winding up and deficiency on winding up etc.) (amendment) draft regulations 2003 consultation on draft regulations response analysis 2004 64882
Occupational pension schemes (winding up and deficiency on winding up etc.) (amendment) regulation 2003: consultation on draft regulations 2003 64831
Occupational pension schemes (winding up, deficiency on winding up and transfer values) (amendment) regulations 2004: consultation on draft regulations 2004 67676
Occupational pension schemes (winding up notices and reports etc) regulations 2001 2001 64670
Overseas transfers of contracted-out pension rights: the contracting-out, protected rights and safeguarded rights (transfer payment) amendment regulations 2005: draft regulations 2004 67739
Occupational Pension Schemes (Pensions Compensation Provisions) Amendment Regulations 2000 2000 80793
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Contracting-out) – draft miscellaneous amending regulations 2001 80800
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2001 2001 80805
Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding Up Notices and Reports etc) Regulations 2001 2001 80808
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001 80811
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001 80812
Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority quinquennial review 2002 80834
Occupational Pension Schemes (Member-nominated Trustees and Directors) Amendment Regulations 2002 2002 80896
Occupational Pension Schemes (Minimum Funding Requirement and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002 2002 81815
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Minimum Funding Requirement and Actuarial Valuations) Amendment Regulations 2004 2004 68155
Occupational Pension Schemes (Minimum Funding Requirement and Actuarial Valuations) Amendment Regulations 2004 – statutory instruments 2004 68157
Occupational Pension Schemes (Minimum Funding Requirement and Actuarial Valuations) Amendment Regulations 2004 – analysis of the outcome of the consultation on the draft regulations 2004 80737
Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding Up) (Amendment) Draft regulations 2004 – consultation on draft regulations response analysis 2004 81821
Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding Up, Deficiency on Winding Up and Transfer Values) (Amendment) Regulations 2004: consultation on draft regulations 2004 81838
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005 2005 80910
Occupational Pension Schemes (Transfer Values, Pension Credit Benefit and Pension Sharing Valuation) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 – letter 2005 80914
Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations 2006 2005 80936
Occupational Pension Schemes (Early Leavers: Cash Transfer Sums and Contribution Refunds) Regulations – interim government response to the consultation 2005 80938
Occupational Pension Schemes (Internal Controls) Regulations 2005 2005 80942
Occupational Pension Schemes (Modification of Subsisting Rights) Regulations 2006 October 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80943
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Cross-border Activities) regulations 2005 – government response to the consultation 2005 80945
Occupational Pension Schemes (Assignment, Forfeiture, Bankruptcy etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80954
Occupational Pension Schemes (Exemption) Regulations 2006 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80957
Occupational Pension Schemes (Cross-border Activities) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80969
Occupational Pension Schemes (Regulatory Own Funds) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80972
Occupational Pensions Schemes – requirement for internal controls – draft regulations 2005 80973
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Internal Controls) Regulations 2005 - government response to consultation 2005 80975
Occupational Pension Schemes (Member-nominated trustees and Directors) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80976
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Member-nominated Trustees and Directors) regulations 2006 – government’s response to the consultation 2005 80978
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Early Leavers: Cash Transfer Sums and Contribution Refunds) Regulations 2006 2005 80980
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Early Leavers: Cash Transfer Sums and Contribution Refunds) Regulations 2006 – government response to the consultation 2005 80981
Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration and Audited Accounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80991
Occupational Pension Schemes (Contracting-out) (Amount Required for Restoring State Scheme Rights) Amendment Regulations 2005 Draft regulations 2005 81018
Occupational Pension Schemes (Contracting-out) (Amount Required for Restoring State Scheme Rights) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 [SI 2005/891] – government response to the consultation 2005 81019
Occupational Pension Schemes (Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures) Regulations 2005 2005 81020
Occupational Pension Schemes (Scheme Funding) Regulations 2005 2005 81000
Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 2005 81003
Occupational Pensions Scheme (Scheme Funding) Regulations 2005: code of practise – funding defined benefits: joint response to the consultation by the government and the Pensions Regulator 2005 81005
Occupational Pension Schemes (Investment) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 81006
Occupational Pension Schemes (Investment) Regulations 2005 – government response to the consultation 2005 81008
Occupational and Personal Pensions: the Civil Partnership (Amendment of Provisions Relating to Contract-out Occupational and Appropriate Personal Pension Schemes) (Surviving Civil Partners) Order 2005 – draft order – consultation document 2005 81009
Occupational and Personal Pensions: The Civil Partnership (Amendment of Provisions Relating to Contract-out Occupational and Appropriate Personal Pension Schemes) (Surviving Civil Partners) Order 2005 – government response to the consultation 2005 81010
Occupational Pension Schemes (Trustees’ Knowledge and Understanding) Regulations 2005 2005 81011
Occupational Pension Schemes (Trustees’ Knowledge and Understanding) Regulations 2005 – letter 2005 81012
Occupational Pension Schemes (Investment) Regulations 2005 – government response to the consultation 2005 81865
Occupational Pension Schemes (Early Leavers: Cash Transfer Sums and Contribution Refunds) Regulations – interim government response to the consultation 2005 81906
Occupational Pension Schemes (Member-nominated trustees and Directors) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 81907
Occupational Pension Schemes (Member-nominated trustees and Directors) Regulations 2005 – government response to the consultation 2005 81909
Occupational Pension Schemes (Equal Treatment) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 – note 2005 81910
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Investment) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 81911
Occupational Pensions (Regulatory Own Funds) Regulations 2005 – government response to consultation 2005 81912
Occupational Pension Schemes (Trustees’ Knowledge and Understanding) Regulations 2005 – letter 2005 81914
Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration and Audited Accounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 81919
Occupational Pension Schemes (Equal Treatment) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 – statutory instruments 2005 81924
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2006 – government response to the consultation 2006 80905
Occupational Pension Schemes (Exemption) Regulations 2006 – government response to the consultation 2006 80958
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Transfer Values etc) (Coal Staff and Mineworkers’ Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 – government’s response to the consultation 2006 80966
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2007 2006 81054
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Levies) (Amendments) Regulations 2007 2006 81059
Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding up Procedure) Regulations 2006 – consultation on draft regulations 2006 81122
Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding up Procedure) Regulations 2006 – government response to the consultation 2006 81128
Occupational Pension Schemes (Payments to Employer) Regulations 2006 – consultation on draft regulations 2006 81134
Occupational Pension Schemes (Payments to Employer) Regulations 2006 – government response to the consultation 2006 81136
Occupational Pension Schemes (Payments to Employer) Regulations 2006 – consultation on draft regulations 2006 81951
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Consultation by Employers and Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2006, and the Occupational Pension Schemes (Consultation by Employers)(Modification for Multi-employer Schemes) Regulations 2006 – DWP guidance (March 2006) 2006 81959
Occupational Pension Schemes (Payments to Employer) Regulations 2006 – government response to consultation 2006 81961
Occupational Pension Schemes (levies) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 – consultation on draft regulations 2006 81968
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Consultation by Employers and Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2006, and The Occupational Pension Schemes (Consultation by Employers) (Modification for Multi-employer Schemes) Regulations 2006 – DWP guidance (January 2007) 2007 80986
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Consultation by Employers and Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2006, and The Occupational Pension Schemes (Consultation by Employers) (Modification for Multi-employer Schemes) Regulations 2006 – DWP guidance (January 2007) 2007 81971
The Occupational Pension Schemes (EEA States) Regulations 2007: government response to the consultation: October 2007 2007 80693
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Employer Debt and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2008: government response to the consultation 2008 89924
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Cross-border Activities) Regulations 2005: a response to the consultation on the success of the cross-border regulations in implementing the crossborder provisions of directive 2003/41/EC (IORP Directive): April 2008 2008 89940
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding Up, Winding Up Notices and Reports etc) (Amendments) Regulations 2007: government response to the consultation 2007 73357
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Non-European Schemes Exemption) Regulations 2008: government response to the consultation 2008 89941
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures Consequential and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2008: response to the consultation on draft regulations 2008 89942
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding Up, Winding Up Notices and Reports etc) (Amendments) Regulations 2007: consultation on draft regulations 2007 89947
Title Year Reference number
Pension Credit: a consultation paper 2000 80794
Occupational and Personal Pension schemes (Miscellaneous amendments) Regulations 2006 – government response to the consultation 2006 81016
Partial regulatory impact assessment: consultation on the transposition of the European Directive on the activities and supervision of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision into national legislation (Directive 2003/41/EC) 2003 64850
Pathways to work: helping people into employment 2002 80867
Pathways to work: helping people into employment – the government’s response and action plan 2003 81818
Pathways to work: helping people into employment – summary 2002 80867_SUM
Pension credit: a consultation paper 2000 64638
Pension Credit: the government’s proposals 2001 81812
Pension Protection Fund (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2007 – government response to the consultation 2007 81069
Pension Protection Fund (Waiver of Pensions Protection Levy and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2007 – government response to the consultation 2007 81070
Pension Protection Fund Contributions Equivalent Premiums – government response to the consultation 2007 81972
Pension Protection Fund Regulations – government response to consultation 2006 80956
Pension Protection Fund: Contributions Equivalent Premiums and Closed Schemes – consultation on draft regulations 2006 81074
Pension Protection Fund: Miscellaneous Amendments and Waiver of Pension Protection Levy and Miscellaneous Amendments – consultation on draft regulations 2006 81067
Pension Provision of the Age Regulations – Age Discrimination The Employment Equality (Age) (Amendment No.2) Regulations 2006 A Consultation Document 2006 81063
Pension Scheme Trustees – “Familiar with the Issues Concerned”: a consultation document 2002 80831
Pension scheme trustees, familiar with the issues concerned a consultation document 2002 64983
Pension Schemes (Categories) Regulations 2005 and the Occupational Pension Schemes (Trust Exemption) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations 2005 80994
Pension Schemes (Categories) Regulations 2005 and the Occupational Pension Schemes (Trust Exemption) Regulations 2005 – consultation on draft regulations – government response to the consultation 2005 80996
Pension Schemes (Categories) Regulations 2005 and The Occupational Pension Schemes (Trust Exemption) Regulations 2005: government response to the consultation 2005 81927
Pension sharing on divorce [electronic resource]: consultation on draft regulations 1999 72323
Pensions (Automated Enrolment) Regulations 2009 and the Pensions Regulator (Delegation of Powers) Regulations 2009 – consultation on draft regulations 2009 81681
Pensions Act 1995 and the Occupational Pension Scheme (Equal Treatment) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 2003 64865
Pensions Act 1995 and the Occupational Pension Scheme (Equal Treatment) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 - summary of public consultation 2005 81925
Pensions and Bankruptcy – draft regulations 2001 80798
Pensions and bankruptcy: draft regulations 2001 64643
Pensions Group race equality scheme 2002 65114
Pensions on Divorce: use of cash equivalent transfer values – letter 2008 81104
Pensions Protection Fund – consultation on draft regulations 2005 81023
Pensions: consultation on draft regulations: the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (EEA States) Regulations 2007: July 2007 2007 89966
Pensions: consultation on draft regulations: the Occupational Pension Schemes (Levies) (Amendment) Regulations 2008: the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (General Levy) (Amendment) Regulations 2008: the Pension Protection Fund (Payments to meet Risk-based Administration Costs) Regulations 2008 2007 87898
Pensions: consultation on draft regulations: the Occupational Pension Schemes (Non-European Schemes Exemption) Regulations 2007 2007 89970
Pensions: consultation on the success of the Occupational Pension Schemes (cross-border activities) Regulations 2005 in implementing the cross-border provisions of Directive 2003/41 2007 89965
Pensions: contracting out – self invested personal pensions and other changes: government response to the consultation on the Personal Pension Schemes (Appropriate schemes) (Protected rights) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 2008 89921
Pensions: contracting out: self invested personal pensions and other changes: consultation on draft regulations: the Personal Pension Schemes (Appropriate Schemes) (Protected Rights) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 2007 89946
Pensions: indexation and information requirement: consultation on draft regulations: the personal and occupational pension schemes (indexation and disclosure of information) (amendment) regulations 2005 2004 67743
Pensions: indexation and information requirement: consultation on draft regulations: the personal and occupational pension schemes (indexation and disclosure of information) (amendment) regulations 2005 – government response to the consultation 2005 81920
Pensions: indexation and information requirement: government response to the consultation: the personal and occupational pension schemes (indexation and disclosure of information) (miscellaneous amendments) regulations 2005 2005 67744
Personal Accounts: a new way to save – summary of responses to the consultation 2007 81040
Personal Pension Schemes (Appropriate Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 2005 80908
Personal Pension Schemes (Appropriate Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 2006 81015
Personal Pension Schemes (Appropriate Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 2005 80911
Private Pensions Policy and Regulation – Review of Disclosure of Information Requirements, applying to Occupational, Personal and Stakeholder Pension Schemes – public consultation 2009 81654
Private pensions simplification 2001 80809
Proposed Amendments to Pensions Legislation as a consequence of the replacement of the Minimum Funding Requirement (MFR) 2005 81027
Proposed product specifications for Sandler stakeholder products 2003 64851
Protected Rights (Transfer Payment) (Amendment Regulations) 2005 – government response to the Consultation 2005 81017
Protected Rights (Transfer Payment) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 2005 80926
Protected Rights (Transfer Payment) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 – government response to the Consultation 2005 81928
Public consultation on the revised draft Code of Practice for the information gathering measures contained in the Social Security Fraud Act 2001 2001 80895
The Pension Protection Fund (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2008: consultation on draft regulations: December 2007 2007 89945
The Pension Protection Fund: closed schemes: government response to the consultation: March 2007 2006 72685
The Pension Protection Fund: contributions equivalent premiums: government response to the consultation: March 2007 2006 72689
The Pension Protection Fund: the Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Levies) (Amendment) Regulations 2007: Government response to the consultation: February 2007 2007 72649
The Pensions Protection Fund: consultation on draft regulations 2005 80955
Title Year Reference number
Raising standards, improving outcomes: statutory guidance on the Childcare Act 2006 Early Years Outcomes Duty 2007 89943
Replacing benefit periods 2002 64715
Report on Medical Services – reply by the government to the third report of the Select Committee on Social Security, Session 1999 to 2000 [HC 183] 2000 81765
Race Equality Scheme: consultation — Equality, Opportunity and Independence for All 2002 80890
Ready for work: full employment in our generation: impact assessment 2007 83706
The Register of Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Provision of Information) Regulations 2007: consultation on draft regulations 2007 89967
Regulatory Reform (Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979) Order 2002 2002 81814
Report following the ministerial consultation on the proposed merger of the Health and Safety Commission (HSC) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 2007 89923
Report on the child maintenance white paper a new system of child maintenance: reply by the government to the fourth report of the Work and Pensions Select Committee: Child Support Reform: Session 2006 to 2007 2007 81035
A review of the requirement for Employers’ Liability Compulsory Insurance for limited companies that employ only their owner: summary of responses to consultation 2004 81822
A review of certain provisions within the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998 2007 89883
A review of certain provisions within the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998: the government response 2008 89884
Risk Sharing consultation 2008 78022
Risk Sharing consultation – government response 2008 79813
Title Year Reference number
Security for Occupational Pensions – a consultation document 2000 80756
Security for occupational pensions – the government’s proposals 2001 81809
Security for occupational pensions: a consultation document 2000 64634
Simplicity, security and choice: technical paper 2002 64817
Simplicity, security and choice: working and saving for retirement 2002 64805
Simplicity, security and choice: working and saving for retirement: a summary 2002 64807
Simplicity, security and choice: working and saving for retirement: action on occupational pensions 2003 64810
Simplicity, security and choice: working and saving for retirement: action on occupational pensions: a summary 2003 64811
Social Fund: a new approach – a consultation document issued by the Department for Work and Pensions – November 2008 2008 79645
Social security (earning factor) (amendment) regulations 2003 2003 64868
Social Security Advisory Committee Review Consultation Paper 2002 80894
Social Security Advisory Committee review: consultation paper 2002 64682
Social Security Fraud Act 2001 – responses to the public consultation on the draft revised version two of the Code of Practice on obtaining information: summary of responses 2002 80821
Social Security Fraud Act 2001: code of practice on obtaining information 2001 64674
Stakeholder Pension Schemes (Amendment Regulations 2005 – draft regulations – a consultation document 2004 81013
Stakeholder Pensions: consultation documents 1999 72742
Stakeholder pensions: the stakeholder pension schemes (amendment) regulations 2005: draft regulations 2004 67722
Stakeholder pensions: the stakeholder pension schemes (amendment) regulations 2005: government response to the consultation 2005 67736
Strengthening the pensions framework: a consultation document 1999 72315
Strengthening the pensions framework: response to the Consultation on the Quality in Pensions Accreditation Scheme 1999 72732
Strengthening the pensions framework: the quality in pensions accreditation scheme: a consultation document 1999 72331
Supporting people: a new policy and funding framework for support services 1998 69128
Supporting young people to achieve: towards a new deal for skills 2004 67621
Title Year Reference number
Transfer of employment (pension protection) draft regulations 2005: consultation document on draft regulations response analysis 2005 67742
Transfer of employment (pension protection) regulations 2005: draft regulations 2004 67741
Title Year Reference number
War Pensions Appeal – proposals for regulations 2002 81802
Work and Welfare Strategy Directorate and Fund Planning and Presentation Directorate race equality scheme 2002 65167