
Housing Benefit documents - publications archive

Published 7 May 2013

Documents in the publications archive are at least 2 years old. They do not necessarily reflect current DWP policies or procedures.

Send the title and reference number of the publication you need to [email protected]

Title Year Reference number
Action plan for tackling fraud and error in Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit 2007 75796
Additional rules for data take on and processing schedule (DTOPS) 2004 75808
Analysis of the frequency of reviews pilot 2007 75790
An analytical guide for reporting Housing Benefits administration performance data 2006 75791
Annual compliance certificate HB/CTB verification framework 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006 2006 75850
Title Year Reference number
Building choice and responsibility: a radical agenda for Housing Benefit 2002 75800
Title Year Reference number
Claiming Housing Benefit in the private rented sector: the baseline experience of claimants in the 9 LHA Pathfinder areas 2005 76630
Common queries around claiming WIB-related additional subsidy: November 2005 2005 75818
Common queries around claiming WIB-related additional subsidy: version 3 2005 75817
Compliance certificate for 1 April 2004 to 31 March 2005 HB/CTB verification framework 2005 75786
Customers: how we can get them to report changes in circs (on time) 2006 75786
Cutting back fraud means more money for frontline services, says Chris Pond MP 2004 75829
Title Year Reference number
Delivering the LHA: a summary of the early experiences of implementing the LHA in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2005 76626
Delivering the Local Housing Allowance: some pointers from the pathfinders 2007 76566
Derwentside dispatches 2006 75789
Detecting fraud and error getting the balance right 2006 75784
Documents from the conference on housing benefit reform 2002 75718
DWP framework and model HB/CTB processing systems : requirement specifications 2002 75787
Title Year Reference number
Error awareness update March 2008 2008 75792
Title Year Reference number
Fifteen months on: an interim evaluation of running the LHA in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2006 76619
Fraud and error in Housing Benefit April 2002 to March 2004 2005 75803
Fraud and error in Housing Benefit April 2002 to September 2003 2004 75802
Frequently asked questions: New Verification Framework: version 1 2003 75811
Frequently asked questions: New Verification Framework: version 2 2004 75809
Frequently asked questions: New Verification Framework: version 4 2004 75814
Frequently asked questions: New Verification Framework: version 5 2004 75813
Frequently asked questions: New Verification Framework: version 6 2005 75812
Frequently asked questions: SAFE: version 1 2004 75815
Frequently asked questions: SAFE: version 2 2004 75816

|# H | |# Title | Year | Reference number | |——– | ——- | ———————-: |

HB/CTB Performance standards 2005 2007 75782
HB/CTB subsidy guidance manual 2001 to 2002 75835
HB/CTB subsidy guidance manual 2002 to 2003 2003 75833
HB/CTB subsidy guidance manual 2000 to 2001 2001 75837
The housing and labour market impacts of the Local Housing Allowance 2007 76604
Housing Benefit Local Housing Allowance guidance manual 2007 76482
Housing Benefit operational database user guide 2006 75798
Housing Benefit security roadshow overview 2006 75785
Title Year Reference number
LA feedback 2007 75823
Landlords and agents in the private rented sector: the baseline experience in the LHA Pathfinders 2005 76628
Living with the LHA: claimants experiences after fifteen months of the LHA in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2006 76618
Local Housing Allowance background report 2003 76388
Local Housing Allowance communications toolkit 2008 76480
Local Housing Allowance evaluation 2007 76487
Local Housing Allowance evaluation: evaluating the Local Housing Allowance Pathfinders 2004 76637
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: appendix – master topic guides 2007 76599
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in Blackpool 2007 76570
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in Brighton and Hove 2007 76572
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in Conwy 2007 76573
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in Coventry 2007 76575
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in Edinburgh 2007 76576
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in Leeds 2007 76578
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in Lewisham 2007 76579
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in North East Lincolnshire 2007 76581
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in Teignbridge 2007 76582
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: implementation and delivery in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2006 76617
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: the qualitative evidence of claimants’ experience in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2007 76608
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: the qualitative evidence of landlords’ and agents’ experience in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2006 76610
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: the survey evidence of claimants’ experience in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2007 76584
Local Housing Allowance final evaluation: the survey evidence of landlords and agents experience in the 9 pathfinder areas 2006 76616
Local Housing Allowance questions and answers: landlord audience 2008 76493
Local Housing Allowance: a better deal for tenants 2007 76505
Local Housing Allowance: frequently asked questions from landlords 2003 76500
Local Housing Allowance: helping you rent the home you need 2003 76665
Local Housing Allowance: how Housing Benefit just got better 2003 76663
Local Housing Allowance: how to work out what you may get 2007 76501
Local Housing Allowance: how will I be paid? 2003 76667
Local Housing Allowance: information for landlords 2007 76504
Local Housing Allowance: local authority questions and answers 2007 75906
Local Housing Allowance: reviews and appeals 2007 76507
Local Housing Allowance: rights and responsibilities 2007 76506
Local Housing Allowance: vulnerable tenants 2007 76503
Title Year Reference number
Malcolm Wicks’ speech to IRRV Benefit Fraud Symposium 2002 75830
Title Year Reference number
The 9 LHA Pathfinder areas: a summary of the baseline position before the introduction of the LHA 2004 76633
Title Year Reference number
Pilot local authorities 2005 76387
PM10 Measure for 2007 to 20008 2007 75838
Title Year Reference number
Receiving the LHA: claimants’ early experiences of the LHA in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2005 76623
Replacement of benefit periods 2003 75838
Review of verification framework (VF) and security against fraud and error (SAFE) schemes 2003 75825
The RSL VF pilot: an evaluation registered social landlord involvement in the Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit verification framework 2002 75797
RSL VF scheme operation and good practice manual 2003 75821
Rules update for the data take on and processing schedule (DTOPS) 26 2004 75807
Title Year Reference number
Security performance measures 2007 75777
Standard local housing allowances – explanatory memorandum and commentary on draft regulations 2003 75827
Strategic management part 2 2004 75783
Title Year Reference number
Targeted mailshots update November 2007 2007 75742
Title Year Reference number
Verification of capital under £6,000 pilot 2007 75819
Voice risk analysis (VRA) 2007 75801
Title Year Reference number
Working with the LHA: landlord and agents’ early experiences of the LHA in the 9 Pathfinder areas 2005 76620