Human Rights and Democracy Programme 2015-2016
The UK Government call for proposals.
The British High Commission, Dar es Salaam is pleased to announce that The Human Rights & Democracy Programme 2014-2015 bidding round is now open.
How to bid
Please complete the attached Project Concept Note. Please read: Guidelines for the Potential Implementer and the Programme Strategy carefully before you submit your bid.
Please be informed that the project MUST start after 1 April 2015 and MUST end by 28 February 2016. Multi-year proposals are not permitted. Budgets will be assessed for value for money. Only concept notes with reasonable/ acceptable budgets will be considered. All costs which are not absolutely essential to the delivery of the output of the project should be taken out. You will be asked to justify costs.
Use the template to submit a Project Concept Note by Friday, 5th December, of no more than three pages in length. Please send your concept note to [email protected]
No concept note will be considered after 1300hrs 5th December 2014 .
British High Commission has different deadlines for each of project stage. Please note the deadlines below. Please note the deadlines below:
5th December 2014 - Human Rights & Democracy Programme Bidding Round closes. Successful bidders will be asked to work their concept up to a full proposal for submission.
22nd December 2014 - Deadline for selected implementers to submit full proposals to British High Commission, Dar es Salaam. The High Commission will then submit the best bids to the HRDP Team in London. No extensions will be granted.
End of March 2015 - Successful bidders notified.
All decisions are final. For further question please contact [email protected] or [email protected].