
Independent provider bulletin: December 2014

Published 8 December 2014

1. For action

1.1 The 2015/16 National Tariff Payment System: A Consultation Notice

On Wednesday 26 November, Monitor and NHS England published the 2015/16 National Tariff Payment System: A Consultation Notice.

This important document sets out the prices, rules and methods which Monitor and NHS England propose to include in the 2015/16 national tariff.

Our goal is to set a demanding but achievable challenge for providers and commissioners to work together to both manage demand and deliver services more efficiently. The proposed national tariff is a practical package of measures that we believe would offer a realistic balance between the need for providers to maintain quality services and the ability of commissioners to pay for them.

The proposals are subject to a statutory consultation process and we are seeking your views and responses to this. The consultation period started on Thursday 27 November 2014 and ends immediately before midnight at the end of Wednesday 24 December 2014. You will be able to find out more about the objection process and how we will calculate any objections in the consultation document.

2. For information

2.1 Compliance with licence conditions – licensed providers with December year ends

We will shortly be contacting independent provider licensees with December year ends to explain the certifications required to comply with the conditions of the NHS provider licence. In particular, we will be making requests relating to Condition G6 (systems for compliance with licence conditions) and we will also ask you to update the revenue breakdown templates you gave us previously.

2.2 Enquiries about the 2014/15 national tariff

We have published your enquiries about the national tariff for 2014/15 and Monitor’s responses. If you have a question on the tariff please contact Monitor’s pricing enquiries team: [email protected].

3. Events

3.1 Webinar: Urgent and emergency care: management of acute frailty: watch again

For: Clinicians and operational directors/managers within acute, primary care and community health providers, and commissioners of NHS health services within CCGs, CSUs, NHS England and local authorities.

Why watch? To learn about effective pathways for vulnerable older people.

This webinar focused on the components of a successful pathway and examples of good practice when caring for frail older people. It covered how to support independence, crisis care close to home, and discharge planning and post-discharge support, all as part of an integrated approach.

Watch again

You can also watch the first 4 webinars in the urgent and emergency care series online:

3.2 Webinar: Patient level information and costing systems (PLICS) 2013/14 collection feedback and costing direction of travel: watch again

For: Finance and commissioning staff at commissioner and provider organisations; medical, nursing and clinical leads; operational directors and managers; and GPs.

Why watch? To hear a discussion on Monitor’s proposed approach to costing NHS services, and the feedback from the 2013/14 PLICS collection.

In this webinar we looked at this year’s data validation process, and gave an update on the PLICS and materiality and quality score (MAQS) benchmarking tool.

Watch again

4. External updates

4.1 New duty of candour: update from DH

On 1 April 2015, all care providers, including independent providers, will be subject to new fundamental standards, if approved by Parliament. The standards include a new duty of candour and a new fit and proper persons test for directors.

Guidance from the CQC explains how the duty of candour and fit and proper persons test apply to NHS bodies, who are already subject to these 2 standards.

5. Getting in touch

5.1 Questions or feedback

If you have any questions about the information in this bulletin, please email [email protected].

5.2 News alerts

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5.3 Publications

All of our publications for independent providers are available to download from our website.

5.4 Our latest job opportunities

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