FOI release

FOI 020 Mobile phone contract request

Updated 27 October 2021

Our ref: FOI21/22-020

Date: 26 May 2021


Re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request

Thank you for your email of 05 May in which you requested from the Insolvency Service:

How many employees are at your organization?

How many mobile phone and mobile broadband (data only) connections do you currently have?

What is the split between mobile phone and mobile broadband connections?

Who is your mobile phone network provider?

Did you switch providers on your last renewal?

Please provide a monthly breakdown of your total mobile phone contract costs for the past 12 months, and state whether VAT has been included in the numbers given.

Does your contract include a hardware, tech or transformation fund?

If the answer to question 7 is yes, what was the value of the fund upon the signing of the current contract?

How have you sourced the contract?

What is the contract term length?

How long do you have remaining on your current contract?

Who is the primary contact for this contract?.

Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

I can confirm the agency holds the information that you have requested I have provided answers to your questions below

How many employees are at your organization? Our current headcount is 1810 permanent employees and 70 contractors

How many mobile phone and mobile broadband (data only) connections do you currently have? 2,450

What is the split between mobile phone and mobile broadband connections? 1,934 Mobiles and 516 4G Cards

Who is your mobile phone network provider? EE Ltd

Did you switch providers on your last renewal? No. The Future Strategy is currently being defined for a Procurement this year. The Contract is currently on a Rolling basis.

Please provide a monthly breakdown of your total mobile phone contract costs for the past 12 months, and state whether VAT has been included in the numbers given.

I can confirm the Insolvency Service holds this information however, this is exempt information under section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and your request is therefore refused.

Sections 43(2) of the Act provides that information is exempt if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).

As a Tender is currently being sought, this information is withheld to ensure an open and fair competition.

Does your contract include a hardware, tech or transformation fund? No.

If the answer to question 7 is yes, what was the value of the fund upon the signing of the current contract? N/A

How have you sourced the contract? Network Services Agreement RM1045. Current Rolling Contract. The Future Strategy is currently being defined for a Procurement this year.

What is the contract term length? Current Rolling Contract.

How long do you have remaining on your current contract? Current Rolling Contract.

Who is the primary contact for this contract? I can confirm the agency holds the information that you have requested however, it is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of the FOIA, because it constitutes personal data.

Personal data can only be released if to do so would not contravene any of the data protection principles set out in Article 5(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018.

The release of the requested personal information in this instance would be unlawful, and not be in keeping with data protection principles outlined above.

This is an absolute exemption and does not require a public interest test.

If you are not satisfied with the response we have provided you and would like us to reconsider our decision by way of an internal review (IR), please contact our Information Rights Team at [email protected] or by post at:

Information Rights Team
The Insolvency Service
3rd Floor
Cannon House
18 Priory Queensway
B4 6FD
United Kingdom

You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you wish for them to investigate any complaint you may have regarding our handling of your request. However, please note that the ICO is likely to expect an IR to have been completed in the first instance.

Yours sincerely,

Information Rights Team The Insolvency Service

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Official receivers and the Adjudicator are Data Controllers in respect of personal data processed by the Insolvency Service. For the details about how personal data is processed by the agency, please see the full Insolvency Service Personal Information Charter here: