FOI 159 - The number of Orders typically made under the provisions of the 1986 AIEDPO
Updated 17 August 2022
Our ref: FOI 20/21-159
Date: 26 January 2021
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your Email of 03 September in which you requested from the Insolvency Service:
I am trying to find out some information on the number of Orders typically made under the provisions of the 1986 AIEDPO.
I cannot locate the data on the monthly published statistics, and I have reviewed the notices in the Gazette and it appears that there were only a handful of Orders advertised in 2020.
I am sure that there are many many more deceased persons each year where the estate is insolvent, so assume that they will be dealt with by the executors as opposed to under the AIEDPO.
Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
I can confirm the agency holds information relevant to your request. I have provided this information below
The table below provides the number of Insolvency Administration Orders (IAO) made in the financial years 15/16 to 19/20. An IAO is the process by which a deceased estate is declared formally insolvent under the provisions of the AIEDPO 1986 and administered accordingly. I must make you aware that it is likely that many insolvent deceased estates are dealt with other than through an IAO. It is anticipated that, in most cases, this is done through the creditors ‘writing off’ the debts. The Insolvency Service does however not hold information to confirm that to be the case; it may be the case that organisations such as the BBA ( may be able to assist here.
Year | Volume of Insolvent Administration Orders |
2015/16 | 22 |
2016/17 | 14 |
2017/18 | 22 |
2018/19 | 20 |
2019/20 | 32 |
I must also make you aware that The Insolvency Service holds data to show the numbers of cases where a person previously subject to a bankruptcy order is known to have died after the making of the bankruptcy order. However, the date of death might be years after the making of the order and the accuracy of the data depends on the Insolvency Service having been informed of the (former) bankrupt’s death. It is my belief that this information does not assist in answering your original request. I have therefore not disclosed it for this request.
If you are not satisfied with the response we have provided you and would like us to reconsider our decision by way of an internal review (IR), please contact our Information Rights Team at [email protected] or by post at:
Information Rights Team
The Insolvency Service
3rd Floor
Cannon House
18 Priory Queensway
B4 6FD
United Kingdom
You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you wish for them to investigate any complaint you may have in regards to our handling of your request. However, please note that the ICO is likely to expect an IR to have been completed in the first instance.
Kind regards
Information Rights Team
The Insolvency Service
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Official receivers and the Adjudicator are Data Controllers in respect of personal data processed by the Insolvency Service. For the details about how personal data is processed by the agency, please see the full Insolvency Service Personal Information Charter here: