FOI21/22-074 - Details in respect to the contract: Document Production Software Upgrade.
Published 27 October 2021
Our ref: FOI21/22-074
Date: 13 September 2021
0.1 Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your email of 09 September in which you requested from the Insolvency Service: I would be most grateful if you would provide, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), details in respect to the contract below. This is to help facilitate market research into those companies that have not been successful in securing this public sector contract.
Document Production Software Upgrade. The awarded tender details can be viewed here
Please provide the following:
- The suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and who were unsuccessful at the PQQ & ITT stages
- Duration of Framework/contract
Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
I can confirm the agency holds the information that you have requested and I have provided answers to your questions below:
- The suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and who were unsuccessful at the PQQ & ITT stages Insert company names here:
- This was a Single Tender (as detailed in the Contract finder notice) and therefore there were no other bidders.
- Duration of Framework/contract:
- This information is already published on the contract finder notice you provided and is therefore exempt from disclosure under S21 of the Freedom of Information Act
If you are not satisfied with the response we have provided you and would like us to reconsider our decision by way of an internal review (IR), please contact our Information Rights Team at [email protected] or by post at:
Information Rights Team
The Insolvency Service
3rd Floor
Cannon House
18 Priory Queensway
B4 6FD
United Kingdom
You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you wish for them to investigate any complaint you may have in regards to our handling of your request. However, please note that the ICO is likely to expect an IR to have been completed in the first instance.
Kind regards
Information Rights Team
The Insolvency Service
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Official receivers and the Adjudicator are Data Controllers in respect of personal data processed by the Insolvency Service. For the details about how personal data is processed by the agency, please see the full Insolvency Service Personal Information Charter here: