March: Later life newsletter 76
Updated 13 May 2016
1. Pensions latest
Pensions latest is the official blog from the Minister for Pensions and aims to help readers understand what the changes mean for them.
The 3 latest blogs:
- helping carers to boost their State Pension
- explaining the new State Pension: a resource pack for stakeholders
- think differently about apprenticeships
2. Dying Matters
Dying Matters is a national coalition led by the National Council for Palliative Care which aims to support changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards dying, death and bereavement, and through this to make ‘living and dying well’ the norm.
3. Combating loneliness
The guide outlines what councils need to do to address loneliness in their local population. Packed full of case studies, the guide sets out a three-tiered framework for tackling loneliness:
- at a strategic level
- in local communities
- through one-to-one work with individuals
Read about combating loneliness and see the combating loneliness local authorities guide.
4. Ageing Well in Work
Ageing Well in Work is a European Commission funded project that aims to ensure that older people realise the health benefits of remaining active in later life through employment, volunteering and other forms of civic participation.
It has identified 10 priorities for action to reduce the numbers of people who leave work because of health issues after the age of 50 years and help individuals remain healthy after retirement.
5. Arts Council England older people research into preventing loneliness and isolation
The Baring Foundation and the Campaign to End Loneliness have come together to promote the case for the arts as a powerful tool to tackle the scourge of loneliness among older people
6. Arts events for people living with dementia
Arts for Dementia has developed a database of arts events for people living with dementia and their carers.
7. The locations of 10 ‘healthy new towns’
The 10 ‘healthy new towns’ will ‘test creative solutions for the health and care challenges of the 21st century’ have been announced.
NHS England is to trial fast food-free zones, dementia friendly streets and telehealth services in 10 large-scale development locations across the country, which will be badged ‘healthy new towns’.
8. Virtual tour into world of dementia sufferers
Read the Guardian article: Virtual tour offers insight into world of people with dementia
9. Meeting lifestyle aspirations of older consumers
Housing LIN examines the urgent need for greater innovation in the UK’s retirement and care sectors, and radical transformation of the housing options available for older people. Read the report: Meeting lifestyle aspirations of older consumers
10. Centre for Ageing Better
On Friday 18 March, the Centre for Ageing Better announced a 5 year partnership with Greater Manchester Combined Authority to develop and share innovative approaches to tackling social, economic and health inequalities in later life. The Centre will capture evidence about what works to help ensure a good later life and will work through the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub to apply this to drive improvements across Greater Manchester.
11. Understanding Nutrition and Dementia for carers
Bournemouth University are developing an evidence-based training pack with training film for carers and care homes around nutrition and dementia.
It will bring together learning around engaging older people in mealtimes and prompts care home staff to consider changes they could make to improve the eating experience for their residents.
12. ‘Please hear what I am not saying’
This is a free video resource created by the Derbyshire NHS Trust to raise awareness and understanding of the emotions surrounding dementia/mental health.
13. Subscribe to the Later life newsletter
The Later life newsletter reaches over 100,000 individuals and organisations
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