
Letter about RSH's standalone status from 1 October 2018

Published 1 October 2018

Applies to England

To private and local authority registered providers 1 October 2018 By email

Dear Colleague

Confirmation of the Regulator of Social Housing’s status as a standalone entity

I wanted to let you know that, from today, the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has been established as a standalone organisation. This means it is no longer part of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The separation implements the conclusion of the 2016 Tailored Review of the HCA which also reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to a strong, independent regulator of social housing.

The separation has been formally effected through the Legislative Reform (Regulator of Social Housing) (England) Order 2018 (LRO) and the members of the HCA’s Regulation Committee have become the Board of RSH. However, the LRO does not alter our fundamental objectives or powers. As a standalone body our focus remains to promote a viable, efficient and well-governed social housing sector able to deliver homes that meet a range of needs and we remain subject to the duty to minimise interference and regulate in a manner that is proportionate, consistent, transparent and accountable.

Your key contacts in Regulation are unchanged and our office locations are not changing. In practical terms, we will continue to use the email addresses and telephone numbers we introduced in January 2018 when the regulator implemented its new corporate identity, alongside the HCA re-launching as Homes England. Further details are set out at the end of this letter.

Finally, being a standalone body means that the regulator is well placed to respond should the Government propose changes to its role and remit following the social housing green paper. We encourage all of our stakeholders to respond to the social housing green paper consultation and the call for evidence to support the review of social housing regulation.

I am confident that we will continue to enjoy constructive working relationships with all of our stakeholders and we look forward to working with you in our new form.

Yours faithfully

Fiona MacGregor

Chief Executive

Key contact details for RSH:

  • For the Referrals and Regulatory Enquiries Team: [email protected] and 0300 124 5225.
  • Emails for all regulation staff are [email protected]. Staff telephone numbers have not changed.
  • We have a new home page on
  • RSH is now also on Twitter and on LinkedIn
  • Our data collection website is called NROSH+. Please make sure that your organisational and contact details are up-to-date on this portal as we use these details to send you important information on regulatory matters, requirements and statutory consultations.