
Applying to the Live Events Reinsurance Scheme

Updated 1 October 2022

How to apply for cover

Anyone wishing to purchase cover can apply to the Scheme by approaching their usual broker who will guide them through the application process. Applicants that do not have a broker can contact BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) at [email protected] or LIIBA (London & International Insurance Brokers Association) at [email protected] who will offer support in finding a suitable broker. BIBA also has a list of recommended brokers on their website.

For any further questions, please contact the scheme administrator at [email protected]

Initial period

Currently, cover can be purchased as late as one day before the event is scheduled to take place. However, after 15 December 2021, cover must be purchased no less than 8 weeks before the event is due to occur. For events between the 16 December 2021 and the 10 February 2022, the cut off date to purchase cover is the 15 December 2021


The Live Events Reinsurance Scheme was launched on 22 September 2021. The Scheme provides vital support to the £70 billion live event sector by reintroducing an insurance product that has been withdrawn by insurers as a result of COVID-19.

It gives live events across the country - such as music festivals, conferences and business events - the confidence they need to plan for the future, whilst also delivering value for money for taxpayers.

The Scheme has 6 participating insurers (Munich Re, Hiscox, Ark, Arch, Dale, and Beazley) ready to offer COVID Cover to anyone wishing to insure eligible events, scheduled to take place in the UK before 30 September 2022, and which are generally open to the public. In order to purchase cover from the scheme, you must have your non-COVID cover in place, either entirely or in part, through one of the scheme’s six participating insurers.

The Scheme is open to organisations as well as individuals, who wish to insure against the cancellation, postponement, relocation or abandonment of events due to new UK Civil Authority restrictions in response to COVID-19.