Lower Tidal Arun flood risk management scheme
Updated 22 September 2015
The Lower Tidal River Arun strategy outlines recommendations for managing flood risk in the Arun Valley, from Pallingham Weir to Littlehampton and Ford for the next 100 years. Read a copy of the Lower Tidal River Arun final strategy report.
In March 2014 Environment Agency directors formally approved this strategy.
Download a map of the strategy area, which shows how the river has been divided into strategy units.
In urban areas the strategy recommends maintaining and enhancing many existing, and providing some new flood defences to manage increasing flood risk from climate change. The new defences won’t be needed for many years and they will depend on funding. Central government funding is limited, and it is likely that substantial contributions from other sources will be needed.
The Environment Agency, West Sussex County Council, Arun District Council and Arundel Town Council will continue to work with local people to explore funding sources that will allow defences to be designed and built when they are needed.
In some rural areas this strategy recommends new approaches such as working with natural processes and more landowner involvement in decisions. The Environment Agency will be working with people who are affected to understand and explore how this might work best.
Latest update: September 2015
The Environment Agency will be meeting with local councils this autumn to discuss how they and others can help with future management of flood risk in the lower River Arun. This will include maintaining existing defences, identifying funding for new defences and how to deal with areas that will no longer receive funds for maintenance.
In spring 2016 the Environment Agency will start to meet with local people and organisations such as the National Farmers Union, Country Landowners and Business Association, RSPB and Sussex Wildlife Trust. At these meetings they will be looking to work with these organisations over changes to the river management in some rural areas.
In spring 2017 a study will be needed to look at the best way of reducing the long-term flood risk at Pulborough Brooks, Amberley Wildbrooks and Waltham Brooks which are all internationally designated sites.
For more information, please email: [email protected] or call us on 03 708 506 506.