Notes on the Schedule of Accommodation tools and templates
Updated 18 December 2023
1. Schedule of Accommodation tools: primary and secondary schools
Schedule of Accommodation (SoA) tools for primary and secondary schools offer an easy way to create a list of the types and sizes of spaces likely to be needed in any primary or secondary school. All-age schools may use the relevant parts of both tools. They can be varied depending on the size and age range of the school, from 3 to 19, and any additional resourced facilities such as a Special Educational Needs (SEN) unit, specially resourced provision or nursery provision for up to 3-year-olds.
The SoA tools are referred to in ‘Building Bulletin 103: Area guidelines for mainstream schools’ (BB103), and use the same simple, non-statutory area guidelines for school buildings (set out in part A of BB103) to calculate the recommended area for each category of space, and for the total gross area of the buildings. Like BB103, they can be used for all state schools, including mainstream academies and free schools, except special schools and alternative provision. The SoA tools include the same spaces as those listed in BB103 but may now use different area data sheet (ADS) codes or titles.
The primary SoA tool offers options for the type of teaching style preferred, whether mainly in the classroom or using specialist spaces. In line with BB103, any nursery provision for 3- to 4-year-olds is included in the overall area, while other childcare provision such as a nursery for 2- to 3-year-olds can be identified as supplementary area, where the guidance is more advisory.
The secondary SoA tool offers options for type of curriculum preferred, but can also link to a simple curriculum analysis tool in separate sheets, which can identify the needs for the current or future curriculum model specific to the school. Version 8.2 uses updated curriculum models in line with current schools.
Like version 7.4, version 8.2 of both tools also allow for the SoA to be compared to existing spaces and to create a project SoA to list every space in a building project. This can then be transferred to the school-specific SoA and area data sheet template which forms Annex SS1 of the Output Specification school-specific brief.
2. Schedule of Accommodation template: Further education (FE) colleges
The Schedule of Accommodation (SoA) template for FE colleges can be used to develop a list of spaces required in a building project, including their size and type, and to determine how big a project needs to be based on user information.
It uses guided learning hours (GLH) to assess the amount and type of teaching spaces required to deliver an FE college curriculum, based on data entered under 15 broad curriculum areas. It then calculates the amount of support space and ‘non-net’ area needed to provide an overall gross internal floor area for the building.
The template can be used to simply calculate the required area for an individual building or to assess the college’s wider estate. Inputting data about the existing accommodation on site allows shortfalls and surpluses of accommodation to be identified. Efficient space requirements for any new build or refurbishment project can then be developed.
The template culminates in a Project SoA, listing the number of each of space required. This can be transferred to the ‘College specific SoA and area data sheet template’ which forms Annex CS1 of the Further Education Output Specification College-specific Brief.
3. Instructions
Both the primary and secondary school SoA tools have basic instructions on the title sheet, as well as hints and notes against key cells in the spreadsheet itself. Both offer the option of a range of additionally resourced provision for SEN, whether as a unit or a specially resourced provision, identified as supplementary area. They also both offer the option to identify buildings and spaces that are existing or to be remodelled.
Most sheets are locked, but all white cells can be amended as the user wishes, so there is no need to unlock the spreadsheet to use it effectively. New rows and columns can also be added and the cells can be formatted differently if needed (for instance to highlight a cell).
The FE SoA template includes separate instruction sheets for a standalone building and for shared use, where the building needs to be considered in the wider estate context.
Most sheets are locked, with coloured cells where the user enters the data, so there is no need to unlock the spreadsheet to use it effectively.
4. Feedback
The tools and template have been thoroughly tested and updated based on feedback from users.
For further information please contact: [email protected].