
Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework: March 2018 update

Updated 8 February 2023

We are now progressing through the alpha phase of digital development for the PHSKF with Unboxed who won the contract in January 2018.

The central programme management office is working closely with Unboxed to ensure that the second phase of digital development will be completed and reported within the 2017 to 2018 commissioning cycle, although the final report and feedback to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will fall into quarter 1 of 2018 to 2019.

If you would like to contribute to the exploration of user needs during the alpha phase, or know of a team in another team locally that may provide useful insight, please contact us at: [email protected].

Compendium of case studies and examples

The programme management team has recruited a project manager to develop a major resource to assist in the use and application of the PHSKF. Since November 2017, we have been working on the clearly defined components of the compendium. This will be published in a variety of forms, as best suited to the product.

Draft resources will be consulted on shortly, and it will be clear by that point how it will be available to organisations and individuals across the UK.

An agreement with the DHSC is in place for this work to be delivered by the end of Q1, 2018 to 2019. The ‘compendium’ will reference examples from different parts of the UK and different sectors including:

  • skills audits at individual or team level
  • indicative role templates for core workforce roles, for example, health protection practitioner, health visitor, community based workers
  • role profiles for the wider workforce
  • mapping of education and training curricula to public health functions

If you would like to share an example of how you have used the PHSKF in your team or organisation, please contact: [email protected].

Ambassador training webinars via Skype

As a means of engaging workers across the UK and developing a network of Framework advocates, an Ambassador role has been created. Individuals are invited to act as leads for the PHSKF in their respective teams and organisations. They are also encouraged to develop a network of PHSKF Champions within their organisations to assist with the cascade of information and socialisation of the Framework.

A series of Ambassador webinars are scheduled every year, with a supporting video:


The next Ambassador webinars will be:

  • Tuesday 17 September 2019, 2pm to 3pm

  • Thursday 7 November 2019, 11am to midday

  • Wednesday 15 January 2020, 3pm to 4pm

For joining details, please contact: [email protected].

We can also offer bespoke webinars for organisations or sectors, please contact: [email protected] to enquire about this opportunity.


Any comments or feedback on any aspect of the PHSKF and associated developments can be sent to: [email protected]

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