Rating Cost Guide, for valuations prepared on the contractor’s basis
The 2010 Rating Lists Guide helps valuers to assess the estimated replacement cost (ERC) and adjusted replacement cost (ARC): cost £900 on CD.
The 2010 guide provides levels of costs at the valuation date of 1 April 2008.
You can order the guide on CD at a cost of £900 from:
Email: [email protected]
Information Management and Disclosure
Valuation Office Agency
Wingate House
93/107 Shaftesbury Avenue
The 2010 Rating Lists Cost Guide has been prepared for the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and Scottish Assessors Association (SAA) for valuations on the contractor’s basis. It is not intended for use for other purposes such as the preparation of asset or insurance valuations.
It is intended to be used to assess the estimated replacement cost (ERC) of the hereditament at stage 1 of the contractor’s basis of valuation. It also provides guidance for adjustments to be made at stage 2 to assess the adjusted replacement cost (ARC).
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information given in the guide, the VOA and SAA do not in any way accept liability for loss of any kind resulting from the use made by any person of such information.