Scottish Islands Renewable Project: Final Report
Final Report into the Scottish Islands Renewable Project
DECC and Scottish Government appointed Baringa and TNEI to undertake an independent study to assess the potential of, and barriers to, the development of renewables on the Sottish Islands.
An intergovernmental steering group was established in October 2012 with representatives from the island communities, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and transmission companies with Ofgem as an observer. The group guided and assisted the work.
The report:
Assesses the potential of renewable generation on the Scottish islands and the possible contribution to renewables targets and longer term decarbonisation objectives.
Calculates the levelised costs of renewable generation on the Scottish islands in comparison with other renewable and low carbon energy generation
Describes the socio-economic and wider benefits of renewable generation on the islands
Assesses the key challenges faced by large scale deployment of renewables on the Scottish Islands.
Provides policy options to meet the identified barriers to deployment.
The analysis and the policy options identified are independent, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the UK or Scottish Government.
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