
Sexual health, reproductive health and HIV in England: a guide to local and national data

Updated 17 July 2024

This document is a guide to sources of local and national data related to sexual health, reproductive health and HIV for England.

It is intended as a resource for statutory or voluntary organisations concerned with policy planning and development, commissioning services, the management of sexual health interventions and monitoring and investigating the burden of diagnoses.

This guide has been developed to provide health professionals including local government, service providers and commissioners with the primary information they require to understand the sexual and reproductive health data that is available and how the data can be accessed. It includes data collected by UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and other organisations.

Finding and accessing sexual health data

The sections below are sources of local and national data related to sexual health, reproductive health and HIV for England.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Source: UKHSA

A range of indicators are produced by UKHSA, including:

  • numbers and rates of STIs
  • breakdowns by population characteristics such as sex, age and ethnicity
  • provision of services such as sexual health screening and vaccinations
  • patient flow such as attendance at services by patient residence
  • chlamydia screening (tests and diagnoses)
  • STI tests and diagnoses made through partner notification (sexual health service attendees

National resources

Several data sets are used as the basis of STI surveillance, including:

Official statistics for STI surveillance are released yearly in the:

Surveillance reports concerning specific infections:

Regional and local resources

Subnational information can be found via:


More information on syphilis:

Congenital syphilis

From 2020, the surveillance of congenital syphilis became part of the Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) programme. Data is collected through the Integrated Screening Outcomes Surveillance Service (ISOSS) and is used by the IDPS to monitor performance, review all positive cases and identify new areas for further audit and research.

Find out more information on the diagnosis, management, surveillance and epidemiology of syphilis.

Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)

Since 2011, most cases of LGV diagnosed in sexual health services are reported through GUMCAD. LGV surveillance also uses laboratory reported data from Modular Open Laboratory Information System (MOLIS), the Second Generation Surveillance System (SGSS) and CTAD. Epidemiological reports using this data have been published on UKHSA website. LGV surveillance data is included in RESTI dashboards (access is restricted to registered users).

Find out more information on the characteristics, diagnosis and epidemiology of LGV.


Shigella is a gastro-intestinal infection caused by ingestion of shigella bacteria via contaminated food, water, contaminated surfaces or during sexual contact. Shigella is a notifiable infection and surveillance is based on laboratory reporting. Epidemiological methods, reports and surveillance data is published on the UKHSA website and in the SRH Profiles.

Find out more information on the diagnosis, management and epidemiology of shigellosis (bacillary dysentery).


Source: UKHSA

UKHSA produces a variety of HIV information resources including the following:

  • reports of first HIV diagnoses, AIDS at HIV diagnosis and deaths
  • recently acquired HIV infection
  • CD4 cell count measures and late HIV diagnoses
  • diagnosed HIV prevalence
  • people seen for HIV care
  • uptake of HIV testing in Sexual Health Service attendees
  • breakdowns by population characteristics
  • HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) need and use

National resources

Official statistics for HIV surveillance are released yearly in the annual HIV data tables. HIV PrEP need and use in England data tablesHIV action plan monitoring and evaluation framework

Regional and local resources

Subnational information is also available via:

Alongside the official statistics report, annual HIV data tables and accompanying slide sets, UKHSA produce several other data and information resources.

The HIV Action Plan monitoring and evaluation framework measures progress towards achieving the interim ambitions of England’s government’s HIV Action Plan 2022 to 2025 to reduce HIV transmission by 80%, AIDS diagnoses by 50% and HIV-related deaths by 50% by 2025. The monitoring and evaluation framework sets out key HIV prevention indicators and targets that need to be met if the ambitions of the HIV Action Plan are to be realised. Five themes were developed, with an accompanying set of indicators, each covering a key aspect of HIV prevention and care.

Additional information is given in the following reports:

Find out more information on the surveillance, epidemiology and management of HIV.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

AMR in Neisseria gonorrhoeae

An annual report on the surveillance of AMR in N. gonorrhoeae includes data from GRASP, SGSS and isolates referred to the Sexually Transmitted Infections Reference Laboratory. GRASP, a national sentinel surveillance programme, reports annually on drug resistance and decreased susceptibility in gonorrhoea in England and Wales.

Find out more information on gonorrhoea and GRASP.

AMR in Mycoplasma genitalium

The Mycoplasma genitalium Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (MARS) programme monitors the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in M. genitalium and provides an evidence base to inform treatment guidelines and public health intervention strategies.

Find out more information and the latest findings from MARS.

STI and HIV publication schedule

Statistic Timing and frequency
Annual STI and chlamydia official statistics release. Updated annually in June or July.

The exact date is announced on the UK statistical release calendar.
Quarterly provisional data on STIs and chlamydia. Updated quarterly in:

• July (January to March data)
• September (April to June data)
• December (July to September data)
• June (October to December data with the annual release)
Annual HIV official statistics release. Updated annually in October or November.

The exact date is announced on the UK statistical release calendar.

The GUMCAD (GUMCAD STI Surveillance System) and CTAD (CTAD Chlamydia Surveillance System) quarterly data is available 3 months after the end of each calendar quarter. These data extracts should be considered as provisional and are subject to revision.

Quarterly data is only accessible through the HIV and STI Data Exchange or via local UKHSA offices (contact email address can be found in Appendix 2).

Data release dates will be announced on the UK statistical release calendar.

Sexual and reproductive health

Contraception in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services

Source: NHSE (formerly provided by NHS Digital)

NHSE produces the following official statistics yearly on:

  • number of attendances at SRH services
  • breakdowns by primary methods of contraception, such as oral contraception and long-acting reversible contraception (LARC)
  • provision of emergency contraception
  • breakdowns by population characteristics
  • cross boundary use of services such as local authority and service providers
  • for general practitioner (GP) prescribed contraception

National resources

There are 3 sources of national data produced by NHSE

  • annual sexual and reproductive health services report
  • data tables
  • anonymised record-level dataset

Regional and local resources

Subnational information is presented in the following resources:

Conceptions including teenage pregnancy

Sources: Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

Conception statistics include maternities (number of pregnant women who give birth) and abortions. Conceptions do not include miscarriages or illegal abortions but do include the following:

  • numbers, rates and the percentage leading to abortion
  • analyses by age, area of usual residence of woman and marital status
  • numbers and rates of conceptions to females aged 17 years and under
  • numbers and rates of conceptions to females aged 16 years and under
  • numbers and rates of deliveries to teenage mothers aged 17 years and under

National resources

The data is published by ONS and OHID who produce quarterly statistics and annual statistics.

Regional and local resources

Subnational information is presented in the:


Sources: OHID and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

Information on abortions is produced by OHID and the DHSC, including:

  • abortions carried out under the terms of the Abortion Act 1967
  • overall number and rate of abortions
  • breakdown by characteristics such as age, marital status, ethnicity
  • breakdown by purchaser or provider and gestation
  • breakdowns by grounds for abortion and method of abortion

National resources

Data sets and publications relating to abortion statistics are available for England and Wales.

Regional and local resources

Subnational information can be found via:

GP prescribed contraception

Source: NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA)

The NHSBSA system provides detailed data on type of prescribing through a variety of tools (authorised and registered users). GP practice level data by month is available via the NHSBSA prescribing website. An indicator of GP prescribed LARC is also included in the SRH Profiles.

Further information can be found via:

Reproductive health complications

Sources: NHSE, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)

The following data is published by NHSE:

  • numbers and rates of pelvic inflammatory disease admissions to hospital
  • numbers and rates of ectopic pregnancy admissions to hospital

Further information can be found via:

Cervical screening

Sources: NHSE, OHID and National Disease Registration Service (NDRS)

The NHS cervical screening programme publish quarterly and annually data on:

  • number of women screened
  • proportion of eligible women screened
  • number of samples tested
  • testing outcomes
  • number of women referred to colposcopy
  • turnaround time for results

The Cancer Services profile tool contains data about a range of cancer services or outcomes, including:

  • cervical cancer
  • GP practice
  • primary care network
  • sub-integrated care board (sub-ICB)
  • integrated care board (ICB)
  • national level

Information on this profile is collated by the NDRS, which is part of NHSE.

National resources

Information can be found via:

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination

Source: UKHSA

The national HPV Immunisation Programme in England began in 2008. Initially, routine immunisation was offered to girls aged 12 and catch-up immunisation to girls aged 17 years and under. The programme was extended in 2019 to include boys aged 12 years and over.

Following a pilot that started in 2016, a national HPV vaccination programme was implemented in 2018 for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men aged 45 years and under who attend sexual health services and/or HIV treatment services. UKHSA publishes annual coverage data at local authority level.

National resources

Information is available on HPV vaccination programme for men who have sex with men (MSM).

Regional and local resources

Subnational information for vaccination coverage is presented in the SRH Profiles.

Female genital mutilation (FGM)

Source: NHSE and DHSC

The FGM Enhanced Dataset is a repository for individual level data collected by healthcare providers in England, including acute hospital providers, mental health providers and GP practices. Data collected includes:

  • patient demographics
  • clinical presentation
  • referral
  • details of treatment

Data is available at local authority and NHS Trust level.

Data should be submitted to the FGM Enhanced Datasets whenever a woman or girl has a treatment related to her FGM or gives birth to a baby girl and every time FGM is identified (by a clinician or self-reported), not just the first time.

National and subnational resources

Information is available via:

Other HIV and STI information tools and resources

Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles (SRH Profiles)

The SRH Profiles, also known as ‘Fingertips’, have been developed by UKHSA and OHID to support local authorities, public health leads and other healthcare professionals to monitor sexual and reproductive health of their population and the contribution of local public health related systems. The profiles are publicly available.

Interactive maps, charts and tables are used which enable users to quickly explore topics and the wider influences of factors, such as alcohol use on sexual health. The indicators are listed in Appendix 1.

The data is grouped into 6 domains:

  • key indicators
  • STI
  • HIV
  • reproductive health
  • teenage pregnancy
  • wider determinants of health

The following geographic breakdowns and comparisons are available:

  • national (England)
  • local authority (upper and lower tier)
  • regions, formerly known as Government Office Regions
  • UKHSA regions
  • nearest neighbour (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA))
  • deprivation decile (upper tier local authority)

Individual local authorities can be compared against other local authorities within a region. Local authorities can also be benchmarked against national data, health service goals and thresholds. Other features include the ability to compare the burden of disease and service performance within a local authority with that of its statistical nearest neighbours and comparing the direction of travel for key indicators using the ‘recent trend’ display feature.

SPLASH reports

The SPLASH reports provide a narrative and overview of the latest sexual and reproductive health data presented at local authority (upper tier, that is county and unitary authority). The SPLASH reports can be accessed through the ‘Reports’ data view in the SRH Profiles and are available to download for selected local authorities.

The information includes data from the SRH Profiles on:

  • STIs
  • HIV
  • conceptions in women aged 17 years and under
  • abortion
  • contraception

Maps showing distribution of STI diagnoses (excluding chlamydia in aged 24 years and under), chlamydia detection rate, HIV diagnosed prevalence and conceptions in aged 17 years and under are included in these reports.

SPLASH supplement reports

These reports complement the main SPLASH reports by presenting further breakdowns of data for an individual local authority (upper tier) by age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).

These reports can be accessed via the HIV and STI Data Exchange for registered users.

Power BI dashboards: national and local data

The STI Snapshot dashboard, produced by the RESTI team at UKHSA, provides a brief, timely insight into trends in STI diagnoses. It is only available to registered users internal to UKHSA. The dashboard shows trends of chlamydia, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhoea, shigella, LGV and monkeypox (mpox) diagnoses are presented for England and by UKHSA region, using laboratory surveillance data. This dashboard is updated monthly and registered users are notified of updates via email.

The RESTI team also maintains a Local Syphilis Metrics dashboard. This uses GUMCAD data to give a detailed insight into the local epidemiology of syphilis and information to facilitate more targeted service delivery. This dashboard is updated quarterly and registered users are notified of updates via email.

The STI Snapshot or Local Syphilis Metrics dashboards are restricted to approved, named users, such as colleagues working in health protection teams, UKHSA Field Services and sexual health facilitators. For more information on how to request access to the dashboards, contact the RESTI team at [email protected]

The HIV team at UKHSA maintains an HIV dashboard called the HIV Care Pathway, which is only available to colleagues in the Blood Safety, Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Infections Division and Programme Delivery and Service Improvement section. It provides data at local, regional and ICB level and supports the development of local HIV Action Plans through meetings with local stakeholders. For more information about the HIV Care Pathway, contact the HIV team at [email protected]

Real-time surveillance reports

The RESTI team produces a weekly surveillance report focusing on trends of sexually transmitted Shigella spp. in England and a monthly LGV sentinel report, which are distributed to a list UKHSA colleagues.

HIV and STI Data Exchange

The HIV and STI Data Exchange is a secure UKHSA web facility that provides the following reports based on data collected by the GUMCAD STI Surveillance System:

  • GUMCAD reports: dynamic data summaries based on user defined parameters for specific sexual health clinics, patient area of residence and time-period (from 2009 to most recent quarter available)
  • GUMCAD clinic reports: an annual report that includes a detailed data summary for each sexual health clinic (access is restricted to GUMCAD clinic reporters only)
  • SPLASH supplement reports: an annual report that gives breakdowns of selected sexual health indicators for each upper tier local authority and is available from the SRH Profiles

Access to the HIV and STI Data Exchange is restricted to named health professionals, such as sexual health commissioners within local authorities and GUMCAD data reporters. For more information, please contact [email protected]

HIV and STI Web Portal

The HIV and STI Web Portal is a secure UKHSA web facility that provides the following reports based on data collected by the CTAD Chlamydia Surveillance System.

CTAD automated reports

The reports can be produced for various geographical areas such as government office regions, UKHSA regions and centres and lower and upper tier local authorities. Data quality reports based on reporting laboratory and stratified by specimen date are also available.

Quarterly reports

The quarterly reports contain data on number of chlamydia tests and diagnoses reported by community-based testing, sexual health services and specialist STI-related care. Information on coverage, positivity and detection rate are available by gender, age, testing service type and ethnicity.

Laboratory data quality reports

Users can generate reports that explore the completion and accuracy of variables submitted by laboratories. As such they are an important part of quality and assurances processes.

Access to reports

Access to the HIV and STI Web Portal is restricted to named health professionals, such as sexual health commissioners within local authorities and CTAD data reporters. For more information, please contact [email protected]

Resources produced and maintained by other organisations

Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF)

The PHOF sets out a vision for public health to improve and protect the nation’s health and improve the health of the poorest fastest. The framework focuses on the 2 high level outcomes the DHSC wants to achieve across the public health system and beyond. These are increased healthy life expectancy and reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities.

The online data tool presents data for available indicators at England and lower or upper tier local authority levels, collated by UKHSA. It allows the same grouping and benchmarking options as the SRH Profiles. There is also a new inequalities domain that shows various national level inequality breakdowns for selected indicators (including the majority of those listed below). A list of indicators updated, for the most recent and previous releases, can be found in the PHOF collection.

The following sexual health indicators are included in the PHOF (domains shown in brackets):

  • conceptions in aged 17 years and under (Health Improvement)
  • chlamydia detection rate per 100,000 aged 15 to 24 years (female, male and persons) (Health Protection)
  • new STI diagnoses (excluding chlamydia aged 24 years and under) per 100,000 (Health Protection)
  • total prescribed LARC excluding injections rate (Health Improvement)
  • HIV late diagnosis in people first diagnosed with HIV in the UK (Health Protection)
  • population vaccine coverage for HPV (Health Protection)
  • crude rate of sexual offences per 1,000 population (Wider Determinants)

Data is published as part of a quarterly update cycle in August, November, February, and May. Exact dates are announced on the UK statistical release calendar and the PHOF website. Where available, data is presented for the most recent period with accompanying trend data where possible. Data for inequalities is also provided.

Reducing inequalities in Sexual Health (RiiSH)

The RiiSH survey (assessing the impact of lockdown on sex and service use among MSM in the UK) was undertaken by the National Institute for Health and Care Research funded Health Protection Research Unit in Blood Borne and Sexually Transmitted Infections at University College London, in collaboration with UKHSA. The study consisted of 2 online surveys (June to July and November to December 2020) which assessed the impact of lockdown on sex and service use among MSM in the UK. The results will inform public health messaging, support needs assessments for future public health planning and help mitigate risks to health among a population group disproportionately burdened by STIs and HIV.

National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal)

Natsal publishes information on key sexual behaviours, risk factors and trends over time. Three surveys have taken place: Natsal-1 in 1990 to 1991, Natsal-2 in 1999 to 2001 and Natsal-3 in 2010 to 2012. Natsal-4 interviews were held in 2022 to 2023.

Local Authority Health Profiles

The Local Authority Health Profiles provide an overview of health for each local authority in England. They pull together existing information in one place and contain data on a range of indicators for local populations, highlighting issues that can affect health in each locality. The profiles are intended as ‘conversation starters’ that help local government and health services make plans to improve the health of their local population and reduce health inequalities. The local authority specific reports are available to download and an online tool allows users to create bespoke analyses and reports.

Child and Maternal Health profiles

The Child and Maternal Health profiles presents data on factors related to the health and wellbeing of pregnant women, children and young people. These indicators are designed to help local authorities and health services improve the health and wellbeing of children and tackle health inequalities. The profiles are available for each upper tier local authority and for each clinical commissioning group in England.

Health Behaviour of School-aged Children (HBSC) England and national reports

This report presents the findings for England from the HBSC World Health Organization collaborative study. It includes an up-to-date view of adolescent health and wellbeing in England and includes an overview of trends in these areas (2002 to 2022).

Confidentiality and data sharing policies

Maintaining patient confidentiality is fundamental to the work of all organisations involved in the collection, processing, analysis and publication of sexual health data in England. Outputs are restricted and are disseminated in accordance with the data sharing policies of the organisations involved.

These are available at the following websites:

Appendix 1. Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles list of indicators

This list is correct as of May 2024. It is anticipated that new and revised indicators will be produced throughout the year. A notice will be added under the ‘Recent updates’ section of the front page.

Relevant indicators are listed below for each ‘Topic’ area available in the SRH Profiles tool. For further details of all the indicators available, please refer to the Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles.


The list of ‘STI’ indicators include:

  • syphilis diagnostic rate per 100,000
  • gonorrhoea diagnostic rate per 100,000
  • chlamydia detection rate per 100,000 aged 15 to 24 years (female) (PHOF indicator D02a)
  • chlamydia detection rate per 100,000 aged 15 to 24 years (male) (PHOF indicator D02a)
  • chlamydia detection rate per 100,000 aged 15 to 24 years (persons) (PHOF indicator D02a)
  • chlamydia proportion of females aged 15 to 24 screened
  • chlamydia diagnostic rate per 100,000
  • chlamydia diagnostic rate per 100,000 aged 25 years and older
  • genital warts diagnostic rate per 100,000
  • genital herpes diagnosis rate per 100,000
  • mycoplasma genitalium diagnostic rate per 100,000
  • trichomoniasis diagnostic rate per 100,000
  • all new STI diagnosis rate per 100,000
  • new STI diagnoses (excluding chlamydia aged under 25) per 100,000 (PHOF indicator D02b)
  • STI testing rate (excluding chlamydia aged under 25) per 100,000
  • STI testing positivity (excluding chlamydia aged under 25)
  • sexually transmitted Shigella spp. per 100,000 adult male population
  • population vaccination coverage for one dose (12 to 13 year old) (female)


The list of ‘HIV’ indicators include:

  • HIV testing coverage, total
  • HIV testing coverage, gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
  • HIV testing coverage, men
  • HIV testing coverage, women
  • repeat HIV testing in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
  • proportion of TB notifications offered an HIV test (Tuberculosis (TB) Strategy Monitoring Indicators)
  • infectious diseases in pregnancy screening: HIV Coverage (PHOF indicator C24h)
  • new HIV diagnosis rate per 100,000
  • new HIV diagnoses among persons first diagnosed in the UK rate per 100,000
  • HIV late diagnosis in people first diagnosed with HIV in the UK (PHOF indicator D07)
  • HIV late diagnosis in people first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
  • HIV late diagnosis in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
  • HIV late diagnosis in heterosexual men first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
  • HIV late diagnosis in heterosexual and bisexual women first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
  • HIV late diagnosis in people who inject drugs first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
  • HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000 aged 15 to 59
  • HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000
  • determining PrEP need
  • initiation or continuation of PrEP among those with PrEP need
  • prompt antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation in people newly diagnosed with HIV
  • antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage in people accessing HIV care
  • virological success in adults accessing HIV care

Reproductive Health

The list of ‘Reproductive Health’ indicators include:

  • total abortion rate per 1,000
  • under 25s repeat abortions (%)
  • under 25s abortion after a birth (%)
  • over 25s abortion rate per 1,000
  • abortions under 10 weeks (%)
  • abortions under 10 weeks that are medical (%)
  • total prescribed LARC excluding injections rate per 1,000
  • GP prescribed LARC excluding injections rate per 1,000
  • SRH Services prescribed LARC excluding injections rate per 1,000
  • women prescribed short acting combined hormonal contraception in GP practices: rate per 1,000
  • women prescribed short acting combined hormonal contraception at SRH services: rate per 1,000
  • women prescribed progesterone only pill in GP practices: rate per 1,000
  • women prescribed progesterone only pill at SRH services: rate per 1,000
  • women prescribed injectable contraception in GP practices: rate per 1,000
  • women prescribed injectable contraception at SRH services: rate per 1,000
  • under 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH services (%)
  • over 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH services (%)
  • women choose injections at SRH services (%)
  • women choose user-dependent methods at SRH services (%)
  • women choose hormonal short-acting contraceptives at SRH services (%)
  • under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate per 1,000 – females
  • under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate per 1,000 – males
  • pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) admissions rate per 100,000
  • ectopic pregnancy admissions rate per 100,000
  • under 18s births rate per 1,000

Teenage Pregnancy

The list of ‘Teenage Pregnancy’ indicators include:

  • under 18s conception rate per 1,000
  • under 16s conception rate per 1,000
  • under 18s conceptions leading to abortion (%)
  • under 18s abortion rate per 1,000
  • under 18s birth rate per 1,000
  • teenage mothers

Wider Determinants of Health

The list of ‘Wider Determinants of Health’ indicators include:

  • admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions – under 18s
  • percentage people living in 20% most deprived areas in England
  • children in absolute low income families (under 16s)
  • children in relative low income families (under 16s)
  • average Attainment 8 score
  • pupil absence
  • first time entrants to the youth justice system
  • violent crime – sexual offences per 1,000 population

Appendix 2. Contacts for information enquiries and requests

National contacts

Team Email
SRH Profiles [email protected]
General HIV and STI enquiries [email protected]
GUMCAD [email protected]
RESTI [email protected]
GRASP [email protected]
HIV [email protected]
CTAD [email protected]
Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD) (current collection) [email protected]
SRHAD (collection development) [email protected]
Abortions [email protected]
Conceptions [email protected]

Regional contacts

For HIV and STI related enquiries, please contact the local UKHSA Field Services office.

Region Email
East of England [email protected]
East Midlands [email protected]
London [email protected]
North East [email protected]
North West [email protected]
South East [email protected]
South West [email protected]
West Midlands [email protected]
Yorkshire and Humber [email protected]

Reproductive health, wider determinant and other relevant issues contacts

Please contact OHID at, or the following Local Knowledge and Intelligence Service (LKIS) regional teams.

Region Email
East of England [email protected]
London [email protected]
Midlands [email protected]
North East and Yorkshire [email protected]
North West [email protected]
South East [email protected]
South West [email protected]


Prepared by: Ian Simms, Katy Sinka, Gareth Hughes, Debbie Mou, Sarah Murdoch, Claire Edmundson and contributors on behalf of the UKHSA Integrated Sexual Health Data Group.

Suggested citation

UKHSA Integrated Sexual Health Data Group. Sexual health, reproductive health and HIV in England: a guide to local and national data. May 2024, UK Health Security Agency, London