
Catalonia: domestic violence support organisations

Updated 23 May 2024

Catalonia: domestic violence support organisations

National contact numbers

Emergency Telephone Number: 112

Helpline: 016

Immediate 24-hour information, advice and assistance

Phone: 016 / Text: 900 116 016

Email: [email protected]


Organisation Telephone number Address Email Services offered
AADAS 934 87 57 60 Ctra. de la Bordeta 58-60, local. 08014 Barcelona [email protected] Assistance to women victims of sexual violence
Hospital Clinic 932 27 54 00 C. de Villarroel, 170, 08036 Barcelona   Reference hospital for all adult victims of sexual and gender based violence
Línea de Atención Contra la Violencia Machista 900 900 120   [email protected] For any enquiries about gender based violence
Instituto Catalan de la Mujer (ICD) 93 495 16 00 Plaça de Pere Coromines, 1, 08001 Barcelona    
Servicios de Intervención Especializada en Violencia Machista (SIE)   Locate the closest office to you   Specialised information, attention and recovery for women (and their children) that are suffering different types of gender-based violence
Servicios de información y atención (SIA)   Locate the closest office to you   Service offers information on any topic (health, work, housing…) related to women and can link you into the specialized services in your territory
Mossos de Esquadra 601001122   This is not an emergency line. For emergency assistance please call 112 The Catalan police offers (24h 365 days) advice and resolves questions that gender violence victims may have
Dones Juristes 933220617 Ripoll, 25, 08002 Barcelona, Distrito Ciutat Vella [email protected] Legal advice and representation for victims of domestic abuse


HELPLINE for Women in Aragón

Tel: +34 900 504 405

24 hours public service for victims of gender violence.

Instituto Aragonés Mujer

Free and public assistance service available to victims of domestic violence. They offer free tailored guidance and assistance.

Area Address Telephone number Email
Instituto Aragonés Mujer Zaragoza Paseo María Agustín, Nº 16, 5ª planta, 50071 Zaragoza Telf. 976 716 720 [email protected]
Instituto Aragonés Mujer Huesca C/ Joaquín Costa, Nº 26 (bajos), 22002 Huesca Telf. 974 247 322 [email protected]
Instituto Aragonés Mujer Teruel C/ San Vicente de Paúl, Nº 1, planta 1ª (edificio Casa Blanca), 44071 Teruel Telf. 978 641 050 [email protected]