Arwystl statudol: nodi blaenoriaeth or-redol (SC)
Ffurflen gais SC i nodi blaenoriaeth or-redol arwystl statudol.
Yn berthnasol i Gymru a Loegr
Defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon os ydych am wneud cofnod sy’n honni bod gan arwystl statudol flaenoriaeth dros arwystl cofrestredig sy’n bodoli.
Ffi a chyfeiriad
Anfonwch y ffurflen wedi ei llenwi gyda’r ffi gywir i’n cyfeiriad safonol.
Updates to this page
Cyhoeddwyd ar 24 Hydref 2012Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 25 Mai 2018 + show all updates
We added a guidance note about our personal information charter, which explains how we process customer data. We also added a guidance note to explain that only professional customers will have a key number.
We have added a side note to panel 6 as a result of a change in our procedures. From 11 January 2016 we will change how we send warning of cancellation letters and what they contain.
Advice as to the completion of the form has been added
Added translation