
UK Chief Medical Officers' physical activity guidelines communications framework

A framework for UK and devolved government administrations, public health agencies and partners to develop messaging for the CMOs' physical activity guidelines.


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Os ydych chi'n defnyddio technoleg gynorthwyol (er enghraifft, rhaglen darllen sgrin) a bod angen fersiwn o'r ddogfen hon arnoch mewn fformat mwy hygyrch, e-bostiwch [email protected]. Rhowch wybod i ni pa fformat sydd ei angen arnoch. Bydd yn ein helpu ni os byddwch chi'n dweud pa dechnoleg gynorthwyol rydych chi'n ei defnyddio.


The communications framework provides guidance for the UK and devolved government administrations on how to communicate the UK CMOs’ physical activity guidelines to key professionals and practitioners who are required to know, understand and apply the guidelines in practice.

The framework also recognises the role of system enablers – those who can support policy and infrastructure developments that enable the guidelines to be implemented.

The framework covers:

  • situational and stakeholder analysis
  • development of communications aims and messaging
  • identification of communication channels
  • implementation and measures

The framework aims to support communications to stakeholders within and outside the health sector, and professionals and practitioners from:

  • healthcare (GPs, nursing, midwives, health visitors)
  • social care (social workers, care workers)
  • education sector (head teachers, teachers, early years workers)
  • physical activity sector (fitness instructors, personal trainers, sports coaches)

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Cyhoeddwyd ar 24 Mawrth 2023

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