Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024
Published 6 June 2024
Applies to England
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About these statistics
This is a monthly publication by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) of official statistics on adult social care in England. Official statistics are produced in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and the Code of Practice for Statistics, and meet high standards of trustworthiness, quality and public value.
These statistics are assessed regularly and any improvements in quality are incorporated accordingly at the next available opportunity. The scope of the data included in this publication is also assessed to ensure the value of these statistics is maintained. Data collection may change in response to shifts in priorities, leading to corresponding adjustments in this bulletin’s reporting.
This statistical bulletin provides an overview on a range of information on social care settings. We are transforming the content of the publication to capture a broader social care picture and to utilise new data as it becomes available. Details of new data and content can be found in the ‘Publication updates’ section, below.
This report provides information on:
- occupancy levels in care homes at national, regional and local authority level
- visiting in care homes at national, regional and local authority level
- staff absence rates due to COVID-19 in care homes and domiciliary care at national, regional and local authority level
Data on occupancy and visiting in care homes and staff absence in care settings in this publication is taken from Capacity Tracker. Capacity Tracker is a web-based digital insight tool originally developed by NHS England and the Better Care Fund to enable the system to better manage hospital discharges by identifying available capacity in care homes. It enables care homes to share their vacancies in real time, meaning hospital discharge teams and other health professionals can rapidly search availability throughout England. Since spring 2020, the tool has also been used by DHSC to gather COVID-19-related data to help monitor the sector’s response to the pandemic.
For more information on data sources, the data previously published as part of this report and other published sources of adult social care data, see the background quality and methodology for these statistics.
Publication updates
Updates to current report
Official statistics in development: digital social care records (DSCRs)
Statistics on estimated uptake of DSCRs were published for the first time by DHSC in April 2024 as official statistics in development and will be updated on a quarterly basis. For the latest DSCR figures, see the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: April 2024 report.
Official statistics in development: client level data
Statistics from client level data (CLD) were published for the first time in this report in March 2024 as official statistics in development and will be updated on a quarterly basis. For the latest CLD figures, see the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: March 2024 report.
Updates on future reports
The next publication will be released on 11 July 2024. Dates for future publications will be announced on the GOV.UK publication release calendar.
Main points
This section discusses the main points of interest from the data tables, available on the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024 page. For further detailed analysis on this data, see the ‘Further analysis’ section below.
As of the week ending 14 May 2024:
- 86.1% of beds in care homes were occupied
- 11.0% of beds in care homes were vacant and admittable
- 2.9% of beds in care homes were vacant and non-admittable
From February 2024 onwards, care home occupancy is calculated based on care homes that were active according to the most recent CQC registration data update in Capacity Tracker at the end of that month’s reporting window.
For more information, see the background quality and methodology for these statistics.
Figure 1: percentage of occupied, vacant and admittable, and vacant and non-admittable care home beds, England, 16 January 2023 to 14 May 2024
Rates of occupied beds, vacant and admittable beds, and vacant and non-admittable beds have remained stable over the January 2023 to May 2024 period.
Source: Capacity Tracker
This data can be found in table 4 of the accompanying ‘Occupancy, visiting and workforce statistics, June 2024: data tables’ on the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024 page, in addition to data by region and local authority.
Visiting in care homes
In the week ending 14 May 2024, 99.8% of care homes in England were able to accommodate residents receiving visitors. This figure has been stable since September 2022.
Figure 2: percentage of care homes accommodating or limiting visits for residents, England, 4 January 2022 to 14 May 2024
The proportion of care homes accommodating visiting for residents has broadly increased since mid January 2022 with the exception of slight decreases in early April 2022 and early July 2022. This number has stabilised since September 2022.
Source: Capacity Tracker
Note: the dotted lines in this chart represent the implementation of the changes in care home visiting guidance or changes to the visiting question in Capacity Tracker:
- A: from 31 January 2022, no limits on the number of named visitors, with testing and guidance to support safe visiting in place
- B: from 4 April 2022, no restrictions on visitation in care homes. Every care home resident should have one visitor who can visit in all circumstances (including during periods of isolation and outbreak)
- C: from 4 July 2022, the visiting questions in Capacity Tracker changed so care homes were asked whether residents had been allowed visits in or out of the care home in the last month, instead of in the last 7 days
- D: from 31 July 2022, providers are mandated to submit data on visiting on a monthly basis. From August 2022 onwards, the data points in this graph are monthly instead of weekly
This data can be found in table 1 of the accompanying ‘Occupancy, visiting and workforce statistics, June 2024: data tables’ on the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024 page, in addition to data by region and local authority.
Staff absences due to COVID-19
In the week ending 14 May 2024, 0.1% of care home staff and 0.2% of domiciliary care staff were absent due to COVID-19-related reasons.
This proportion decreased for domiciliary care staff and stayed the same for care home staff in the last month.
Figure 3: percentage of staff absent due to COVID-19-related reasons, England, 4 January 2022 to 14 May 2024
Since the peak of 2.9% in January 2022, there have been 2 further spikes in care home staff absence rates, in late March 2022 and mid July 2022. For domiciliary care absence, following a peak of 4.8% in January 2022, there have been a further 3 spikes, in late March 2022, mid July 2022 and mid October 2022.
From November 2022 to April 2023, absence rates due to COVID-19-related reasons remained broadly stable in both care homes and domiciliary care settings, and decreased between April and June 2023. Between June 2023 and March 2024, absence rates remained the same among care home staff, and decreased slightly in April 2024. Between June and October 2023, absence rates broadly increased among domiciliary care staff and decreased in November 2023. From November 2023 to February 2024, absence rates among domiciliary care staff remained the same, before decreasing slightly in March 2024 and again in May 2024.
Source: Capacity Tracker
- the proportion of staff absent due to COVID-19-related reasons is not comparable across care settings
- the dotted line in these charts represents the move to monthly reporting after the start of the mandatory data provision implemented on 31 July 2022. From August 2022 onwards, the data points in these graphs are monthly instead of weekly
This data can be found in tables 2 and 3 of the accompanying ‘Occupancy, visiting and workforce statistics, June 2024: data tables’ on the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024 page, in addition to data by region and local authority.
Further analysis
Occupancy in care homes
Data on occupancy and response rates can be found in tables 4 and 8 of the accompanying ‘Occupancy, visiting and workforce statistics, June 2024: data tables’ on the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024 page.
As noted above, from February 2024 onwards, care home occupancy is based on care homes that were active as of the most recent CQC registration data update in Capacity Tracker at the end of that month’s reporting window.
For more information, see the background quality and methodology for these statistics.
Accommodating COVID-safe visitation in care homes
In the week ending 14 May 2024, 99.8% of care homes in England were able to accommodate visits in or out of the care home for residents in all circumstances during the last month. This is the same as in the week ending 15 April 2024. This proportion has shown little variation since September 2022.
Since 31 July 2022, this question is part of the subset of data that providers are mandated to submit on a monthly basis. For more information, see the background quality and methodology for these statistics.
Adult social care workforce
In care homes
Absence rates in care homes stayed the same over the last month. In the week ending 14 May 2024, 0.1% of care home staff were absent due to COVID-19-related reasons.
Care home staff absence related to COVID-19 reached a peak of 2.9% in the week ending 11 January 2022 and has remained below 1.0% since August 2022.
Data on absences and response rates can be found in tables 2 and 6, respectively, of the accompanying ‘Occupancy, visiting and workforce statistics, June 2024: data tables’ on the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024 page.
In domiciliary care
Absence rates in domiciliary care settings are not directly comparable with those in residential care homes.
In the week ending 14 May 2024, 0.2% of domiciliary care staff were absent due to COVID-19 reasons. This figure has decreased since the week ending 15 April 2024, when 0.3% of domiciliary care staff were absent due to COVID-19-related reasons.
Data on absences and response rates can be found in tables 3 and 7 of the accompanying ‘Occupancy, visiting and workforce statistics, June 2024: data tables’ on the Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024 page.
For more information, see the background quality and methodology for these statistics.
Care home
Facilities providing residential care. The data in this bulletin refers to Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered care homes.
Older adult care homes
Care homes serving any older people (aged 65 and over) as identified from the latest CQC data on care homes in the ‘older people service’ user band. A small number of residents within care homes serving older people may be aged under 65.
Younger adult care homes
Care homes not serving any older people (aged 65 and over) as identified from the latest CQC data on care homes in the ‘older people service’ user band.
Domiciliary care
Services providing personal care for people living in their own homes. The data in this bulletin refers to domiciliary staff employed by independent CQC-registered providers.
Unless specified, staff can refer to staff directly employed by a provider and/or through an agency.
Active Capacity Tracker locations
Care homes which have a CQC active status, excluding those with a current dormancy start date.
Vacant and admittable beds
Beds which are vacant and available to accept an admission on the day of data submission, as self-reported by care providers in Capacity Tracker.
Vacant and non-admittable beds
Beds which are vacant but not available for admission on the day of data submission, as self-reported by care providers in Capacity Tracker. This includes the number of beds which are vacant and reserved.
About this data
These statistics are being published as a part of a wider landscape of statistics on adult social care. The Government Statistical Service compiles a UK adult social care database of official statistics on adult social care across the 4 nations of the UK. This is updated on a monthly basis.
The UK Statistics Authority conducted a review of adult social care statistics in England, which called for:
- better leadership and collaboration across different organisations publishing official statistics. This publication has been produced in collaboration with other statistics providers of COVID-19 adult social care data and DHSC will endeavour to work with various stakeholders as more data is published through this publication
- addressing of gaps in available data, particularly in privately funded care. This bulletin aims to plug some of that gap by including data on residents privately funding their care in addition to those funded by local authorities
- improving existing official statistics. Statistics derived from Capacity Tracker are badged as official statistics and more data will be added iteratively based on user needs
Data sources
Data on occupancy and visiting in care homes, staff absence and vaccinations is taken from self-reported data submitted by care providers in England through a data collection and insight tool called Capacity Tracker. From 31 July 2022, this data is part of the subset of data that providers are mandated to submit on a monthly basis.
More detailed information about data sources can be found in the background quality and methodology for these statistics. This document also includes detailed information on:
- data coverage
- data quality
- relevance
- accuracy and reliability
- timeliness and punctuality
- comparability and coherence
- accessibility and clarity
- cost and burden
Any revisions to past publications will be in line with DHSC’s revision policy and highlighted in future publications accordingly.