Adult tier 2 weight management services provisional data for quarter 1 and quarter 2, 2021 to 2022 (experimental statistics)
Provisional data from the adult tier 2 behavioural weight management services data collection from quarter 1 and 2 of the 2021 to 2022 financial year.
Applies to England
This official statistics data release covers the period from April to June 2021 (quarter 1) and July to September 2021 (quarter 2), with data included submitted by 31 December 2021.
Published tables show counts of participants in adult tier 2 weight management services by variables such as:
- demographic characteristics
- socioeconomic status
- health status
- weight management service information
- commissioning local authority
Data is also presented for the following measures:
- percentage of referrals which lead to enrolments
- percentage of individuals enrolled in the active intervention from high risk groups
Additional quarters of data will be published routinely. Previously published data may be updated as new data is retrospectively submitted. With more data available further breakdowns and analysis to assess the effectiveness of weight management services will be possible in future releases.
This data is provisional and published as experimental statistics. OHID is seeking feedback on the data tables from users and stakeholders to improve the quality and useability of the data. We welcome any feedback via [email protected].